New York governor to launch bill banning smartphones in schools
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 50%

    My kids have child phones on Google Fi which allows me to shut down their Internet with a couple of button presses. Are they simple devices if I geofence their internet access off while they're in school? I somehow doubt it, but it does meet the definition as you've stated it, which in turn means it is as @originalucifer said, not exactly cut and dry.

  • Chinese scientists develop cure for diabetes, insulin patient becomes medicine-free in just 3 months
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 100%

    So this is neat. Potentially life changing for some type 2 diabetics, but that depends because some t2 diabetics are not failing to make enough insulin, they're just no longer sensitive to it at a level that makes it functional for them. I suppose it's possible that this therapy could cause them to grow enough islet β cells to overcome their lack of sensitivity, but (and I'm a type 1, not a type 2, so maybe my info is incorrect here) that lack of sensitivity can grow with further exposure to insulin making this a stop-gap at best for those cases absent other therapies.

    ...and with all of that said, being able to regrow islet β cells has never really been the problem for type 1 diabetes. You can regrow all the islet β cells you'd like and it's not going to cure the underlying immune disease that has caused your immune system to kill off all of your islet β cells to begin with. Unless you can figure out why t1 diabetes causes one's own immune system to go psycho killer on their islet β cells, you've done nothing to "cure" diabetes. Without being able to suppress that impulse for your immune system to murder your own cells, any ability to replace the islet β cells is going to be temporary at best, and probably a waste on the whole.

    My brother in law is a "cured" type 1 diabetic, by virtue of his having had a kidney replacement and being on immune suppressing drugs for that. Since they were already replacing the kidney and he was going to have to take immune system suppression medications for that, they also just replaced his pancreas at the same time and the suppression of his immune system has allowed the new pancreas to thrive and continue to make insulin. Easy-peasy. The only trade-off is that he is super immunocompromised and can be killed by common colds, so not a great strategy in general.

  • linux
    Linux 5mo ago
    [Solved] Possible to lock a folder? To prevent it from being deleted.
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 100%

    Attributes only apply to the directory’s own allocation table and child directories have their own tables.

    Thanks. It has been a while, but I was fairly certain that this was the case, glad to have the confirmation. 👍

  • linux
    Linux 5mo ago
    [Solved] Possible to lock a folder? To prevent it from being deleted.
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 100%

    If you'd like to look into it further. the +i flag in chattr is setting an attribute making the file (everything in Linux is a file, so yes this even means directories) immutable. When a file is immutable, it isn't possible to change the ownership, group, name, or permissions of the file, nor will you be able to write, append, or truncate the file.

    It's been a while since I've used it, but I don't believe it's possible to have an immutable directory where you can still modify the contents therein, but I may be misremembering that. It would seem unlikely since adding content to the directory should require that you modify the links for the directory, which shouldn't be allowable with an immutable object?

    It's possible that the +a chattr attribute may achieve what you'd prefer. I believe that flag will make it so that files (and again, everything in Linux is a file) can be created and modified, but never deleted. I've actually never used this one, but I can foresee how this still may not be ideal for your wishes since updates to games may expect to be able to delete old content which would be thwarted here. 🤷

  • A major pause in relations between Russia and China, economist says
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 100%

    I accidentally misclicked this article and reported it as spam while I was trying to report some prescription drug spam. Hopefully it's not adversely affected. I wish there was an Undo on that action.

  • Are there any EV cars without any "technology"?
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 100%

    The Nissan Connect stuff doesn't work anymore for any of the 2016 Leafs, they used a form of cell service that is no longer in operation.

    I swapped a nice Kenwood head unit into my Leaf for a couple hundred dollars. It maintains the backup camera, steering wheel controls, and the built in USB port while offering a larger screen and touch screen controls for Android Auto or Apple Car Play if you want them. It's awesome and I highly recommend it for anyone who wants a short range commuter car.

  • Apple Patent Hints At Foldable iPhone With Self-healing Screen
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 100%

    You or I might, but companies have a constant flow of new middle management who want to make their KPIs this quarter and will shove their own mother in front of an oncoming train to get there. Corporations don't learn, doubly true for corporations like Apple who have basically captured an audience within their walled garden, the motivation is always all the money now, not some money consistently forever.

    Even when you have a company like Samsung with their exploding battery fiasco. Sure they have protections now in place against designing a new product with bad batteries, but give it some time and they'll do it again when a middle manager (who wasn't there the first time) ignores the recommendations of their engineers and the company guidelines so they can save $0.001/phone by using a slightly inferior battery design and net that neat bonus for keeping costs down. It will always happen.

