FFXIV Online

Just want to get this out somewhere. This is my first MMO with raiding and I'm in a mediumish static for it (not endgame prog). There's a core group and the rest of us hop in as we're able/interested. I figured at first I just sucked (which tbf I wasn't great at start, I've put a lot of effort into getting better at the game to not be a burden on the static), but I've had a lot more success raiding with PUGs. Issues: - Mechanics and our chosen solutions are rarely explained on call. I do try to read up ahead of time to understand the mechanics, but the group isn't usually using the same strategy (I start with the wiki and then search for other guides from there if I'm still not understanding something so I don't think I'm looking at weird, unconventional mechanics solutions). Different solutions from what I read is fine, they're just never said anywhere in group. Far as I can tell the "core" group has usually talked about them prior to raid and doesn't fill the rest of us in. We did a raid I really wanted to make sure I was following our group solutions for so asked for what guide we were using ahead of time, was given a video with the caveat "we changed some things". The video didn't really explain the mechanics well for me (was kind of just if you're X role go here at this time, then there at this time, not how the mechanics worked) and when we got in instance the changes (which had to do with my role in one part) weren't explained to me. - When I ask questions about mechanics/solutions usually I don't get an answer or it's very vague (just make sure you're at your position kind of stuff). I'm not asking about every single mechanic, if I ask about anything it's usually just one I'm not being able to match up with a guide (usually because we've changed something and it was never explained to me). Waymarkers also aren't usually explained to me even if I specifically ask what they're for (not asking basic waymarkers like clock positions, if the waymark pattern is a random looking Z though I kind of want to know which ones match which mechanics). - If I make any suggestions/requests (can we have a waymarker for X because several of us aren't meeting this positional, can we actually stack for the personal aoes like we keep saying instead of loosely congregating in the area of the waymarker and fucking over anyone not standing outermost) it's usually brushed off/ignored. They're a nice group and definitely better players than me, just getting super frustrated at this point cause I've tried a ton of stuff on my end to deal with the lack of communication between over communicating on my end (kind of hard cause there's a lot of chat on call, but if I'm not getting something I try to insist we cut the chat so I can get the mechanic, just same issue with not getting a good answer), researching even if the core group says they want to do a "blind" prog cause I know nothing will be explained even if I ask, gitting gud at my job (know my rotation/uptime/if I know mechanics and our solutions I'm pretty good about being in position and resolving). In PUGs I have people ask and can ask myself "hey I'm not getting X mechanic, how's that work?" and it's not an issue... If none of us know we go look it up quick and then talk out how we want to handle it ("it's a tether with a line attack so anyone who gets it wants to be in general X area out of the way, just make sure you don't clip the tank and everyone else stay out of that area"). Overall not the end of the world, just the only group I've found that does not-endgame raiding on my dc (not at endgame yet) and I want to get better at raiding so a bit frustrating.


Things might have hit a plateau in game but we got our first look over the weekend at what's coming in 7.1! New alliance raids, a new alliance raid difficulty, custom deliveries, the next quests in the role quests, and of course the next part of the MSQ, just to name a few! So for this week's recap, what did you accomplish this week in game, and what part of the 7.1 patch are you most looking forward to?


Courtesy of @KaiyokoStar on Twitter/X https://fxtwitter.com/kaiyokostar/status/1839662102350319667


It's time for the reset recap! We've got a live letter to look forward to later this week where we get our first look at what patch 7.1 will be bringing. What is your prediction on what we're going to see? How have you been getting ready for the release of 7.1? Have you gotten everything you want from the current patch yet? Let us know how your week in Eorzea has gone!


Courtesy of @KaiyokoStar on Twitter/X https://fxtwitter.com/kaiyokostar/status/1837069513512096048


I'm in the process of putting together an Aerith glam for my white mage (cause I can't possibly start playing a new job unless I've got a glam for it I like 😂). I'm largely done with it but I'm trying to find a good weapon for it. Most white mage weapons are cane style weapons that have a decorative thing on the top but just the stick at the bottom. I want to try and find something that's more like the Guard Stick; essentially less decorative but it matches at the top and the bottom. I don't know if anything like that exists in FFXIV though. Does anyone know of a weapon that might work? (If you're not familiar with Aerith's weapons in FF7 remake which is what I'm basically trying to emulate, [this site](https://brightrockmedia.com/final-fantasy-7-remake-aerith-weapons-guide/) has pictures of all of them. Probably mild FF7 Rebirth spoilers too.) Failing that I suppose I can try to find something like the Princess Guard from the original FF7 which is more likely to exist in FFXIV. But would love to try and keep to the Remake aesthetic if I can!


Another week has flown by in Eorzea, so it's time for this week's reset recap! What have you been up to this week in the game, and what have you managed to tick off your bucket list? Also am curious if people are finding this fun or interesting. We're still a small community here on Lemmy so am trying to encourage people to post and engage a bit, but I also look back since last week's recap and not a lot has happened 😅 So share your thoughts as well on whether you this we should keep going with the recap!


Courtesy of @KaiyokoStar on Twitter/X https://fxtwitter.com/kaiyokostar/status/1834536093540143333


As the clock ticks down to the weekly reset, it's time again for this week's Reset Recap! What did (or didn't) you achieve this week in the game? Remember if you haven't participated in The Rising event this year that you're nearly out of time, with the event finishing later this week. Get yourself a big red fan emote and enjoy a cute little quest line to celebrate another year together in Eorzea.


