Forgejo v9.0 is available
  • Kissaki Kissaki 4d ago 100%

    even smaller than it already is (~100MB)

    cries in 1 GB apt GitLab update

  • Roblox: inflated key metrics for wall street and a pedophile hellscape for kids.
  • Kissaki Kissaki 1w ago 100%

    The company has reported net losses every quarter since becoming a public company, with last twelve months (LTM) losses totaling $1.07 billion.

    it's crazy that that's feasible and not already an issue. And for such a super popular platform. If it's not profitable now, when will it be?

    When did it go public?

    Roblox went public on the NYSE via a direct listing on March 10th, 2021, and has a current market capitalization of ~$27 billion.

    Interviews reveal Roblox effectively has two sets of books for counting users: one for internal business decisions, in which multiple accounts are ‘de-alted’, and one used by the finance team that reports higher metrics to investors.

    To better understand the company’s reported engagement, we hired a technical consultant that monitored the top ~7,200 Roblox games across ~2.1 million Roblox servers, collecting 297.7 million rows of real-time player data.

    They did extensive, founded analysis.

  • 📸 Favorite camera app for Android?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 1w ago 100%

    Looks like they publish source on release as a source zip

  • TikTok executives know about the harms the app poses for teenagers, lawsuit documents allege
  • Kissaki Kissaki 1w ago 100%

    Can you explain what you mean by free speech?

    Is the free choice of content selection algorithm free speech? Isn't the speech, the content, there either way, and could be selected through other alternative algorithms?

    Is using deliberately engaging or addicting design free speech? Isn't the speech, the content, there either way?

  • Why 'free' proprietary software will always end in tears
  • Kissaki Kissaki 1w ago 100%

    They're describing one kind of free proprietary software and company setup. Which is valid. But the title claiming "[all] always ends in tears" isn't supported by that.

  • GIMP - Development Update: Closing In on the 3.0 Release Candidate
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2w ago 100%

    My interpretation has always been that it loads [too] many files. File performance on many [small] files is noticeably, significantly slower on Windows than it is on Linux.

  • EU approves steep tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2w ago 100%

    threats of commercial retaliation appear to have dampened the resolve

    A few days ago I saw an interview with an EU official (I don't remember who) which gave interesting insight.

    They pointed out that they're talking with China about these tariffs, that they're taking a proof-based approach on them, reasoning and justifying with evidence of unfair subsidies, and that China has accepted such tariffs in the past for other things.

    Collecting and discussing evidence obviously takes more time. But it defuses the "I put tariffs on you" -> "then I put tariffs on you" into a "these unjust subsidies were in place so we have to add these tariffs" -> "I don't like it but I see".

    I wonder how those talks turned out, given that the tariffs have now been set. I guess I will hear from China if they object.

  • GIMP - Development Update: Closing In on the 3.0 Release Candidate
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2w ago 100%

    we’re currently at 96% completion for the 3.0 RC1 milestone, with 11 issues remaining.

    for how long it has been in development, neither 96% nor 11 issues remaining give me confidence in short-term completion.

    But given the wording around it, I guess it has to be not too far off - whatever that means. I'm not hopeful about anything, but looking forward to it. GIMP has been my main "heavy" image editing tool for a long time.

    All features aside, I hope it will launch faster than previous versions.

  • Thank you Skövde
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2w ago 100%

    I loved Goat Simulator for its absurdity and silliness. It had a lot of content and stuff to explore as well, embedding cultural references and humor.

  • Thank you Skövde
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2w ago 100%

    I love the idea of a silly game like Goat Simulator being embedded in the street.

  • Double-Sided GBoard Keyboard
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2w ago 100%

    What do you mean?

    It has buttons on both sides.


    [This GitHub repository]( has the technical details.

    Are there resources for learning social skills?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2w ago 100%

    Toastmasters seems to be focused on giving presentations?

    From their about page:

    Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that builds confidence and teaches public speaking skills through a worldwide network of clubs that meet online and in person. In a supportive community or corporate environment, members prepare and deliver speeches, respond to impromptu questions, and give and receive constructive feedback.