  • OpenAI says Sky voice in ChatGPT will be paused after concerns it sounds too much like Scarlett Johansson
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 100%

    I mean, it's worked for exceptionally well for C. Montgomery Burns, so why not this other cartoon miscreant?

  • Tesla must face fraud suit for claiming its cars could fully drive themselves
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 85%

    Not for all the money in the world could you convince me to touch him, let alone what you propose.

  • linux
    Linux 5mo ago
    Little help here linux guys? Trying to figure out what distro to use
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 100%

    I'm now deeply curious if it works for your use case. Hit me back if you give it a go and let me know if it works out or not.

  • linux
    Linux 5mo ago
    Little help here linux guys? Trying to figure out what distro to use
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 100%

    If gaming with Nvidia hardware is your primary concern, then maybe Bazzite would suit you. It's based on Immutable Fedora, with tweaks to give it a SteamOS like experience. It offers Gnome or KDE for the desktop, and supposedly has everything dialed in for gaming. I've heard a bunch about it doing great with Nvidia cards and gaming in general, I suspect that you'd be able to do everything else you might need via the desktop it provides, but I have no knowledge of how it handles multiple monitors so maybe therein lies the fatal flaw.

  • games
    Games 5mo ago
    PSA: A website called SteamHistory enables stalkers through Steam mass data harvesting. Here's how stalkers found me despite creating a new, private, anonymous account.
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 100%

    Just as an FYI, Steam has some granularity for privacy settings, your profile can be private while your friends list is not. Steam defaults profiles to private since 2018 and as I recall I had to go and open mine back up after they made that change in 2018 (I enjoy having SteamDB able to give me some analytics on my account, which it cannot do while things are private, so I took my stuff public.) I believe that they made that change retroactive to some degree else I could have continued using SteamDB without having had to change anything in my profile which worked before the change.

    I just sicced SteamHistory on a Steam account that I use for managing some dedicated servers I host, I've never futzed with the privacy settings on that account, but it does have a single friend that I set up so one of the server admins could find the account, and SteamHistory is completely unaware of that fact. It shows that the account has 0 friends and I was able to confirm that this is not the case from the perspective of that account.

    You (or your friends) can check your privacy settings for Steam at

    That said, and you did touch on this OP, nothing on the Internet should be considered private, even in the best cases it's still data that you don't have 100% control over and you should assume that it COULD be public at any time because that scenario is always only one data breach away. If you're not comfortable with your data being known by others, you should not put it on the internet in any form under any circumstances; privacy settings will not save you.

    TL;DR: It seems that whatever means SteamHistory is using, they are bound by the limitations of the Steam Privacy settings, so if your stalkers were able to figure out where your account moved via SteamHistory, it's probably because your friends do not have 100% of their stuff set private or because someone inside your circle of trust is giving the stalkers an inside scoop.

  • Joe Rogan - suggestions to switch my sibling to better media
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 100%

    I assume this is a Stargate thing and that there aren't actually that many Skeptical Guide podcasts out there.

    I haven't got any dog in the Stargate fight, I've seen the original movie (good) and watched the Richard Dean Anderson TV series (better than the movie) for a while before it just fell off my radar? I'll take your word for it that Stargate Universe is the lesser of the Stargate properties.

    SGU in my comment obviously is referring to the Skeptics Guide to the Universe aka, the linked podcast.

  • linux
    Linux 6mo ago
    sharing my simple wireguard kill-switch for Linux
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 100%

    If you use a fancy official VPN client from Mullvad, PIA, etc, you won’t need this since most clients already have a kill switch built in (also called Lockdown Mode in Mullvad).

    According to the researchers...

    The result of this is the user transmits packets that are never encrypted by a VPN, and an attacker can snoop their traffic. We are using the term decloaking to refer to this effect. Importantly, the VPN control channel is maintained so features such as kill switches are never tripped, and users continue to show as connected to a VPN in all the cases we’ve observed.

    Killswitches are insufficient protection since the TunnelVision attack never disables the VPN tunnel. The TunnelVision attackers are instructing your physical layer connection to route everything through a node of their choosing rather than killing your VPN connection, and since the VPN connection never drops, a killswitch will never engage. The VPN stays up, thinking it is doing a good job, but in the meantime your network interface has been instructed to route no traffic through the VPN and instead route everything to the location of the attacker's choosing. I have heard that a couple of VPNs think their clients are not vulnerable here, but I haven't seen independent conclusive proof one way or the other yet.

