
Is/Can/Should anyone suing for libel at places like NYT over the coverage of the genocide?

Libel is to publish falsehoods into print that may excite public hatred. It can be hard to prove because malice or reckless disregard for the truth is difficult to prove.

Given the source of the horrific and false claims is one that has not been truthful or accurate in the past, repeating the statements as facts without first verifying would suggest malice or at least reckless disregard for the truth. Even more suggestive of malice those are statements from interviews where those interviewed have come forward to complain. Printing a rape fantasy as though it's fact does real harm, and must be stopped.

Funding for UNRWA was cut because of this reckless disregard for the truth. A celebrity was able to sue another for this, and the damages are far more clear in this case. The Arab-phobia in the media is making all of this worse and has to stop. Those responsible for publishing this trash must be held to account.

I can't afford to, but I'd like to know if anyone is. If a group was able to have a court consider charging Biden with genocide, there must a court willing to hear the case of libel against those who publish it against Palestinians.

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