Amid global criticism, Israel names 19 it says it killed in terror HQ at Gaza school
  • BNE BNE 2mo ago 100%

    Neither were the churches. Or the hospitals. Or the UN facilities. Or the Schools. Or the desalination plant. Or the tents filled with refugees. Or the graves of Australian soldiers. Or Palestinian civilians. Or the greenhouses.

    Do you understand?

  • Amid global criticism, Israel names 19 it says it killed in terror HQ at Gaza school
  • BNE BNE 2mo ago 100%

    Oh mate - that just would make them authoritarians. They're already fascist.

  • Amid global criticism, Israel names 19 it says it killed in terror HQ at Gaza school
  • BNE BNE 2mo ago 100%

    Does someone have to spell out to you what an insurgency is? Or what asymmetric fighting is?

    Is the IOF really so incompetent it has no access to the last 40 years of American imperialist strategy? Or can we drop the facade of logic and say this is about causing as much collateral damage/trauma as possible soas to cleanse Palestine of Palestinians.

    The world knows a frontier war when we see one.

  • US House passes bill that expands definition of anti-Semitism to comparing Israel with Nazis
  • BNE BNE 6mo ago 100%

    Hun, your slavish devotion to optics are shackles. Worse, you're policing your peers, prioritizing the abstract appeal of your optics to a hypothetical other over their reality anchored and literal praxis.

    Kill the cop in your head, babe. We'll be over here when you're ready.

  • 'I don't think it's that hard': The former cop who says he knows how to save more domestic violence victims
  • BNE BNE 6mo ago 75%

    What's wild is how people trust cops in this country. Watch the Moonlight State and know the joke is alive and well.

  • [GB] Timber haven – Peaceful corner artisan keycaps
  • BNE BNE 6mo ago 100%

    Cool to see that JellyKey is still going strong!

    Having one of their pieces was always a "woah, wouldn't THAT be cool" type of aspirational things for me. Very skilled craftspeople - have lots of respect for their work.

  • Cuba sentences 22-year-old mother to 15 years in prison for publishing videos of protests
  • BNE BNE 6mo ago 66%

    Don't you have a flag to wave over a razed hospital somewhere?

  • Cuba sentences 22-year-old mother to 15 years in prison for publishing videos of protests
  • BNE BNE 6mo ago 100%

    Exactly. The only language violence respects or listens to is violence.

    It's the tolerance paradox - and why it's a death sentence to tolerate groups or people who won't reciprocate tolerance.

  • David Cameron backed Israel arms sales two days after death of UK aid workers
  • BNE BNE 6mo ago 100%

    Doesn't mean they should get away with it.

  • David Cameron backed Israel arms sales two days after death of UK aid workers
  • BNE BNE 6mo ago 100%

    Yeah, America really needs to get its shit together and shrug of corporate capture.

  • Biden calls US ally Japan ‘xenophobic’ along with Russia and China
  • BNE BNE 6mo ago 100%

    Broken clocks and all that - but this one only has one hand working at this point. We're always counting down to midnight, for some reason.

  • HECS changes to see $3 billion in student debt 'wiped out'
  • BNE BNE 6mo ago 100%

    The original article contains 17 words, the summary contains 17 words. Saved 0%.

    Good bot!

  • Germany denounces spate of attacks on politicians recalling 'darkest era' of its history
  • BNE BNE 6mo ago 100%

    I mean, it's far right attacks on left-leaning politicians. I can see where they're coming from - it's reminiscent of the brown shirts.

  • Hopes of Gaza ceasefire rise as Hamas delegation arrives in Cairo
  • BNE BNE 6mo ago 42%

    They're a last-ditch liberation movement with four discreet wings of praxis, dude. Moreover, the Palestinian Authority is collaborationist with occupying forces - this isn't about manufacturing an endless war, though I'm sure Lockheed Martin and Elbit shareholders would love that - this is about reclaiming tangible avenues for political agency that were either captured or outright denied, violently, by 'Israel'.

    You disagree, sure, but you don't seem to understand the inhuman scale, decades of systemic violence, a population has to endure to make violence the only mutually understood language left.

    Also - to your point - it doesn't help how many peaceful community leaders, politicians and organizers have been assassinated by the IOF and settlers in the last 75 years. Democracy, as presented by the PA, was never earnest or effectual in occupied Palestine - it was always a membrane of indigenous skin stretched over the occupiers demands.

