Memes 3mo ago
  • Krause Krause 3mo ago 100%

    I’ll take the downvotes.

    very brave stance, redditor

  • Four more years!
  • Krause Krause 3mo ago 100%

    "Can we really trust the nuclear launch codes to a madman?" -The people who want to trust the nuclear launch codes to a guy who doesn't even know who he is

  • Russia, hit by new US sanctions, halts dollar and euro trade on main bourse
  • Krause Krause 4mo ago 50%

    So who made the image insulting all of the world leaders?

    russian bots probably

  • Russia is producing artillery shells around three times faster than Ukraine's Western allies and for about a quarter of the cost
  • Krause Krause 4mo ago 81%

    source: the people who can't produce shells as fast as the two most sanctioned countries on earth 😆

  • linux
    Linux 5mo ago
    Photoshop Terms of Service grants Adobe access to user projects for ‘content moderation’ and other purposes
  • Krause Krause 5mo ago 100%

    i've been using releases from there for years and i've never had any problems, you can find people saying the same thing on sites like reddit

  • linux
    Linux 5mo ago
    Photoshop Terms of Service grants Adobe access to user projects for ‘content moderation’ and other purposes
  • Krause Krause 5mo ago 90% oops my cat started walking on my keyboard sorry guys, i hope the link that came out doesn't contain any unlicensed adobe software

  • Are you a 'tankie'
  • Krause Krause 5mo ago 100%

    stalin chad <(YES.)

  • The Istanbul negotiations laid out the most profitable agreement Ukraine could achieve - Zelenskyy's former spokesman Oleksiy Arestovych
  • Krause Krause 9mo ago 73%

    uhh you do know that it was ukraine who didn't implement minsk 2 right? they never went through with the constitutional reform and there were multiple ceasefire violations

  • Claims Swirl Around Possible Shoot Down Of Russian A-50 Radar Jet by Ukraine
  • Krause Krause 9mo ago 35%

    we already have a picture of the IL-20 that was claimed to be "shot down" yet it landed safely

    how much longer until we get a picture of the A-50 and westerners memoryhole another pathetic propaganda attempt?

  • Zelenskyy and his team will never agree to frozen conflict - official
  • Krause Krause 9mo ago 43%

    who negotiates with a puppet? it doesn't matter what zelensky thinks, if america and russia decide on something it'll be put into practice

  • Claims Swirl Around Possible Shoot Down Of Russian A-50 Radar Jet by Ukraine
  • Krause Krause 9mo ago 38%

    no evidence, as is common with ukrainian claims

  • Vaushite logic: "I can make claims with bullshit sources, but you need rock solid sources if you want to call my claims BS!"
  • Krause Krause 9mo ago 100%

    protect international trade

    is he done pretending to be a "socialist"?

  • Biden Is Everything People Feared Trump Would Be
  • Krause Krause 9mo ago 100%

    you do know that the democrats are right-wing and that you're spreading their mccarthyite gibberish, right?

  • NATO Claims Western Strikes on Yemen Are Defensive
  • Krause Krause 9mo ago 63%

    If the US and allies hadn’t been there, there’s a good chance there’d be a half dozen cargo ships at the bottom of the Red Sea


  • “A Breach of Yemeni Sovereignty”: Biden Becomes Fourth U.S. President to Bomb Yemen
  • Krause Krause 9mo ago 88%

    Yemen: bombs ships serving the whole world

    Only ships that are zionist-owned and/or bound for Israel are targeted, Russian and Chinese ships for example are going through normally.

  • Oman declares a no-fly zone over its territory for all military aircraft involved in operations against Yemen
  • Krause Krause 9mo ago 91%

    Religious fundamentalists plague the middle east.

    True, and they're located in Israel. Maybe bombing them could fix the issue.

  • Yemen today in response to the US attacks.
  • Krause Krause 9mo ago 100%

    Hey dipshit, did you read the link you posted? That's the number I'm referencing. It claims that 1.107.480 out of 900.000 troops have been wounded, can you figure out how we know this is obvious bullshit? Hint: one of the numbers is a bit higher than the other.

