LGBTQI+ Nakafeero • 5mo ago • 80%

Me as a young lesbian.

Me as a young lesbian.
First of all I moved from my mother country Uganda because I was facing a lot of problems. They even wanted to slaughter me like a goat because am a lesbian 🌈 and for me I was not ready to change what i am. Our president don't accept lesbians nor gays in our country Uganda. My mother and my sister they were both killed in the house by the community people coz they thought that I was inside the house. A lesbian in Uganda is taken as a satan right now. I had no one to give me any help and I decided to come In Kenya. I look for asylum. People in our country are still looking for me though I thought that I will be safe in Kenya. The situation right now is not good.

This is all about my life experience.


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