  • Suggest a Replacement Music Player
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2w ago 100%


    Strawberry is a music player and music collection organizer. It is a fork of Clementine released in 2018 aimed at music collectors and audiophiles.

    IIRC I was not satisfied with the UI, so it didn't become my main player. But maybe that's different for you.


    Abstract (added emphasis and paragraphing): Anthropogenic **methane** (CH4) emissions increases from the period 1850–1900 until 2019 are **responsible for around 65% as much warming as carbon dioxide (CO2)** has caused to date, and large reductions in methane emissions are required to limit global warming to 1.5°C or 2°C. However, methane emissions **have been increasing rapidly** since ~2006. This study shows that emissions are expected to continue to increase over the remainder of the 2020s if no greater action is taken and that increases in atmospheric methane are thus far outpacing projected growth rates. This increase has important implications for reaching net zero CO2 targets: every 50 Mt CH4 of the sustained large cuts envisioned under low-warming scenarios that are not realized would eliminate about 150 Gt of the remaining CO2 budget. Targeted methane reductions are therefore a critical component alongside decarbonization to minimize global warming. We describe additional linkages between methane mitigation options and CO2, especially via land use, as well as their respective climate impacts and associated metrics. We explain why a net zero target specifically for methane is neither necessary nor plausible. Analyses show where reductions are most feasible at the national and sectoral levels given limited resources, for example, to meet the Global Methane Pledge target, but they also reveal large uncertainties. Despite these uncertainties, many mitigation costs are clearly low relative to real-world financial instruments and very low compared with methane damage estimates, but legally binding regulations and methane pricing are needed to meet climate goals.


    Up to 6, sharing your shareable games library Adult and child accounts, limit child accounts, approve and pay for child buy requests, Intended for close household family; can't join a different one until one year after joining > If a family member gets banned for cheating while playing your copy of a game, you (the game owner) **will also be banned in that game**. Other family members are not impacted. haha


    > researchers conducted experimental surveys with more than 1,000 adults in the U.S. to evaluate the relationship between AI disclosure and consumer behavior > The findings consistently showed products described as using artificial intelligence were less popular > “When AI is mentioned, it tends to lower emotional trust, which in turn decreases purchase intentions,”


    *Reading the post and comments on [Softbank plans to cancel out angry customer voices using AI]( made me think it could be an interesting topic to chat about.* I think the best support I received was in the chat application and service **Slack**. A competent, friendly human responds. I had two or three support inquiries with them. The last issue I had in Slack was when I opened via try icon click my clipboard content was being pasted. I was surprised they were able to identify [the issue]( which was due to a third-party application that had only just released with the issue a day earlier. Slack support was responsive with a first message before the solution, and fast to respond with the second message with the identified cause. I'm not sure any stand out as particularly awful for me. [Kinda] Bad seems to be the norm. Sometimes bots sit in front of being able to write a message (my bank, I have to write the same inquiry a second time), sometimes the first response is automated or templated, sometimes the first response is automated and immediately but a human will follow up, sometimes you call and can hardly understand them because of accent or even awful intonation. Often you receive incompetent answers that don't respond to your message or issue. Sometimes they're unwilling or incapable of resolution or agreeable conclusions.


    I stumbled upon their videos and watched three. It's absurd and often hilarious how bad most of the games are. Jauwn shows us through the games and their gameplay, but also checks further into the mechanisms trying to bait people and the publishers and developers at times linking them to previous scams. * [About *Banana*]( - the Steam game that reached fourth-most-played-game apparently, and still has 90% positive on 14k ratings * [Exploring three crypto games on the Epic Games store]( - I laughed multiple times at how bad and absurd it was * [Exploring some crypto games games on Steam]( (which is the timestamped post link) * They have [more such videos on their channel](


