Sing with me..... *Qilai! Buyuan zuo nuli de renmen! Bawomen de xierou, zhucheng women xin de changcheng......*


Newsflash, poverty is still rampant and Filipinos are still unable to make ends meet to feed their families. Claims the economy is making post-COVID strides because big lines and more investments but wages haven't improved. Meanwhile politicians with misplaced priorities chose to poke the Chinese dragon. I mean, try looking for the supposed nine-dash line on this map. Actual scene from the movie. ![]( Why are you fucking overreacting when we the people are suffering? That's right, you let us suffer so we would come to you and force us to suck Uncle Sam's dick.


![]( Originally made this meme in a glowering response to a tweet by a baizuo "leftist" complaining about toxic masculinity in ROTC. Bitching for the wrong reasons.





Well, it seems I'm on the NAFO hit list. Should I proverbially swallow the cyanide pill?
  • Comrade_Deku571 Comrade_Deku571 2y ago 100%

    An IP ban is serious. So I aint taking chances. I'm not gonna let the NAFO shits lay their grubby hands on me.

    Started to kinda miss my twitter account, though it was for my safety. Can't really make comments on local politics in my country using a normal twitter account

  • Well, it seems I'm on the NAFO hit list. Should I proverbially swallow the cyanide pill?
  • Comrade_Deku571 Comrade_Deku571 2y ago 100%

    Update: as of December 2, 2022, 5:10 PM Singapore time, I officially swallowed the pill and completed the suicide.

  • ![]( Well, it seems the fascists at NAFO have already crafted a cross for them to nail me on. Dude leaked my old Twitter handle, but this dumbass got his info wrong. I never made a new account, just rebranded it after exchanging the MHA themed pfp for a Genshin one. Please help..... is suiciding my Twitter account a good option at this point?


    Behold.... Asking German comrades here if I wrote it right. It's supposed to say "For sucking Nick Fuentes' dick" ![]( I made the medal above in response to this one made by NAFO shits ![](


    So I just found an awesome cover of the DPRK synth song Tansume/Without A Break by said artist on Youtube, which kinda slapped. So I looked down their channel, and found a few video titles of his works, some of which are problematic. ![]( ![]( By that point I'm 20 percent sure they're kinda problematic. Then I decided to listen to one of the sussy titles: After seeing the lyrics I am 50 percent sure most of this guy's work is veiled Neo-Nazi art porn disguised as European cultural appreciation. Shame, some of TdF's works are a banger, but what's with fascists and Nazi poopooheads jacking off to badass stuff like phonk and synth?


    Twitter has gone the way of LiveJournal. First they broke the woke boba libs from the Tumblr zoo tarring the Left with teenage cringe, the gates of the Twitter gulag has been opened to freedom for chuds, Neo-Nazis, and reactionaries. What kind of timeline are we living in? It seems the sacrifices of 8.7 million Russians to bury the Nazi monster are in vain. Now we must keep a vigilant eye for false comrades, like how fascists try to lure some of our naive baby comrades by jacking off to North Korea.


    TW: antisemitism, brainrot ::: spoiler spoiler ![]( :::


    ![]( Looks like an post by a no step on snek guy at first glance, but notice the PFP, it looks sussy. ![]( "GAB dot com" Bingo. Apparently, anarkiddies and "muh small gubmint" reactionary chuds seem to have a lot of common ground. And they still call us redfash just because of an episode of Nazi-Soviet diplomacy that bore no fruit but buy time for Stalin to mobilize for the coming onslaught.

    Need advice dealing with dense Filipino parents
  • Comrade_Deku571 Comrade_Deku571 3y ago 0%

    Wait, is Duterte decent? I thought he was a fascist?

    I feel what you said. Everyone thought Duterte is a fascist because far-right populists like groyper scum praised him as their dream strongman elected by the people. Duterte is what they wanted Trump to be. They fantasize a Duterte-like figure to dab on "Da Joo elitez" in AmeriKKKa.

    When in reality, he's more of a Stalin than Hitler. He's more of a Maduro without the ruinous economic incompetence than Pinochet.

  • Need advice dealing with dense Filipino parents
  • Comrade_Deku571 Comrade_Deku571 3y ago 100%

    The CPP-NPA are bandits at best and Trotskyite larpers backhanded by Raytheon at worst, decieving a lot of Filipino kids in unis to take part in their ReVoLuTiOn only to become test subjects being blown to minced meat to test weapons by US arms dealers.

  • Need advice dealing with dense Filipino parents
  • Comrade_Deku571 Comrade_Deku571 3y ago 100%

    Most of the brutality of the drug war here are from asshole cops on the ground, not orders from the top. Why do you think Duterte is doing purges on the police force against the so-called "scalawag' cops?

  • I'm a Marxist-Leninist born and grew up in the US-occupied Republic of the Philippines who firmly believes in AES, and a staunch Duterte supporter. And no, I do not support the CPP-NPA, they are Trotskyite pieces of s**t larping as Maoist revolutionaries. Everyday I have to deal with lib bullshit from from my mother, she keeps asking me why I keep barking negative about the United States. Especially when talking about the elections. She supports Leni Robredo, our own Manchurian Candidate being rigged by US influence to win, so they can dethrone Duterte and enslave us again to Raytheon's whims for their sweet arms profits at our expense. I don't know what correct words to say, it always felt like a trap question everytime she asks why I stan China. I know what to say, I am convinced of my beliefs, its just, I dont know how to explain them without damning myself into their trap. I kept talking about how chaotic the USA is with all the civil disobedience from both MAGAts and California libs, especially the BLM protests, Freedom Convoy, J6, anti-vaxxer protests, and the riots and shit. All they just said to me? "Its part of the process of healthy democracy." Riots? Healthy Democracy? Are they fucking kidding me? They think being a dumpster fire for having a clown and later a sleepy old man for presidents is a healthy democracy? I'm losing brain cells.
