UK leftists squid 4mo ago 100%

Vote socialist on 4 July – your questions answered

Socialist Party members are standing in the general election as part of the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, which is standing 40 candidates. Socialist Party members campaign for:

  • Fully publicly fund the NHS and other public services. Stop and reverse privatisation

  • Mass council house building. Rent control now. Don’t make workers pay for the housing crisis – reject rent and service charge increases.

  • Stop the slaughter in Gaza. No to war! For mass trade union action to stop arming the Israeli state

  • Renationalise rail, mail, energy, water and steel. And other privatised utilities, under democratic workers’ control

  • For real workers’ rights. For inflation-proof pay rises. For a £15 an hour minimum wage. Repeal the anti-trade union laws. Ban zero-hour contracts and fire and rehire

  • Free education and training. Scrap tuition fees. Grants not loans – for college and university. Votes at 16

  • Combat climate change. For a free-to-use, expanded, renationalised public transport system. Don’t make workers pay for the bosses’ climate crisis

  • Fight for socialist change. Take the wealth of the 1%. Run society in the interests of the many not the few

As we approach the general election it is crucial that we amplify our voices and champion our cause. We've successfully met our fighting fund goal, enabling us to field TUSC candidates across the board. This is our opportunity to bring about real change.

Solidarity comrades, Squid.

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