Leftist Speeches


[mirror](https://archive.is/trS1e) Found it very interesting. Compare it with any bourgeois president speech after some natural disaster.


Technically not a speech, but still an interesting listen. It's very accessible and doesn't get too technical. A series of lectures by cybernetics researcher and Cybersyn developer Stafford Beer establishing the basis for cybernetics, in what looks a lot like a dialectical method. They make up around 3 hours of lectures, so you can listen to them as an audiobook with some capable app like [Voice](https://f-droid.org/packages/de.ph1b.audiobook/). Transcripts here, with annotations and sketched diagrams: https://monoskop.org/images/e/e3/Beer_Stafford_Designing_Freedom.pdf


He was arrested, tied up and gagged on trial only 5 months after this one for protesting the "Democratic" National Convention and the Vietnam War. Speech still sounds about right. > Now, the papers call the organization hoodlums and thugs. I'm going to show you how smart brother Huey is. He says now the paper's gonna call us thugs and hoodlums. A lot of people ain't gonna know what's happening. >He said, but the brothers on the block, who the man been calling thugs and hoodlums for 400 years gonna say "thems some out of sight thugs and hoodlums up there." The brother on the block is gonna say who is these thugs and hoodlums? In fact, them dudes look just like me. In fact, I know John, I know George Dow. In fact, I know Bobby Hutton. Hey man, I know that dude over there. Hey man, what you cats doing with them rods? > [...] When the man walks up and says that we were anti-white. I scratch my head, I say you hear that dude say we anti-white, what does he mean by that? He says, well I mean you hate white people. I say me, hate a white person? I said wait a minute man, let's back up a little bit. That your game. That's the Ku Klux Klans' game. I say that is the Ku Klux Klan's game to hate me and murder me because of the color of my skin. I say I wouldn't murder a person or brutalize them because of the color of their skin. I say yeah, we hate something alright. We hate the oppression that we live in. We hate cops beating Black people over their heads and murdering them. Thats what we hate. > If you got enough energy to sit down and hate a white person just because of the color of their skin, you wasting a lot of energy. You better take that same energy and put it in some motion out there and start dealing with those oppressive conditions, and you gone find just what you hate and what you gone stop. > [...] Now they got a thousand cops patrolling Black people. San Francisco's doubled its police force, and every area, major metropolis where Black people live all across this country, they've doubled, tripled, and quadrupled their police force, equipped them with tanks. Uh-uh, we've got to stop it brother, let's get together and unify. [Full transcript](https://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip_28-q52f766p51). Be aware that the transcription software struggles with southern accents.


[Full transcript](https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/the-ballot-or-the-bullet-speech-transcript-malcolm-x). Democrats like referring to this speech but I don't think they've ever took the time to listen to it. > Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election-time, and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party, you’re not only a chump but you’re a traitor to your race. > What kind of alibi do come up with? They try and pass the buck to the Dixiecrats. Now, back during the days when you were blind, deaf and dumb, ignorant, politically immature, naturally you went along with that. But today, as your eyes come open, and you develop political maturity, you’re able to see and think for yourself, and you can see that a Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat in disguise. > [...] Whenever the Negroes keep the Democrats in power they’re keeping the Dixiecrats in power. This is true! A vote for a Democrat is nothing but a vote for a Dixiecrat. I know you don’t like me saying that. I’m not the kind of person who come here to say what you like. I’m going to tell you the truth whether you like it or not. Joe Biden was 22 when this speech was made, 23 when Malcolm was killed.


Every time I think of France doubling down on its racism I remember this speech, specially the following paragraphs. > Citizens, my countrymen, on this solemn day I have brought together those courageous soldiers who, as liberty lay dying, spilled their blood to save it; these generals who have guided your efforts against tyranny have not yet done enough for your happiness; the French name still haunts our land. > Everything revives the memories of the cruelties by this barbarous people: our laws, our habits, our towns, everything still carries the stamp of the French. Indeed! There are still French in our island, and you believe yourself free and independent of that Republic which, it is true, has fought all the nations, but which has never defeated those who wanted to be free. > What! Victims of our own credulity and indulgence for 14 years; defeated not by French armies, but by the pathetic eloquence of their agents’ proclamations; when will we tire of breathing the air they breathe? What do we have in common with this nation of executioners? The difference between its cruelty and our patient moderation, its color and ours the great seas that separate us, our avenging climate, all tell us plainly that they are not our brothers, that they never will be, and that if they find refuge among us, they will plot again to trouble and divide us. > Peace to our neighbors; but let this be our cry: “Anathema to the French name! Eternal hatred of France!”