    Unfortunately, for Russians, there are a lot of men in Russia and the Russian leaders like to use meat grinder tactics.

    But according to your link they've already run out of men. Also, the Russian ground forces are only about ~550.000 troops, you expect me to believe that an additional ~557.480 from the navy and air force were also injured? In a land war? IN A NAVY OF ~160.000 AND AN AIR FORCE OF ~165.000? THESE NUMBERS ARE LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE!

  • Yemen today in response to the US attacks.
  • Krause Krause 9mo ago 100%

    If field artillery was as useful as you claim, then Russia wouldn’t be doing so poorly.

    Russia is only doing poorly in your cope fantasies, Russia won the war.

    The vast majority of casualties in this war (just like in WW1) have been due to artillery.

    There is a reason that we don’t use carpet bombing anymore

    But you literally do.

    moved to precision guided munitions

    This never happened, it's just propaganda to pretend that America's wars are "more humane".

  • >Dec 29 (Reuters) - Activity in Russia's manufacturing sector expanded at its fastest pace in almost seven years in December, a business survey showed on Friday, though new export orders contracted for the second month running. >The S&P Global Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) for manufacturing rose to 54.6 in December from 53.8 in November, moving further above the 50 mark that separates expansion from contraction. It was the highest reading since January 2017. >Output rose at its fastest pace in seven months and new orders also increased sharply again. >"Greater client demand was largely focused on the domestic market, however, as new export orders fell for the second month running," S&P Global said in a statement. >"Fewer customer requests from clients in key export markets led to the fastest fall in new business from abroad since July." >Moscow is spending heavily on manufacturing, pouring cash into the defence sector to ramp up military production following its February 2022 invasion of Ukraine. The sector's growth in the almost two years since then has been largely predicated on domestic demand. >Manufacturers are still grappling with logistical upheavals due to Western sanctions and the high cost of imported goods, hampered by the weak rouble and high inflation. The survey showed the rate of inflation was softening, S&P Global said. >Despite labour shortages in Russia, with unemployment at a record low 2.9%, firms increased staffing numbers to try to reduce backlogs of work, S&P Global said, though companies remained optimistic about the future. >"Confidence stemmed from planned investment in new products and machinery," S&P Global said. "The level of positive sentiment was historically elevated despite dropping to a three-month low."


    With Ukraine’s military facing mounting deaths and a stalemate on the battlefield, army recruiters have become increasingly aggressive in their efforts to replenish the ranks, in some cases pulling men off the streets and whisking them to recruiting centers using intimidation and even physical force. Recruiters have confiscated passports, taken people from their jobs and, in at least one case, tried to send a mentally disabled person to military training, according to lawyers, activists and Ukrainian men who have been subject to coercive tactics. Videos of soldiers shoving people into cars and holding men against their will in recruiting centers are surfacing with increasing frequency on social media and in local news reports. The harsh tactics are being aimed not just at draft dodgers but at men who would ordinarily be exempt from service — a sign of the steep challenges Ukraine’s military faces maintaining troop levels in a war with high casualties, and against a much larger enemy. Lawyers and activists say the aggressive methods go well beyond the scope of recruiters’ authority and in some cases are illegal. They point out that recruiters, unlike law enforcement officers, are not empowered to detain civilians, let alone force them into conscription. Men who receive draft notices are supposed to report to recruitment offices. The unconventional tactics have led to a number of court cases this fall as men challenge what they claim are wrongful draft notices, unprofessional medical commissions and forced mobilization; in November alone, there were 226 court decisions related to mobilization, according to publicly available records. Complicating the issue is the fact that Ukraine has been under martial law since Russia invaded in February 2022; some lawyers contend that this has laid the ground for a subjective interpretation — and abuse — of conscription laws.


    250 155mm artillery shells; One LUNA NG reconnaissance system; 10 VECTOR reconnaissance drones with spare parts; 6 border protection vehicles; 8 Zetros trucks; 100,000 first aid kits; 70 70mm grenade launchers.


