Thank god freddi the fish isn't woke.
  • SexMachineStalin SexMachineStalin 3d ago 100%

    Putt-Putt also is safe, lmao

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 14th to October 20th, 2024 - Paper Tigers
  • SexMachineStalin SexMachineStalin 3d ago 100%

    Hey is germany-cool still paying reparations to Namibia for the genocide 120 years ago, or did it get canceled because Namibia (and South Africa) hurt the KKKraut ambassador's feelings?

  • *International Brigade Against Apartheid* - Ronnie Kasrils, p. 126 ![panting]( "emoji panting") ![panting]( "emoji panting") ![ak47]( "emoji ak47") ![ak47]( "emoji ak47")

    Israel says it might have killed Sinwar
  • SexMachineStalin SexMachineStalin 4d ago 100%

    No, they're far too gone and too violent.

    It took Apartheid South Africa getting handed a PIGPOOPBALLS in Angola by fidel-bat, as well as real material threats of being sent back to pre-industrial times compounded by the Apartheid government facing a terminal collapse in the late 1980s, just for the "genocide as self-defence" aspirations to be put to sleep forever. Yes, there literally was a plan for genocide by the Apartheid government.

    And the Apartheid South African state was nowhere near as fanatical as "israel".

    infinite piss strafing runs on pro-"israeli" rallies by the 7 October Johannesburg Paragliding Academy

  • Statement from President Joe Biden on the Death of Yahya Sinwar
  • SexMachineStalin SexMachineStalin 4d ago 100%

    After 21 January 2025, we can finally say what we thought about Joe Bellend all along

  • accidentally told my therapist about hexbear
  • SexMachineStalin SexMachineStalin 4d ago 100%

    "Please clarify what is the context of PIGPOOPBALLS 9/11 bathroom anti-cracker-aktion" - therapist probably

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 14th to October 20th, 2024 - Paper Tigers
  • SexMachineStalin SexMachineStalin 5d ago 100%

    me frantically waiting for that one street in Johannesburg to officially be renamed to Leila Khaled Drive so as to socialist fraternal kiss under the Leila Khaled signpost, haha jk, unless...

    Also yesterday (15 October) was apparently the anniversary of Stepan Bandera getting no-scoped by the KGB crab-party

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 14th to October 20th, 2024 - Paper Tigers
  • SexMachineStalin SexMachineStalin 6d ago 100%

    uncritical support for the DPRK in its heroic jihad to liberate the people of occupied Korea and the Donbass Republics from the genocidal ameriKKKan empire*

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 7th to October 13th, 2024 - Happy International Paragliding Day!
  • SexMachineStalin SexMachineStalin 1w ago 100%

    "Ethnic weapon" being a biological/chemical weapon that specifically targets individuals of a certain ethnicity (through DNA?), hence the name. It would sterilise the victims and eventually kill them with organ failure. The settlers themselves would be unaffected and then they could take the land without firing a shot. It would have been akin to Agent Orange or a bioengineered virus.

    South Africa has considered its use not only within, but to also hose down everything south of the Equator for when it declared war against like a dozen other nations. But it was the mid-1980s with the Apartheid government teetering on collapse and the "turbo hitler supervillain virus", along with aspirations of lebensraum buffer states, fell through.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 7th to October 13th, 2024 - Happy International Paragliding Day!
  • SexMachineStalin SexMachineStalin 1w ago 100%

    Border War in Angola was the main one, but there were considerations to cause a continent-wide conflict.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 7th to October 13th, 2024 - Happy International Paragliding Day!
  • SexMachineStalin SexMachineStalin 2w ago 100%

    The allowed aid into Gaza is now down to <200,000 kilograms per day, with food and water effectively now illegal in the northern half. Gaza Soup Kitchen North is also now practically defunct, with them stating they have likely served their last meals 2 days ago.

    There is less food in Gaza than in Johannesburg's hyper-dense Hillbrow neighbourhood of 75,000 people.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 7th to October 13th, 2024 - Happy International Paragliding Day!
  • SexMachineStalin SexMachineStalin 2w ago 100%

    Apartheid-era South Africa, just like shitty-ass-doo-doo-real, also had a plan for a total war against it's neighbours. Of course, this would also include Tanzania and countries bordering Namibia, as South Africa was already at war with Angola, which South Africa ended up losing along with 800,000km² of illegally occupied land (L bozos, fidel-bat ). Pretty much everything in Africa south of the Equator was on the settler-colonialist regime's hit list.

    The casus belli was neighbouring countries to South Africa were hosting safehouses and training camps for the ANC/MK guerillas, gun runners, weapons caches and smuggling routes. It was the 1970s and 80s, "israel" had just given South Africa nuclear weapons, IMI Galil rifles (and a license to produce the Vektor R4-R6 series), electrified fences, border security and other weaponsystems. They also decided to overlook the actually anti-semitic tendencies of their Apartheid cousin across the continent. Tanzania was also a key stronghold for anti-apartheid activity and the immortal Rhodesia turned out to be not so immortal afterall, L ( nuke qin-shi-huangdi-fireball ) and while Tanzania doesn't border South Africa, it likely would have been a target. More likely targets to create a "buffer" would have included Mozambique, Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Angola. With it being the 1970s-80s, this was also the climax of South Africa's apartheid violence and a rapidly escalating period of resistance activity.