    I suspect that your "Solution" also fails to mitigate the issues in TunnelVision because it allows LAN access to the physical interface. In a TunnelVision attack the hostile has to be on your LAN (or rather the same LAN you are on since I suspect that "The coffee shop wi-fi" is the more likely network for an attack like this) already, so if they're going to tell your interface to route traffic somewhere else, in all likelihood that somewhere else will already be in the same LAN you are and their exfiltration will be allowed under your configuration.

  • games
    Games 6mo ago
    In today's earnings call, EA CEO Andrew Wilson says he has been playing the next Battlefield game with the development team and it will be a "tremendous live service."
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 100%

    In today's earnings call, EA CEO Andrew Wilson says he has been playing the next Battlefield game with the development team and it will be a "tremendous live service."

    "a tremendous live service" said Wilson, "...but a fairly terrible gaming experience." 😁

    Honestly, I think he may be right with his statement in so much as he was using Webster's second definition for tremendous.

  • Joe Rogan - suggestions to switch my sibling to better media
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 5mo ago 100%

    I've never listened to Rogan*, but I think does an excellent job of talking about current news and science items in an easily digestible format that mostly avoids bullshit while probably filling the same gee-whiz niche that people expect from Rogan? It's a panel, so not a single muscular male host, but I think if your sibling is pursuing Rogan because they think it's helping expose them to new interesting ideas, SGU is a vastly superior route to that end.

    *I actually think my only Rogan exposure has been the SGU talking about how he more or less just believes the last thing anyone told him, whatever that might be, which seems... less good?

  • games
    Games 6mo ago
    Alan Wake 2 Still Hasn't Earned Back Its Budget
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 6mo ago 66%

    The existence of one premier dominant platform is called a fucking monopoly.

    Read the first sentence of the Cornell Law Legal Dictionary:

    A monopoly is when a single company or entity creates an unreasonable restraint of competition in a market.

    Restraint of Competition links to the FTC doc that defines what that is in a page titled "Monopolization defined" and it offers a two pronged test which is exactly what I've been saying all this time, they have to be the leader in their market which they have to have "gained or maintained through improper conduct."

    Your lay interpretation informed by feelings that it's bad we have a market leader (and even there I'm giving you a huge gimmie because Google Play, GOG, EGS, Xbox, UPlay, and Amazon Games all exist and sell PC games in a digital storefront entirely absent Steam, and for stores that aren't absent Steam, as I noted before even games sold for use on Steam may not net Valve any revenue thanks to the ability of devs to sell their keys directly) is just not the correct interpretation for whether Steam is a monopoly. EA alone made almost as much revenue in 2023 as Valve did, which isn't an apples to apples comparison since EA does business a lot of places, but they're just one of a lot of big fish who don't always put money in Valve's pockets in the Digital PC Games Distribution market. Many devs sell their games as Steam keys on Amazon, GameStop, Newegg, Best Buy, Walmart, Target, and all the others I linked before and Valve gets nothing (Excepting maybe a freeloading user) from those sales.

    Out of curiosity I went to check out my account to see what I had bought "from Valve" vs "not from Valve" on Steam and it turns out that I own 1724 games on Steam. We can break that down in the transaction history, but I'm not going to go line by line to figure out which are DLC and which are games so this next part won't add up to 1724, but I'm providing the number to give some context for the remaining numbers so it doesn't just look like most of my transactions are MTX or something silly where Steam is actually getting something. I think it is illuminating to show that I have only made 718 purchases through Steam, I have been gifted 70 games, and I have 209 transactions which were indicated to be "Complimentary" where most seem to be DLC but there are a few games in that mix, so let's be charitable and give Valve the whole lot those as sales even though they were likely nothing of the sort. I have in my transaction history 1152 transactions that are listed as "Retail" which is Steam's way of showing that I didn't get the game or DLC from them. In 16 years of using Steam, Valve has charitably gotten a cut of 997 interactions, while I have given Steam 0% of a transaction 1152 times. That means that Valve has gotten a cut for only 47% of the content that they provide me at the absolutely most charitable interpretation of the data. So far as my account is concerned, if they're monopolizing the market, they're doing a terrible job of it by letting everyone else out there take the majority of the money while bearing none of the costs for Steam's infrastructure and development.