Weird that they decided to leave the fix for 7.1, but at least it's acknowledged now.


Courtesy of @KaiyokoStar on Twitter/X https://fxtwitter.com/kaiyokostar/status/1832057384367174122


How has your week gone in Eorzea? What did you manage to tick off your to do list? In the week that was FFXIV news, the Materia data center was brought to its knees for a few hours late last week with all 5 servers going offline due to some issues in the data center, we got some previews at PAX of some of the new UI elements coming like chat bubbles and the raid planner, and Yoshi-P hinted at FFXIV maybe being made available for the Switch 2!


Courtesy of @KaiyokoStar on Twitter/X https://fxtwitter.com/kaiyokostar/status/1829449336976990448


There's a ton of other interesting stuff in the interview about things like how they're tuning fight difficulty, the fact they rebalanced the jobs after they'd already finalised the current Savage tier and the fact they're expecting groups to wipe on average three times during the Alliance Raid (personally I doubt that will last long based on past experience with Myths of the Realm). But apparently we're getting 24 man savage content! How had I missed this? (And how on earth are we going to coordinate groups for it? It's hard enough to find 7 other people now for regular Savage 😅)


What do people like for generic current content static recruitment? I used to primarily go to FFXIV Recruiter, but they ruined it by moving to discord forum style which I find harder to use. The Balance still has normal channels. Are there any fediverse options? Or other discord servers people find useful?


It's that time of the year again where anyone who's anyone with a Fantasia addiction can save themselves a little bit of money or (and let's be honest, this is more likely) get more Fantasias for the same amount of money! Plus there'll be a ton of stuff like emotes, mounts and some glamours on sale as well, so if there's anything you've been eyeing off recently, now is the time to get it on the cheap! (Well, not _right_ now, the game and the shop are still down for maintenance... but soon!)


We're going to lose a couple of hours tonight due to maintenance, so it's time for this week's reset recap! Assuming you didn't get completely hammered by the DDoSing over the last couple of days, what are you proud of getting done this week in Eorzea?


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/18991835 > Network Technical Difficulties Caused by DDoS Attacks (Aug. 24) | The Lodestone


Follow the link to the Lodestone for the specifics however we've got a 7 hour maintenance planned for next week just before reset for some hot fixes and infrastructure maintenance. Make sure to check your local time and get any retainers, airships or submarines sent out before maintenance starts! And don't forget all the hunt monsters will be up after the game comes back online so expect some A trains and S rank hunts happening after maintenance.


Courtesy of @KaiyokoStar on Twitter/X https://fxtwitter.com/kaiyokostar/status/1826921276515946739


The latest iteration of The Rising is starting next week on August 27th! Get yourself a cute Krile minion and some table lamps while you fulfil whatever task the Wandering Minstrel has for you this year! And say hi to Yoshi-P and the dev team when you see them, okay?


Lemmy is still a growing platform, and doesn't have the same number of people posting as a platform like Reddit. So let's try and change that! Today is weekly reset day, so post below about something you've managed to accomplish during the last week!


As someone who never played during an expansion launch, how hard are the latest Savage raids? I’ve been afraid to try them, I don’t have an active FC so I’d be queuing and I don’t want to be a burden. I can run the normal raids and not die or even get hit by the mechanics the whole run, but not sure how big of a jump up in difficulty they are mechanics wise.


So nearly 2 months into Dawntrail's launch, the probationary data centers that were set up to help balance traffic in the post launch surge are being closed. Now that we're moving into a more normal post launch environment, how have you found the launch? If you played during Endwalker, did you experience similar queue times this time around or did you have a much smoother login experience? I know I haven't seen anywhere near as many complaints about login problems this time around, although I'm also on the Materia data center, so we don't exactly have a large population to begin with! Share your thoughts! Did SE learn from Endwalker and fix the problems with their login servers this time around do you think?


Courtesy of @KaiyokoStar on Twitter/X https://fxtwitter.com/kaiyokostar/status/1824375027434766847


Courtesy of @KaiyokoStar on Twitter/X https://fxtwitter.com/kaiyokostar/status/1821842972427559112


Courtesy of @KaiyokoStar on Twitter/X https://fxtwitter.com/kaiyokostar/status/1819382197855359288


Some of the notable things in the patch: - Savage begins for the first Dawntrail raid tier - New master recipes for crafters - New craftable gear for DoW/DoM - Treasure portals have been added - Tomestones of Heliometry have been added with a weekly cap of 450


Courtesy of @KaiyokoStar on Twitter/X https://x.com/kaiyokostar/status/1816825409847075229


Courtesy of @KaiyokoStar on Twitter/X https://x.com/kaiyokostar/status/1814242750616736006


This thread will have spoilers on the first raid tier that released with patch 7.01 so don't click into the thread if you haven't done it yet or want to avoid spoilers on the new fights.


The main change in 7.01 is the release of the first raid tier (not the Savage, that'll be in two weeks with 7.05), and also a bunch of potency tweaks, so see if your jobs are impacted.


Farming now PvP, it is obvious how the casual mode absolutely needs matchmaking with a hidden skill rating. The outcome of the match is decided by specific people in the team and there are idlers, afk'ers and other not so great players which could be filtered out had it matchmaking.


Courtesy of @KaiyokoStar on Twitter/X. https://fxtwitter.com/kaiyokostar/status/1811702537457746031


Did people think we'd go to a whole new continent and not have any worldbuilding? Or did they want another high-stakes world ending threat for a high-adrenaline story?