Am I the Asshole? bOt 11mo ago 100%

AITA for leaving the family reunion over a joke?

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The original was posted on /r/amitheasshole by /u/Electronic-Ant9062 on 2023-11-18 15:57:35+00:00.

I, fem 23, have a boyfriend named Paul. We met 4 years ago and have been dating for about 3 years. Our relationship has been normal until at the family reunion things took a turn. Me and Paul decided to attend this event with my family, and in-laws, including my brother in law. I never had a problem with him we weren't ever that close. The day of the family reunion was a hot day. I knew most of the women there would probably wear the usual tshirt and shorts. I wore long pants. Some people looked at me weirdly but no one said anything. At some point, everyone sat down to eat. I sat next to Paul. While everyone was talking and having a good time my sister in law, let's call her Alyssa, just pointed out why I wasn't wearing shorts like everyone else. I said I got cold easily and tried to change the subject. Since she brang it up now everyone was talking about it exept my bestfriend (she is close to our family so she was also there). I was in a fire awhile ago and got some scars on my legs from the incident. She knew I didn't like showing them. Me and my bestfriend just tried to change the topic but everyone kept pushing saying, "we need to buy that girl some shorts," and stuff like that. I got up to use the restroom to cool down. I hated talking about my legs as I'm quite insecure. When I got back my brother inlaw said, "its because of the brun scars right?" infornt of everyone. I was shook and turned pale. "Look, its okay honestly nobody gives a shit about it" he continued. "I mean maybe everyone expect Paul, he's athletic and good looking so he can basically get any girl he wants." I was on the verge of tears. Everyone was laughing exept me, my bestfriend, and Paul. After Paul had a moment to take everything in, he got up and came to me. He said, "we're leaving." Paul took my hand and we left to go to his car together. While we were walking i silently cried and looked at Paul. He was so red. Once we sat down and I calmed down a bit we talked about the whole thing. He said he loved me no matter what and scars don't change that. He also added that the fact that I experienced such difficult things and I still stay strong makes him love me even more. I was so happy and told him I loved him aswell. Paul then said that my brother in law was a bitch and if he sees him again he couldn't guarantee he would be able to hold back his anger. Paul is a 6'3 boxer so its safe to assume it would be over for him. We laughed for a bit about it and then he hugged me and drove me home. Currently I'm at home writing this after everything. My best friend texted me to see how I was and told me that after I left things got awkward and people thought I "took it too seriously." I think I reacted appropriately given the situation and my boyfriend agrees.

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