    [How it will affect the Democrat vote]( and get Drumpf elected because Genocide Joe just can't stop sending Israel bombs to level hospitals You can't make this shit up Bonus brainworms: [Republicans paid Hamas to attack Israel]( ![](

    16 Not the first time this libshit does it either, he's already gotten his Twitch banned for similar comments back during the BLM protests, hopefully this time YouTube also claps his ass


    [[A]]( - But remember kids, no nazis in Ukraine, that's a Russian talking point!


    no link because he deleted it and deactivated the account but there's an archive with a dunk here: ![]( relativizing nazi atrocities too: ![](


    I noticed that many Americans no longer care about Ukraine, so I wanted to take initiative and re-energize our patriotism. A friend asked me to pick up his son from the synagogue because he was busy at work, so I figured it would be a great opportunity to show my support and dedication and figured I would get approval from people who might understand oppression like Ukrainians do. But when I arrived in my pro-Ukraine attire, everyone seemed upset. They started cursing at me and yelling. One elderly woman started hitting me with her purse and called me a disgrace. One man flashed a gun underneath his garment and threatened to shoot me if I didn’t leave. I was afraid for my life of course, but I wanted to stand my ground - otherwise how can I call myself an ally? I started to shout threats back at the crowd and the man with the gun pulled it out. At this point I knew it was a losing battle, so I initiated a strategic retreat. I tried to grab my friend’s son but he started crying. Suddenly two men restrained me while the crowd shielded the boy and refused to let him go with me. Eventually they tossed me out of the synagogue (literally!) and I walked towards my car, but my tires were slashed and windows were smashed. My black sun decal was vandalized and someone keyed “NAZI” on the side. My friend refuses to talk to me anymore. I didn’t know there was such a large pro-Putin Jewish community here. You’d think they’d understand what Ukrainians are going through given their history with genocide. But I guess propaganda and money wins. Anyway, I reported the synagogue to the FBI. I also found many of the members on Facebook and reported each of them to the FBI as well. I know it’s not much, but even small things add up, and right now Ukraine needs all the support they can get. >[copypasta source](


    warning: ![reddit-logo]( "emoji reddit-logo") [[A]]( - >Is being labelled a Nazi in 2023 when one doesn't identify with the Nazi party or it's ideologies similar to dead-naming people who have changed their names? >>In reference to the Yaroslav Hunka, who fought for Nazi Germany in WW2, then fought for Ukrainian independence afterwards. Canada recently had him in House of Commons to pay respect for Ukraine, which caused an uproar. >>On one hand, a man fought for an evil power. Wether he had choice in that participation is up for debate. Does it make a difference what actions he took for the rest of his life or should he always be labelled a Nazi? Is he more of a Nazi than skin head, swastika tattoos nazis of today? I guess the question is, is it fair to judge someone this way? Looking for your thoughts.

    24 >I don’t get it why is 6chan in the title. >>It’s an affectionate nickname for Hexbear. You might know that they behave like a bunch of 4channers, throwing and smearing their poop around; and Hex=>6… both combined make 6chan. ![data-laughing](


    >Poland is no longer sending weapons to Ukraine, the Polish prime minister said on Wednesday. >The announcement came as Polish-Ukrainian relations come under strain owing to the extension of a ban by Warsaw on Ukrainian grain over concerns large quantities of it will hurt Polish farmers. >The spat, which has even resulted in the Ukrainian ambassador to Warsaw receiving an official summons to the Polish Foreign Ministry for a formal ticking off, has added grist to the generally warm relations between the two countries. >Speaking on private TV channel Polsat News, Mateusz Morawiecki said Poland was helping in the victory over the "Russian barbarian" but could not agree to any destablisation of the Polish market by Ukrainian grain imports. >"Of course we will maintain the transit of Ukrainian goods," he said. "Poland does not bear any costs due to that. On the contrary, it could be said that we earn from it." >Morawiecki also said Poland would certainly not risk Ukraine's security. >"Our (military supply - PAP) hub in Rzeszow, in agreement with the Americans and Nato, is fulfilling the same role the whole time as it has fulfilled and will fulfil," he said. >He said he regretted that Ukrainian oligarchs had "pushed their grain onto the Polish market" with no regard to the effects that had on Polish farmers, which he said had depressed prices and led the government to introduce price guarantees and ultimately ban Ukrainian grain imports. >Instead of sending weapons to Ukraine, Morawiecki said Poland was now "defending ourselves, with the most modern weapons." >"If you want to defend yourself, you have to have something to defend with," Morawiecki said. "We adhere to that principle, that is why we have placed increased orders." Confirmed by the Prime Minister's account on Twitter too: ![]( [[A]]( -