    Today, we had European elections in Germany. We have the [Wahl-O-Mat](, a state-funded service, where you can **answer 38 questions, and then match your positions against a selection of or all political parties that could be elected**. It then shows you how much overlap (a percentage) you have with the various parties and their answers to those questions. I find this to be a very important and useful tool for citizen information.\ Campaign adverts are shallow and colorful PR. Broad slogans.\ Individuals are not necessarily what the broader party policies are and how they vote. Personal sympathy can even be misleading in that a sympathetic person may not hold the values and positions you do.\ Voting for a party, I think their program and stances should be the primary decision factor. (Alongside assessment of whether you can trust them of course.)\ It obviously and drastically shows you misconceptions about parties and your alignment, and shows you parties relevant to you that you may not have known about before. **Do other countries have something/things like that too?** A tool to match personal stance against political parties' stances? [In a concrete and up-to-date way.]


    I found this article a bit too elaborate and digressive, but it has a lot of content and sourcing. > In one email, Fox adds that there was a “pretty big disconnect between what finance and ads want” and what search was doing. > When Gomes pushed back on the multiple requests for growth > In a WIRED interview from 2021, Steven Levy said Raghavan “isn’t CEO of Google— he just runs the place,” and described his addition to the company as “a move from research to management.”


    From Forbes and Money content farms, to Google search algorithm changes promoting generic and generated content and big media platforms over specific results, to Google prioritizing ads, overpriced, and other worse results.


    Developing interactivity is effort and an investment. Most developers put up a simple loading screen, maybe some text like rotating tips, and a loading indicator. [Until 2015 a patent on interactive loading screens]( may have made developers and publishers cautious and decide against developing interactivity. High Hell, released in 2017, features fast gameplay, short levels, and interactive loading screens. (Linked Clip) *([High Hell Steam page](* What's the best kind of loading screen? Do you have examples of good or bad interactive loading screens?


    From the super long title, I expected *The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash* to be a mediocre standard-production anime, probably isekai, like we have seen numerous in recent times. But the first episode instantly sets a great atmosphere and tone, substantiated by great visuals, animation, world depth, and story premise. While aspects or focus points change through the journey progression, the production quality never drops. The "tamer" and picking-up-trash aspects are only a premise and hardly important to what is happening. It's an adventure, a youthful exploration, stemming from hardships, with discoveries of the world and people. It's slow-paced - it reminded me of Mushishi (beautiful, world-depth, character embedded in world, slow-paced). It's a great series that I can wholeheartedly recommend. Have you watched it? What did you think? *JP title: Saijaku Tamer wa Gomi Hiroi no Tabi o Hajimemashita* *Finished airing on 2024-03-29*


    In **Sky: Children of the Light** you can let yourself get taken by the hand, and the other player guides/plays for you and you barely need to do anything anymore. Felt a bit absurd and funny, but interesting nonetheless. Certainly unique. It was also very good to eat some snacks and watch yourself progress while doing so. ![bee happy emoji]( "emoji bee_happy") Sky is an interesting and visually beautiful/well-crafted game. It has many things going for it. But also things I found frustrating and annoying. I was also confused quite a bit, about quite a few things about what is happening and interacting in what way. If only there weren't so many cutscenes blocking me from actually playing the game and feeling embedded in the world and atmosphere. I hate those disrupting cutscenes. Forced camera focus was also annoying at times. Overall, I find Sky quite interesting, and can certainly recommend taking a look at and even into it. [Sky: Children of the Light is available on Steam for free, in Early Access.]( It has also been available on iOS since 2019, Android since 2020, Switch since 2021, PS4 since 2022. --- Walking back and forth between sofa + controller + TV and my PC + keyboard to chat with people was a hassle though 🤡 *(I was streaming PC to TV so it was the same thing. Chatting is entirely optional.)* *(Sorry for the shitty ~~screenshot~~ photo of hand-holding.)* --- Have you played Sky? What did you think of the implementation of social systems and interactions with other players?


    I have an Android tablet and a pen for it. Do you have any FOSS experience or recommendations for Android tablet drawing apps?
