Selfhosted lemmyvore • 1y ago • 100%

Upgrading a self-hosted server (episode II)

<< Episode i: outline
>> Episode iii: docker recipes

In this episode: installing a secondary disk in the machine, making a system backup, installing Debian, and configuring essential service.

Adding a secondary disk to the machine

Why? Because I'd like to keep the old system around while tinkering with the new one, just in case something goes south. Also the old system is full of config files that are still useful.

To this end I grabbed a spare SSD I had lying around and popped it into the machine.

...except it was actually a bit more involved than I expected. (Skip ahead if you're not interested in this.) The machine has two M.2 slots with the old system disk occupying one of them, and 6 SATA ports on the motherboard, being used by the 6 HDDs. The spare SSD would need a 7th SATA port.

I could go get another M.2 but filling the second M.2 takes away one SATA channel, so I would be back to being one port short. 🤦

The solution was a PCI SATA expansion card which I happened to have around. Alternatively I could've disconnected one of the less immediately useful arrays and free up some SATA ports that way.

Taking a system backup

This was simplified by the fact I used a single partition for the old system, so there are no multiple partitions for things like /home, /var, /tmp, swap etc.


  • Use fdisk to wipe the partition table on the backup SSD and create one primary Linux partition across the whole disk. In fdisk that basically means hitting Enter-Enter-Enter and accepting all defaults.
  • Use mkfs.ext4 -m5 to create an Ext4 filesystem on the SSD.
  • Mount the SSD partition and use cp -avx to copy the root filesystem to it.

Regarding this last point: I've seen many people recommend dd or clonezilla but that also duplicates the block ID, which you then need to change or there would be trouble. Others go for rsync or piping through tar, with complicated options, but cp -ax is perfectly fine for this.

A backup is not complete without making the SSD bootable as well.

  • Use blkid to find the UUID of the SSD partition and change it in the SSD's /etc/fstab.
  • If you have a swap partition and others /home, /var etc. you would do the same for them. I use a /swapfile in the root which I created with dd and formatted with mkswap, which was copied by cp. I mount it with /swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0 so that stays the same.
  • Install grub on the SSD. You need to chroot into the SSD for this one as well as mount --bind /dev, /sys and /proc.

Here's an example for that last point, taken from this nice reddit post:

mkdir /mnt/chroot
mount /dev/SDD-partition-1 /mnt/chroot
mount --bind /dev /mnt/chroot/dev
mount --bind /proc /mnt/chroot/proc
mount --bind /sys /mnt/chroot/sys
mount --bind /tmp /mnt/chroot/tmp
chroot /mnt/chroot
Verify /etc/grub.d/30-os_prober or similar is installed and executable
Update GRUB: update-grub
Install GRUB: grub-install /dev/SDD-whole-disk
Update the initrd: update-initramfs -u

I verified that I could boot the backup disk before proceeding.

Installing Debian stable

Grabbed an amd64 ISO off their website and put it on a flash stick. I used the graphical gnome-disk-utility application for that but you can also do dd bs=4M if=image.iso of=/dev/stick-device. Usual warnings apply, make sure it's the right /dev, umount any pre-existing flash partition first etc.

Booting the flash stick should have been uneventful but the machine would not see it in BIOS or in the quick-boot BIOS menu so I had to poke around and disable some kind of secure feature (which will be of no use to you on your BIOS so good luck with that).

During the install I selected the usual things like keymap, timezone, the disk to install to (the M.2, not the SSD backup with the old system), chose to use the whole disk in one partition as before, created a user, disallowed login as root, and requested explicit installation of a SSH server. Networking works via DHCP so I didn't need to configure anything.

After install

SSH'd into the machine using user + password, copied the public SSH key from my desktop machine into the Debian ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, and then disabled password logins in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and service ssh restart. Made sure I could login with public key.

Installed ntpdate and added 0 * * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate router.lan &amp;>/dev/null to the root crontab.

Mounting RAID arrays

The RAID arrays are MD (the Linux software driver) so they should have been already detected by the Linux kernel. A quick look at /proc/mdstat and /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf confirms that the arrays have indeed been detected and configured and are running fine.

All that's left is to mount the arrays. After creating /mnt directories I added them to /etc/fstab with entries such as this:

UUID=array-uuid-here /mnt/nas/array ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev 0 0

...and then systemctl daemon-reload to pick up the new fstab right away, followed by a mount -a as root to mount the arrays.

Publishing the arrays over NFS

Last step in restoring basic functionality to my LAN is to publish the mounted arrays over NFS.

I installed and used aptitude to poke around Debian packages for a suitable NFS server, then installed nfs-kernel-server.

Next I added the arrays to /etc/exports with entries such as this:

/mnt/nas/array desktop.lan(rw,async,secure,no_subtree_check,mp,no_root_squash)

And after a service nfs-kernel-server restart the desktop machine was able to mount the NFS shares without any issues.

For completion's sake, the desktop machine is Manjaro, uses nfs-utils and mounts NFS shares in /etc/fstab like this:

nas:/mnt/nas/array /mnt/nas/array nfs vers=4,rw,hard,intr,noatime,timeo=10,retrans=2,retry=0,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576 0 0

The first one (with nas: prefix) is the remote dir, the second is the local dir. I usually mirror the locations on the server and clients but you can of course use different ones.

All done

That's essential functionality restored, with SSH and NFS + RAID working.

In the next episode I will attempt to install something non-essential, like Emby or Deluge, in a docker container. I intend to keep the system installed on the metal very basic, basically just ssh, nfs and docker over the barebones Debian install. Everything else should go into docker containers.

My goals when working with docker containers:

  • Keep the docker images on the system disk but all configurations on a RAID array.
  • Map all file access to a RAID array and network ports to the host. This includes things like databases and other persistent files, as long as they're important and not just cache or runtime data.

Basically the idea is that if I ever lose the system disk I should be able to simply reinstall a barebones Debian and redo the containers using the stored configs, and all the important mutable files would be on RAID.

See you next time, and meanwhile I appreciate any comments about what I could've done better as well as suggestions for next steps!.

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