    ::: spoiler Article text The&nbsp;_New York Times_&nbsp;is finally acknowledging that the September 6 deadly impact of a missile in the center of Kostiantynivka was caused by a Ukrainian missile: [Evidence Suggests Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Tragedy]( One wonders what took them so long. > The Sept. 6 missile strike on Kostiantynivka in eastern Ukraine was one of the deadliest in the country in months, killing at least 15 civilians and injuring more than 30 others. The weapon’s payload of metal fragments struck a market, piercing windows and walls and wounding some victims beyond recognition. > > Less than two hours later, President Volodymyr Zelensky&nbsp;[blamed](;Russian “terrorists” for the attack, and many&nbsp;[media outlets](;[followed](;suit. The&nbsp;_New York Times_&nbsp;was of course&nbsp;[one of those media outlets](;that had&nbsp;[spread Zelenski's lies]( > The attack clouded Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken’s unannounced visit to Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, the same day, one of the highest-level visits by a U.S. official to there since President Biden visited in February. Mr. Blinken met with President Volodymyr Zelensky, announced more than $1 billion in new U.S. aid for Ukraine and praised its people’s valor and resilience in the face of what he called Russia’s “horrific” aggression. Just hours after the impact several bloggers has already found that the missile had come from the Ukrainian side. The next day the Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT) published&nbsp;[a report](;about it: > On Sept. 6, a missile strike&nbsp;[rocked](;**Kostiantynivka**, a town in the&nbsp;**Donetsk**&nbsp;region under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The missile hit a bustling city market at 2:04 p.m. local time, leaving 16 dead and 33 injured.&nbsp;[Photos](;and&nbsp;[videos](;of the aftermath of the strike have been&nbsp;[circulated](;by various media outlets worldwide. The videos showed evidence that the missile had come from the Ukrainian side. Ironically the main one had been published by Zelenski's office: > CCTV footage&nbsp;[published](;on President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s official Telegram channel captured not only the moment of impact, but also the preceding few seconds when bystanders turn their heads, alerted by the sound of the incoming missile. Additionally, the missile’s&nbsp;[reflection](;can be seen on the roofs of two parked cars in different frames of the video. Based on the geolocation of the video, and these reflections, we can say with a high degree of confidence that the missile&nbsp;[flew](;in from the north-west. > ... > The nearest Russian positions are located approximately 18–19 km east and southeast of Kostiantynivka, as to the northwest, the missile could only have been launched from Russian territory in the vicinity of Grayvoron in the Belgorod region at a distance of about 250 km. Since we consider such a scenario to be unlikely, it is reasonable to assume that it was an accidental Ukrainian missile strike. > > This version is also indirectly supported by a&nbsp;[report](;about missile launches from aircraft south of Druzhkivka posted at 2:01 p.m. by a pro-Russian Telegram channel, where locals loyal to Russia report on Ukrainian Air Force activity. Druzhkivka is&nbsp;[located](;just northwest of Kostiantynivka. The strike was assessed to have been by a U.S. AGM-88 anti radar missile: > Pro-Russian Telegram channels&nbsp;[assume](;that it was an AGM-88 HARM missile. The AFU regularly uses such missiles in the Donetsk region—for example, yesterday we&nbsp;[reported](;a hit by such a missile on a residential building in Donetsk. There were also other incidents near Horlivka; fragments of a HARM missile&nbsp;[were found](;on Sept. 1 near Holmivskyi, 30 kilometers southeast of Kostiantynivka. > ... > Currently, there are no photos of the missile debris, making it impossible to identify it. In the reflections seen in the video, no details of its construction can be discerned. Despite the existence of missiles capable of making turns in the air (e.g., the 9K720 Iskander mobile short-range ballistic missile), in this