West Asia


Hizbullah's Media Relations Office organised a tour of Beirut's southern suburb (Dahieh), to give the world a glimpse of the mass destruction of civilian infrastructure as a result of Zionist (Israeli) indiscriminate bombardment of the area. Laith Marouf and Dr Mohammad Marandi, along with Hadi Hotait behind camera, joined the tour and commented on what they saw, the retaliation of Iran, Hizbullah repelling invading forces, and the coming expansion of the war. Filmed: 02/10/2024 Donate/Watch/Share elsewhere FreePalestine.Video RU: rumble.com/v5hcds5 YT: invidious.poast.org/hNwHwENm0Ds TG: t.me/freepalestinetv/24090


It seems that the age of adventurer‐conquerors is not over yet… not for the Herzlians, at least.


>Iraq has taken a proactive offensive rôle, executing drone strikes on strategic targets. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has targeted […] Occupation bases in the Jordan Valley, including in occupied Naqab, the occupied Golan Heights, and occupied Umm al-Rashrash (Eilat), showing a commitment to destroying enemy strongholds at an increasing pace. These operations are part of a broader strategy by the Axis of Resistance to defend Palestine and Lebanon, responding to the massacres committed by [settlers] against civilians. > >Following a directive from Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, Iraq has also initiated humanitarian support, dispatching an aid convoy to Lebanon. This multifaceted approach underscores Iraq’s dedication to both executing military operations and providing humanitarian assistance. > >**Axis of Resistance’s strategic unity against Zionist division** > >Actions taken by Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen exemplify their steadfast support for Gaza. Their unified resistance against Zionist aggression highlights the “unity of the fields” concept by the Axis of Resistance, which emphasizes that unity is essential to defeating Zionism. The U.S. and the Zionists aim to create divisions in the region based on ethnic and sectarian lines, but the Axis of Resistance forces understand that their diversity and unity is their source of strength, bringing them closer to liberating Palestine and the world from Zionism. > >Hezbollah is making immense sacrifices and bearing significant costs to stand with Palestinians. Over 600 Lebanese were massacred in a single day. Hezbollah has pledged to continue its missile strikes with increased range and precision until a ceasefire is achieved in Gaza. While [Zionist] diplomacy aims to stop the war in Lebanon alone, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah’s stance is clear: A ceasefire must occur on all fronts or not at all. > >[Neocolonial] terrorist attacks and indiscriminate “shock and awe” bombing campaigns targeting civilians will not achieve its goals. The conflict should be viewed through the lens of attrition warfare, where the resistance axis employs sustained resistance and precision strikes to minimize civilian casualties and avoid all-out war. This long-term strategy gradually escalates the conflict to deter [neocolonialism], maintaining composure despite the Zionist state’s provocations and hardships for the targeted peoples. > >The forces in the resistance axis believe time is on their side; they are aiming to win the war, not just individual battles. By focusing on psychological warfare, they exploit the Western occupiers’ inability to endure suboptimal conditions, knowing that disrupting perceived safety for [settlers] will cause them to flee, while the indigenous Palestinians remain steadfast on their lands. (Emphasis original.)


>Syria’s commitment to Palestinian liberation has been consistent, even under severe U.S./Western sanctions. Despite a decade-long CIA/Zionist war ravaging the country, Syria has consistently rejected offers to abandon its alliances with Hezbollah and Palestinian resistance groups in exchange for economic incentives and political concessions. This steadfastness highlights the Damascus government’s dedication to the Palestinian cause and its broader resistance against Zionist occupation. > >Thus, anti-imperialists should support Syria not only for its strategic importance to the resistance axis but also for its principled stance on anti-normalization and Palestinian liberation. > >**The consequences if Syria falls** > >The fall of Syria would be catastrophic for the Axis of Resistance and the broader struggle against [neo]imperialism […] in the region. Syria’s collapse would isolate Palestinian and Lebanese resistance groups, leaving them vulnerable to Zionist superiority in weapons. The loss of Syria as a strategic ally would disrupt the flow of weapons, knowledge and technical and material support, severely weakening the Axis’s ability to challenge the Zionist occupation. > >Furthermore, the fall of Syria could embolden [neo]imperialist forces, leading to further destabilization and destruction in the region. Therefore, defending Syria is crucial to sustaining the military power of the Palestinian, Lebanese, Yemeni and Iraqi resistance and ensuring the survival and advancement of the struggle against Zionism. > >**U.S. and Zionist motives for destroying Syria** > >The U.S. and Zionist efforts to destroy Syria aim to eliminate a key adversary and secure regional dominance. The 2011 U.S.-led Western intervention in Syria, characterized by the use of proxy forces and terrorist groups, aimed to topple the government of President Bashar Al-Assad and dismantle the Axis of Resistance. This strategy mirrors historical U.S. interventions, such as the 1953 coup in Iran, designed to suppress anti-imperialist movements and secure natural resources. > >By destabilizing Syria, U.S. [neo]imperialism and its allies seek to thwart potential challenges to their economic and military hegemony in West Asia and to protect Zionist interests in the region. Understanding these motives is essential for anti-imperialists to counter these aggressive tactics effectively and support Syria’s sovereignty. (Emphasis original.)


