
What class are you a member of?

What class are you a member of?

infographic titled "What class are you a member of?"

sub title: "Lower class? Middle class? Upper class?"

in a central box, text: "The truth is, your class has nothing to do with your level of personal income, but everything to do with your relationship to the means of production. Under capitalism there are only two broad categories of social class: the capitalist class and the working class."

bellow, on the left a box with text:
"The Capitalist Class
The capitalist class are people who are private owners of the means of production. The means of production are anything used in the process of production, including our workplaces, factories, tools, machinery, land, infrastructure, natural resources, and so on. By simply owning the means of production, these private owners are allowed to take for themselves the products and wealth created by the labor of the working class."

on the right a box with text:
"The Working Class
The working class are people are are not owners of the means of production. Because they don't have any ownership of the means of production, these workers have no choice but to sell their time and labor, the very substance of their lives, to members of the capitalist class in exchange for wages which equal less than the full value of their work."

bellow in another central box, text: "The capitalist class, and the working class. Exploiters and exploited. Which are you?"

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