Why I Support Population Collapse And Antinatalism
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2w ago 100%

    It would all depend on fundraising and the amount of people getting abortions. We would be able to budget it out based on predictions with high funds translating to better rewards for getting abortions.

  • Why I Support Population Collapse And Antinatalism
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2w ago 100%

    I did not say they should be bullied. I said that people should be encouraged not to have children so the population can collapse and the US can fail.

  • Veganism is the idea generally that humans should do their best to live without animal products. Some may ideologically believe animals deserve complete autonomy and separation from humans, while some may believe that in the society we currently live in, there is no ethical way to consume animal products because modern factory farming is egregiously brutal. In the United States, animals are sadistically tortured in the name of science or animal products. They are cut open, have parts amputated while alive, or are force fed to the point they are obese and their legs break. Many comrades would agree that animals are an exploited form of life, even if they cannot be called a class since they are unable to articulate their experiences or a class identity. One of the largest issues with veganism is the extremist mentalities of some participants on the internet. There are stories of vegans being put into positions where they have nothing to eat but eggs, such as in a hospital setting. They receive death threats or harassment, which is more likely to make them leave the lifestyle. It also seems to reflect neoliberal ideas where everything is blamed on the individual regardless of material conditions that caused them to go against their diet such as lack of availability or economic reasons out of their control. In the third world where people do not have the privilege to always choose vegan or vegetarian meals, they need to eat meat to meet their food requirements. This is rejected by vegans in the first world and a person would be demonized by some people for not having a completely pure diet, making them less likely to become vegan and continue down the path of reducing animal harm. As an Ecomaoist, I do not personally believe that humans and animals must be segregated and exist completely independently of each other. Animals such as sheep or cows are actually good for the environment, make good companions, neighbors, and can be shepherded around to maintain the environment through their grazing and manure patterns. Secondary products such as their milk or their fur could also be harvested humanely in such a situation, which would fix the ethical dilemma associated with such products. Modern factory farming is not only wrong for the torture animals are put through, but the animals in factories are not able to help improve their local environment through grazing and spreading of manure. This contributes to desertification and the loss of minerals from the environment over time. In a situation where animal cruelty is not a problem, a vegan lifestyle can still be beneficial for the planet and efficiency of the world’s resources for feeding the population.

    Why Is Everyone Trying To Assassinate Certain Politicians?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 1mo ago 100%

    I'm saying they know they are oppressed, but they cannot articulate the details and understand all the complexities behind it because they are not using Marxist analysis or dialectical materialism.

  • Someone tried to kill Trump again, so we are getting more choreographed tears and sympathizing of the man from American state media. I would never advocate violence and I know I would personally be super sad at the death of a class enemy and oppressor. If you’re a socialist you should also not perform an act of adventurism that will give the regime anything that can be used as propaganda against our ideology. Even though some people may be frustrated by the situation, they can at least enjoy seeing their local news anchors being visibly annoyed that they have to go and fake cry about this again. Additionally this assassination attempt provides us the opportunity to share our political ideas with other people who may be affected by the recent event and open to new political ideas. Communists still have an uphill battle, but things that were once unthinkable to the majority of people are relatively mainstream now, such as wishing death upon political leadership or seeing their own ideas and feelings reflected in a person labeled a terrorist by the media. The people are realizing that their social order is based on exploitation and brainwashing, they just need it articulated to them so they can begin to develop a revolutionary consciousness based on Marxism-Leninism and can articulate these ideas without the tendencies of revisionism, liberalism and right deviationism. To address the question of why people are trying to assassinate certain politicians? Because they are class enemies, and the people do not need Marxism to understand that they are being oppressed by the ruling class. However, that does not mean they deeply understand the complex mechanisms that make their subjugation possible and perpetuate it. Even liberals and rightists are looking through their scopes to try and get a high score on the former president. The news is wailing about anti-government extremism, but in a society where the government is a tool of the bourgeois class, being anti-government is the only way of being a true hero of the people.

