snail time

green beans paysanne and refreshed BSFL. bon apétit!


I keep my snail terrarium on my garden table (I figure if they come from my garden, they can handle the weather out there) and I have a problem with all the gnats. I know I need to remove their food during the day, and I have a pillbug or two as a cleanup crew, but I’m not really sure what else to do :( if anyone has any tips I’d really appreciate it, I can only light so much incense haha


Met this pretty lady by Casa Loma in Toronto, Ontario last week.


today was Niles and Chibi’s second tank day! I actually waited until the evening, but I got a bit impatient waiting for Niles to come out of the house; I handled him a little roughly and while I didn’t hurt him he was foaming up quite a bit. Putting him in the temporary tank helped a little, but he was still foaming so I picked him back up, held him in my palm, and stroked his shell. Immediately he stopped foaming and started crawling across my fingers! He gave my hand a couple of snail kisses and then I set him down to clean :) Another cool thing that happened is that Chibi was feeling pretty energetic, and my partner agreed to hold her for the first time! They were both a little unsure at first but Chibi ended up doing happy wiggles 🐌 she stayed there for a min before coming back over to me. The new water dish I ordered arrived too. It’s Barbie pink and super soft, shallow, and flexible. I’m not sure if the sniblings like it more than their jam jar lid, but I feel more at ease haha. The sniblings also got a new roommate! I have been keeping an eye out for pillbugs and finally found one tonight, a pretty big boy too! I named him Gob. Hopefully they all get along! I want one or maybe two more pillbugs from my garden. I really hope that this will help cut down on the gnats swarming my patio somewhat 💀 taking away their food during the day helps but I feel bad doing it. I keep telling myself that they’re sleeping anyway and I make sure they eat every day lmao. Wow if you read this far congrats and thank u lol. If you want to see more pics of these precious little slime balls I did make an Instagram for them: @thesupersniblings I’m not great at IG but I do want to post more over there too? anyway snail you later everyone! #snail #snails #petsnails #snailcare #snailjournal #petsnailsoflemmy #fediversesnails #gastropods #gastropoda #long