case, there are far more direct and indirect pieces of evidence in favor of an accidental strike by an AGM-88 HARM missile. The&nbsp;_New York Times_&nbsp;report&nbsp;[disagrees](;with this missile assessment: > But evidence collected and analyzed by The New York Times, including missile fragments, satellite imagery, witness accounts and social media posts, strongly suggests the catastrophic strike was the result of an errant Ukrainian air defense missile fired by a Buk launch system. > ... > Further evidence reveals that minutes before the strike, the Ukrainian military launched two surface-to-air missiles toward the Russian front line from the town of Druzhkivka, 10 miles northwest of Kostiantynivka. > > Reporters with The Times were in Druzhkivka when they heard an outgoing missile launch at 2 p.m., followed a few minutes later by a second. By chance, one member of the team recorded the first launch in a voice message. > ... > In the aftermath of the attack, Ukrainian authorities said Russian forces used a missile fired by an S-300 air defense system, which Russia has used both to intercept aircraft and strike targets on the ground. But an S-300 missile carries a different warhead from the one that exploded in Kostiantynivka. > > The metal facades of buildings closest to the explosion were perforated with hundreds of square or rectangular holes, probably made by cube-like objects blown outward from the missile. > > Measurements of the holes — and fragments found at the scene — are consistent in size and shape with one weapon in particular: the 9M38 missile, which is fired by the mobile Buk antiaircraft vehicle. Ukraine is known to use the Buk system, as is Russia. > > Some of the holes are less than 10 millimeters in width, while others are slightly larger. The 9M38 contains two different sizes of solid-metal cubic fragments: eight millimeters and 13 millimeters across. That impact damage evidence is less convincing than the Times makes it sound. It could have equally have come from a&nbsp;[AGM-88 HARM missile]( > The warhead section is designed to inflict sufficient damage on the target antenna and waveguide system to force an inoperative condition. It also ensures complete destruction of the HARM Missile guidance section. The AGM-88A, and AGM-88B warhead section contains 25,000 pre-formed steel fragments, an explosive charge, a fuze, and a fuze booster. The AGM-88C utilizes an improved warhead section containing 12,845 tungsten fragments and an improved explosive charge which provides greater overall lethality. The fragmentation damage could have been caused by both types of weapons. The sound of the missile launch heard by the Times reporter could also have come from either type. But whatever type of missile it was we can be sure that it was launched by the Ukrainian side. One question is not answered by The&nbsp;_New York Times_&nbsp;report. Why did it take twelve days to publish its report when it took only hours after the impact to find convincing evidence of a Ukrainian missile impact? And why was this published the very day President Zelenski arrives in New York and shortly before he will meet President Biden in the White House? Are the knives out to cut the liar to size? :::


    >The Sept. 6 missile strike on Kostiantynivka in eastern Ukraine was one of the deadliest in the country in months, killing at least 15 civilians and injuring more than 30 others. The weapon’s payload of metal fragments struck a market, piercing windows and walls and wounding some victims beyond recognition. >Less than two hours later, President Volodymyr Zelensky blamed Russian “terrorists” for the attack, and many media outlets followed suit. >But evidence collected and analyzed by The New York Times, including missile fragments, satellite imagery, witness accounts and social media posts, strongly suggests the catastrophic strike was the result of an errant Ukrainian air defense missile fired by a Buk launch system. >Ukrainian authorities initially tried to prevent journalists with The Times from accessing the missile debris and impact area in the strike’s immediate aftermath. But the reporters were eventually able to get to the scene, interview witnesses and collect remnants of the weapon used.
