Crusader Kings

I'm on my fifth playthrough of the game, 597 hours in total. The first four playthroughs were as various Pagan and Muslim faiths. I never once saw anything about a heresy appear in game. This time around I decided to start as a Catholic and establish a new Christian faith. I've already been given two separate prompts asking me if I want to convert to the Cathar heresy, and then later my new Christian faith was declared a heresy and about six random rulers throughout Europe decided to convert to my faith without any input from me. Seems like heresies are a big deal when you start as a European Catholic but I had no idea they even existed before this. I tried reading up on it and it seems like heresies occur when Fervor is too low. Does anyone know if heresies can occur in other religions? I usually don't pay close attention to Fervor, so I'm not sure if it's a Christian-exclusive mechanic, or if Catholicism just happens to be one of the only faiths with such a swingy Fervor score.


I'm absolutely loving CK3 and wondering if anyone can recommend something similar for me. I'm looking for games with personal character-based role-playing, where you can influence and customize your culture, religion and government. I like light-to-moderate strategy elements, but I'm more interested in the world-building and immersion. I don't mind whether it's a historical setting or not. Looking forward to hearing your favorite recommendations! Thanks in advance!


This event randomly popped up while I was playing. My character is the Sunni Caliph. I have a custom faith with the **Pacifism** tenet; I thought I needed **Struggle and Submission** to initiate Great Holy Wars at all. Also, why would I need to "retake" the core regions when my faith already controls all five holy sites? And why didn't I have any decision or input if my own character is the one declaring an era of renewed Jihad? This is bizarre.


I want to seize important territory from a significantly stronger ruler. Using one of the Intrigue perks, I've managed to abduct his primary heir. While I work on bolstering my army, I figured I'd ask if you all know the answer to this. Will I start out with +50 War Score for having his primary heir as my prisoner? Or does it only count prisoners taken during the war? Follow-up question, is there any way to exploit a hook against the enemy ruler in the war? I'm in the middle of a scheme to fabricate a hook against him but I'm not certain how I should use it.