    You can dismiss the fact that there is a historical record of Steam often not being the cheapest place to buy a game, or you can claim that just because there is a dominant player we defacto have a monopoly, or any of the other insane claims you've made but the fact is that there isn't a finding of law anywhere stating that Steam is a monopoly and it's unlikely there ever will be because they just don't meet the standard defined even if you cut down the market to the slimmest possible framing.

    Unfortunately, we have clearly reached an impasse where you refuse to acknowledge statements of fact as written and will just "blah blah blah" away inconvenient facts, so I suppose this is where we part ways. Hopefully the next time we meet will bear better fruit.

  • games
    Games 6mo ago
    Alan Wake 2 Still Hasn't Earned Back Its Budget
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 6mo ago 66%

    the long term ability to raise price or exclude competitors.

    Which you seem to take for a granted, but won't provide even a theoretical for how that might have happened here?

  • games
    Games 6mo ago
    Alan Wake 2 Still Hasn't Earned Back Its Budget
  • DarthYoshiBoy DarthYoshiBoy 6mo ago 75%

    Here, it's easy:

    Then courts ask if that leading position was gained or maintained through improper conduct—that is, something other than merely having a better product, superior management or historic accident.

    Does not in fact say:

    Then courts ask if that monopoly was gained or maintained through improper conduct—that is, something other than merely having a better product, superior management or historic accident.

    The standard has multiple prongs. You might have "monopoly power" without in fact being a monopoly because being a monopoly requires meeting a legal standard where being the in the leading position of a market is not the singular qualifier.

  • I'm looking for something that I could run locally and turn loose on a collection of videos to get a quick list of tags for each piece of content. e.g. A video of a cat playing in a front yard on a sunny day would generate a collection of tags like `["Cat", "Grass", "Sidewalk", "Sunny", "Flower", "Dirt"]` or a video of children playing on a playground would generate `["Child", "Slide", "Swing", "Seesaw", "Kids"]` There seem to be a number of online products that will do this sort of thing for YouTube videos or allow you to upload content to their cloud for analysis (and often for a decent price) but I don't want to run everything through the internet as it seems like I'd spend more time uploading stuff than it'd be worth the bother. It seems like [OpenCV]( might be capable of doing something like this, but I haven't found anyone speaking of its use without having to first train your own model which would probably reduce the effectiveness of this approach as I'd have to go tag all my own content first to teach the model how to do it?


    I have a USB-C hub that has an NVMe slot built in and offers USB-PD power passthrough. My intention had been to use that hub to dual boot Windows from a 2TB NVMe so I could run native Gamepass and Genshin Impact on my Steam Deck, while keeping the majority of that drive formatted to share games between SteamOS and Windows, but it seems that any time the device changes power states the NVMe drive is disconnected and reconnected as part of the process. This is problematic enough when I start Windows from the NVMe SSD in the enclosure connected to power, things work fine until the Steam Deck reaches full charge and the USB-PD is renegotiated so as to run things from the charger rather than continually topping up the battery. Windows dies immediately because the disk briefly goes away and comes right back. So fine, I just don't start my Deck with the hub connected unless the Steam Deck is fully topped off and problem solved? That's all fine and well, but it becomes unbearable when I use my fancy 120w charging brick that offers multiple USB ports to power/charge multiple devices which charger renegotiates every device plugged in whenever any device is added, removed, or changes power states. If my Kindle Fire hits full charge while I'm playing on my deck, the connection to the NVMe storage is killed and anything with files open from the drive takes a dump. This happens in Windows and in SteamOS. I've used the same NVMe drive in several different external enclosures hooked up via USB-A, with several different USB chargers (all 65w or higher,) all through the same hub that has the NVMe slot built in, through a fancier Lenovo hub, and a through a cheap $20 number from Amazon; all of the hubs have USB-PD passthrough and no matter what the setup it seems like no drive will stay connected in any arrangement if the power delivery situation changes in any way. The question then is this: ***What is responsible for this behavior?*** Is the Steam Deck uniquely unable to keep data connections open while power delivery is renegotiated, are all 3 of the hubs I have botching things and another hub would allow this behavior I desire, or is this normal for the USB spec and it's just not possible to have a reliable data connection going during a USB-PD state change? I've been unable to find any answers searching the Internet, so if you've got an authoritative source on the answer to my question, I'd love to see it and know if I should just give up on my dream or if there's a solution somewhere.