  • American intelligence withheld information on Moscow terror attacks out of fear of exposing intelligence sources or methods
  • BNE BNE 7mo ago 37%

    The attack was claimed by ISIS-K - a foreign fighter offshoot/offbrand. Funny thing is that ISIS-K fighters were getting lifts from American chanook helicopters in Afghanistan and is largely made up of US assets and/or people formerly trained by the US in Afghanistan.

    Lots points to it being a CIA asset, tldr. They're a dirty army that can be used to keep an area distabilised or prevent other geopolitical powers from building infrastructure/influence (the nutshell purpose of ISIS-K, particularly in Afghanistan to prevent pipelines being built).

    They had the inside scoop on an attack outside any usual operating theatre by a group with tangible links to US cooperation/orientation? No kidding.

  • Famine is now probably present in Gaza, US says
  • BNE BNE 7mo ago 75%

    It's because the port is a forward operating base and entrenches the annexation of Northern Gaza. They built a road splitting Gaza into two and are shooting anyone who approaches it. Add to that the US wants warships present to defend the oilfields it's just been liscenced by the occupation forces.

    This is, and always was, about money and ethnic cleansing. Fuck israel, free Palestine.

  • Censorship of Palestine: Is Tiktok paying the price for surge in pro-Palestinian content?
  • BNE BNE 7mo ago 83%

    Praise Rand. So wise.

    Actually, as a fun little aside, can you explain to me what you think Fascism is?

  • Australia will never elect a Donald Trump – and it’s due to one national trait[: our culture of not getting too big for your boots]
  • BNE BNE 7mo ago 100%

    When you think the Brisbane Times couldn't be more of a rag - not that I would expect political literacy from an outfit that struggles even with journalism but bloody hell.

    Fraser Annings office was literally in our CBD - like come off it.

  • Personally, I think it's a really cool craft - there's a lot of technique and know-how just to control a can properly, let alone to pull off a composed piece or calligraphy. Some people do learn their basics on the fly for sure but I think it's a gift to the public when writers are given space to perfect their art. Calling it broadly cultural is a bit wanky in some respects, but I think it is! In some ways, I think it's similar to why here is so interesting. Given the risks of participating and the lack of any kind of tangible reward outside recognition from other people involved, this/it exists largely because people've decided they want it to; and I think that's a pretty special thing imo - especially as a niche in our cultural ecosystem. Anyway, just a little enthusiastic rant - I think graff' and street art represent a really neat subsection of our cities latent underground 'come-as-you-are' DIY culture. We have a pretty strong tradition in this respect, but it's only really something you hear about when the older cohorts start yarning (we never write anything down about ourselves here, I swear). Like over the last couple of years I've increasingly noticed we only really celebrate our alt and DIY cultures once they're about 20-30 years passed and someone personally cared enough to keep artifacts from when they were around - like with that 80s-90s DIY punk-gig poster exhibition put on at the State Library a little while back. All stuff made on photocopiers and stapled to power poles during the Bjelke-Petersen years, someone just kept a bunch of them and bam - an admittedly really interesting exhibition. Nothing gets to be around long enough to be appreciated - so we never really learn who's doing what and how good it is until its been scraped off or firebombed unless you already knew, you know? Point being, I reckon it would be really cool to deliberately subvert our cities de-facto culture of waiting until something's gone to appreciate it! Small steps, but I think it'd be cool to try building a bit of that culture in here. TL;DR, what do we think? I get around the city a bit and every now and again I see a new work I think is cool or interesting. Would people be interested in seeing stuff like that on the sub? Like snapshots of the art being made in our city. This's a community, thought I'd ask first - we're all figuring out what this place and our feed wants to look like. Unless people say otherwise, I think I'll just put things up as I see 'em. Would be really cool to see what's being made in parts of the city/suburbs I don't usually pass by if anyone else wants to join in! Lets appreciate our cool shit IRL!


    Given that threads is aping Mastodon, could they come after front ends here? Or is this just megacorp slap fighting/ an unexpected (but maybe predictable) outcome of the Twitter staff purges?

    196 BNE 1y ago 100%
    Bean discourse rule

    Man, 4zzz is a gift - and happy NAIDOC, y'all!


    By the Breakfast Creek Hotel - awesome little piece! Lots of texture and detail, more like a traditional canvas work than someone getting up on concrete under a time limit! I think this artist who goes by Mr. Moon - or something similar, I could be wrong - they've been putting up little ceramic tiles and installs around the inner-city for years now. Always super cool to see! If this *is* the same artist, that is. Can never really know. Either way, very cool to see! More street art!

    196 BNE 1y ago 100%

    but, like, not in the empire way