    Mozambique signed the Nkomati Accord in 1984 with South Africa to expel and prosecute anti-apartheid guerillas, in exchange for South Africa ceasing its covert operations against FRELIMO. South Africa of coursed reneged on this promise and continued to support the anti-communist RENAMO party. This treaty may have also been signed under coercion with Mozambique on the brink of collapse at the time.

    Also South Africa, with the possible collaboration of AmeriKKKan and "israeli" regimes, was intending to develop ethnic weaponry for the purpose of creating an ethnostate (and obviously a genocide of half a billion Africans resulting from the planned war), along with other chemical and biological weapons under Project Coast.

    40-ish years later, the isnotreali nazi regime is much on the same trajectory.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from October 7th to October 13th, 2024 - Happy International Paragliding Day!
  • SexMachineStalin SexMachineStalin 2w ago 100%

    inshallah There will not be an "israel" by the 2028 elections, so book your tickets to Al-Aqsa Mosque for Ramadan - Salaamedia Live

    gigachad waow-based

  • Victims of Communism memorial faces call to remove over 330 names linked to Nazis, fascists
  • SexMachineStalin SexMachineStalin 2w ago 100%

    You could also spray-paint "REST IN SHIT NAZIS, L hamas-red-triangle" on it

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • SexMachineStalin SexMachineStalin 2w ago 100%


    palestine-heart russia-cool = Based and correct

    palestine-heart ukkkraine = Well-meaning and generally okay, but can be too lib sometimes

    ukkkraine isntrael = hitler-detector

    isntrael russia-cool = Doesn't really exist, but also hitler-detector


    ![based-department]( "emoji based-department")


    ![this-is-fine]( "emoji this-is-fine")


    Lmao gottem rip in ![PIGPOOPBALLS]( "emoji PIGPOOPBALLS") L bozo


    The Parliament (Riigikogu) of a "country" barely the size of Nelson Mandela Bay is salty at South Africa's most recent ICJ case ruling ![PIGPOOPBALLS]( "emoji PIGPOOPBALLS") *:estonia-cool: emoji when?*


    Someone who knows me IRL, as in by name, reported me to the Estonian State Security Agency probably for that one time I flipped the bird at the Foreign Ministry or attending a Palestinian rally, waving both the South African and Palestinian flag, while donning a keffiyeh and one of those fancy hats from Nigeria. Most likely they recognized me from pictures taken. ![PIGPOOPBALLS]( "emoji PIGPOOPBALLS") UPDATE: The 3-hours long discussion was nowhere near as horrific as I'd envision. Even in this BalticraKKKer land, I was able to pretty openly like... quite literally, post. To put it briefly, it was basically explaining *historic/material analysis* and what *critical support* means. In the least likeliest of all places, lmao.


    15 years late, but better than never I guess. And in a bitter twist of irony, Shitrael is the one who forever solved the issue of airport profiling in South Africa. ![PIGPOOPBALLS]( "emoji PIGPOOPBALLS") ![isntrael]( "emoji isntrael") ![qin-shi-huangdi-fireball]( "emoji qin-shi-huangdi-fireball")


    Found this ...somewhere online


    My boy Ronnie giving the SAJBD and SAZF the 🔻🔻


    ![idf-cool]( "emoji idf-cool") officially declared ![haram]( "emoji haram")


    ![lets-fucking-go]( "emoji lets-fucking-go") ![palestine-heart]( "emoji palestine-heart") ![lets-fucking-go]( "emoji lets-fucking-go") ![palestine-heart]( "emoji palestine-heart") ![lets-fucking-go]( "emoji lets-fucking-go") ![palestine-heart]( "emoji palestine-heart") ![lets-fucking-go]( "emoji lets-fucking-go") ![palestine-heart]( "emoji palestine-heart") ![lets-fucking-go]( "emoji lets-fucking-go") ![palestine-heart]( "emoji palestine-heart") ![lets-fucking-go]( "emoji lets-fucking-go") ![palestine-heart]( "emoji palestine-heart") SETTLER DOWN BRRRRRRAT BRRRRRAT 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻


    Holy shit are they actually going to do it for real this time. Naturally the "Apartheid-Lite" coalition all oppose this motion ![goku-halal]( "emoji goku-halal")


    Where can I go to lookup any Palestine demonstrations due to take place throughout the EU, ideally with more advance notice than like... a few hours or a day? Around a week at least would be best so I can buy tickets and not when work is in the way. Looking specifically for something taking place on 18-19 and 25-26 November. ![ukkk]( "emoji ukkk") ![eleven-nine]( "emoji eleven-nine") isn't an option, however. Getting arrested isn't going to deter me.


    Picture semi-related. I can more-or-less actually wear my 1970s Soviet overcoat. It's still a bit tight but I can now close all the buttons. Appropriate enough for pictures now. Maybe if I shave off yet another 10KG, I'll be ready to be a true Soviet Marshal *Death to America*
