Hot Sauce

From a local Mexican grocery, this bottle is not going to last very long.


I found these randomly at a candy store. Not very hot but an interesting flavor.


My poor brother, a man who likes flavorful foods, has recently been diagnosed with some food sensitivities that cause severe gastric distress (use your imagination). One of these sensitivities is to fructan (?), which is apparently in both garlic and onion. Both fresh and dry/powdered. Unfortunately, most of his favorite sauces contain garlic. "Simpler" sauces like Tabasco are fine, but he wants to also find some sauces that are more complex than pepper and vinegar. So, what can this community suggest for your favorite sauces without garlic or onion in them? Thanks!


Been experimenting with making hot sauce lately. Quite like this one. Makes one bottle. Feel free to play with the ratios. 1/2 tomato 10 Serrano peppers 4 garlic cloves 1/4 Cup garlic vinegar 1tsp salt 1 lime 1tsp habanero, minced - Add everything into a saucepan - Bring to a boil - Simmer until peppers are soft (30 mins or so) - Blend in a blender - Filter into bottle - Let sit in fridge for ~24-48 hours


I went to high school in Gilroy and discovered The Pepper Plant original sauce while living there. It quickly became my favorite. As my heat tolerance went up, I learned to love their habanero version. Very good on everything, but especially breakfast!