>On the day of Arabeen of Imam Hussein bin Ali, the Master of Martyrs, the Leader of the Free, and the symbol of sacrifice, altruism, and defiance, at dawn on Sunday, August 25, 2024, as part of the initial response to the brutal Zionist aggression on the southern suburbs (Dahiye) of Beirut, which resulted in the martyrdom of the great jihadi commander Sayyed Fouad Shukr and a number of our dear civilians, including women and children, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance launched an aerial attack with a large number of drones deep into the Zionist entity, targeting a qualitative “israeli” military target that will be announced later. > >Simultaneously, the fighters of the Islamic Resistance targeted several enemy positions, barracks and Iron Dome platforms in northern occupied Palestine with a large number of rockets. These military operations will take some time to be completed, and afterward, a detailed statement regarding their progress and objectives will be issued. > >The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon is currently at its highest level of readiness and will stand firm and vigilant against any Zionist transgression or aggression, especially if civilians are harmed, in which case the punishment will be severe and very harsh.


>Ansar Aallah has been using their location on the Red Sea to conduct an armed struggle against ships connected to [neocolonialism] to physically support the Palestinians as well as politically supporting them. > >Beyond the attacks on shipping, Ansar Allah has used drones to reach [Zionism’s neocolony]. While the vaunted […] Iron Dome air defense system has limited the effect of Yemen’s efforts, Ansar Allah has kept on trying. On July 19, a new drone got through Iron Dome, carrying explosives that damaged some buildings in Tel Aviv and came close to hitting a U.S. diplomatic facility. > >In response to this successful drone attack, which caused a panic [under Zionism], there was a major [neocolonial] air raid on Hodeidah July 20. Hodeidah is Yemen’s major port on the Red Sea and has a lot of facilities to handle food donated through the World Food Program. Over half the families in Yemen, particularly in its northern region, are food insecure. > >Ansar Allah attacks on shipping in the Red Sea as well as the Gulf of Aden have been very effective. Two ships have been sunk since last November and 90 ships have been attacked by missiles or drones. About a trillion dollars worth of goods — around 15% of the world’s merchandise — move through the Red Sea. > >The U.S. Navy deployed the Eisenhower aircraft group with about 7,000 sailors to protect shipping, along with some British and French ships. According to interviews available on YouTube, done when the USS Eisenhower returned home, the fighting with Ansar Allah drones was intense. Planes from the aircraft carrier used hundreds of missiles to take out the drones, which were armed with their own missiles. > >Ansar Allah also started using small, fast boats loaded with explosives as drones. They were particularly hard to stop. According to the World Bank, tolls on the Suez Canal have fallen to half of what they were before the Ansar Allah offensive. Ships now go around Africa, which adds significantly to the cost and is a major drag on the world’s economy. But the militants’ actions are carried out to pressure [Zionism’s régime] to end its siege of Gaza and in solidarity with the Palestinian people.


>The United States fears the escalation on the northern border of [occupied Palestine] this week will turn into a wider conflict, officials in the Biden administration told CBS this morning (Saturday). According to the report, American officials said that they interpreted [neocolonialism’s] latest attacks on Lebanese territory and in its depth as the preparation of the battlefield for an all-out attack by the IDF. > >The same parties are increasingly worried about the possibility that [neocolonialism] will start a war against Hezbollah that cannot end without American support. > >Other sources expressed their concerns about Hezbollah and described a scenario in which the organization supported by Iran would launch rockets that would hit [neocolonialism] and lead to damage so that [the neocolonists] would respond and a large-scale war would ensue. > >If [neocolonialism] cannot win the war against the small Palestinian resistance in Gaza, for sure [neocolonialism] will not be able to win against Hezbollah, which has 150,000 missiles, rackets, and warplanes without pilots. Not to speak of the fact that Hezbollah is supported by powerful Iran. > >At the same time, the U.S. may be spreading false information to increase the pressure on Hamas to accept the American deal as it is, which is in favor of [neocolonialism]. > >Netanyahu has been dreaming of dragging the U.S. to war against Iran for many years, and now that he lost the war on Gaza and most [under his régime] do not trust him to lead [the neocolony] to a victory in his despair, he would risk a regional war and even WWIII.