    What is it like to be dead?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2mo ago 100%

    That would be interesting. I imagine that if humans respawned after death it would feel like being knocked out with some people having amnesia or dreams between, unless it was so instant that there would be no experience between.

  • What is it like to be dead?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 3mo ago 50%

    That seems surreal because bananas have so much fiber. I guess the experience is just beyond what we would expect.

  • What is it like to be dead?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 3mo ago 50%

    That sounds very unpleasant, but I think due to rigor mortis and the gas that a corpse produces some ghosts may feel bloated or stiff if they are still connected to their old bodies. It probably feels like constipation all over their body.

  • What is it like to be dead?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 3mo ago 17%

    I feel that I have a vague idea about what that was like but I wish it was possible to have pictures or videos from that time so people can have a clear idea.

  • What is it like to be dead?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 3mo ago 30%

    I see what you mean. I guess I've experienced similar while blacking out or being knocked out and not remembering so this helps to understand it.

  • Why Should We Care About Trump's Failed Assassination?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 3mo ago 100%

    If only the media was sending their thoughts and prayers to Donald Trump. That would make me chuckle.

  • What is the craziest subs on lemmy ?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 3mo ago 100%

    I'm not a sub, and I don't even know why you tagged me in this sub/dom BDSM thread.

  • Is Communism Purely Economic?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4mo ago 100%

    The reason people think economics and politics are separate is because of capitalist realism which makes modern liberals default to private ownership of everything, meaning politics is nothing but social issues and other relatively small and specific things.

  • Freedom In The World 2024
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4mo ago 100%

    In hindsight I should have done that, I was just so focused on filling all the purple I forgot to make those nicer edits.

  • Freedom In The World 2024
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4mo ago 90%

    The map was originally made by liberals so Tibet was its own thing.

  • Freedom In The World 2024
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4mo ago 78%

    I missed that, but as part of China I guess that's still technically correct despite a rogue government controlling that province.

  • Is Paganism Inherently Rightist?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 5mo ago 100%

    The reason I posted this in this community is because the recruitment and propaganda tactics of the enemy are things we should talk about if not work to disrupt. I know this is a secular community but this case study on how reactionaries hijack social movements applies well to their general modus operandi.

  • Is Paganism Inherently Rightist?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 5mo ago 100%

    This post is calling out a tendency of rightists to hijack things.

  • How do we adapt to climate change?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 5mo ago 100%

    Yeah, but even the non-disposable ones don't always seem ideal to be honest. Plastic in clothes makes an issue when it ends up being burned in landfills in Africa.

  • How do we adapt to climate change?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 5mo ago 100%

    There is tons more we could do besides reforesting actually. If we stop using plastics, use more renewable forms of storage, increase access to plumbing so water in cans is not so much of a necessity, it would greatly help the pollution we get. Obviously fossil fuels and car usage is huge, but if we put all the population in cities the issue of cars would have to work itself out and we would probably end up with walkable megacities, with cars reserved for rural people who actually need to travel like that.

  • How do we adapt to climate change?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 5mo ago 100%

    I think the best way to deal with this would be to replant more trees to help the environment regulate itself, but in the current Anthropocene era all solutions provided are just green capitalism which is unlikely to ever put a dent into the problem and the bourgeoisie will not give up land to become forested areas. It would be possible to move the current population into larger denser cities to always keep more land available for wooded areas (And this would probably increase the standards of living since rural areas are so neglected) but this is even more radical than just planting more trees at the expense of land that some millionaire could use to build another Wal-Mart or crappy Amazon warehouse.

  • The Virtues Of A Primitive Lifestyle
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 6mo ago 75%

    I do admit that people were destroying environments and things, but I think it must be noted that the scale of destruction would be comparitively less than modern times. Neolibs in Brazil are burning the Amazon rainforest in order to produce beef to send to America which is something that would be unheard of in previous eras.
