Self Hating Eastern Europeans
  • The_Filthy_Commie The_Filthy_Commie 13h ago 100%

    Indeed, I hope I live to see the day.

  • Self Hating Eastern Europeans
  • The_Filthy_Commie The_Filthy_Commie 14h ago 100%

    Yeah, over here they use Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua as the ''bad countries'' to promote that same bootlicker behavior. You made a good point on the ''convenient white'' concept, it's true. Here they do the same, like you can be ''one of the good ones'', and ''relatively civilized, relatively european'' when you're say, Milei or those assclowns from Paraguay and Uruguay that are so insignificant I don't know their names nor care to. Same happens with Costa Rica, Guatemala, Dominican Republic where their political class is completely irrelevant.

    I'd add my own country, Puerto Rico to that list as well. We're precisely one of those ''convenient whites'' you so astutely mentioned, an example to dangle like keys to our kin, like:''Look at how well PR is thanks to being a part of the US''. This is why you don't see people shitting on PR, because we have good public relations thanks to US hegemony and gusanos see us as a dream come true. Honestly, if we think logically to the conclusion of what reactionaries want, their aim would be to ''Puertorricanize'' their countries. We're a model for them, even if they won't come out and say so. Imagine what a dream it would be to be born with US citizenship slapped on your ass, and be able to go to Disneyland and feel that you're not only ''one of the good ones'', but that you're an American. That is the aspiration of all gusanery.

  • Self Hating Eastern Europeans
  • The_Filthy_Commie The_Filthy_Commie 14h ago 100%

    Absolutely right, thanks, man.

  • Self Hating Eastern Europeans
  • The_Filthy_Commie The_Filthy_Commie 2d ago 100%

    As a Latinamerican from the Caribbean, even though I wouldn't pass for a POC because I look like a pasty ass motherfucker, I don't see a problem with comparing the plight of Eastern Europe with us, because Eastern Europe has been like an internal colony for Western Europe historically, you have undergone the same shock therapy that we got through Pinochet and other dictators imposed by the US, and I think it is vital that we see how similar our histories are, because we have a lot in common. This is why I always stress that Latinamerica, Africa and Asia are family. We tend to forget that Eastern Europe has also been terrorized by the same forces of Western imperialism, but the similarities are there, in the life altering effects of neoliberalism.

    On the topic of gusanos, I feel the same when I see a Latinamerican being a westoid, or bending the knee to empire. It is disgusting, and I almost went into the exact same rant you did yesterday when I saw those videos of Trump at Univisión Noticias, because I know how those people in Miami think of their own, and seeing them nod along to someone like Trump, a Republican to boot, sends me. I feel the same fucking way whenever I see an Afrodescendant or LGBTQ+ person supporting empire, like that Ritchie Torres being a zionist. It offends me to a severe degree. That is not our path, our path was paved by the sword of Bolívar, and the sun is setting on the West, this is not the wagon we should hitch, but the wagon we should ditch, to rot as it deserves. I'm gonna stop cause that rant is coming back to me. I get ya, comrade, Hahaha.

  • The green party really fell off ngl
  • The_Filthy_Commie The_Filthy_Commie 2d ago 100%

    They've done a lot with regards to China. Breakthrough News is from them, and they have the China Report these days with Amanda Yee and KJ Noh. Ken Hammond, one of the co-founders of the Confucius Institute, member of Pivot for Peace, and one of the US's premier experts on China, is a card carrying member of PSL. So it's one of their party lines to support the CPC.

  • Vijay Prashad is CANCELLED (He is a Tankie and a Campist who supports China and Russia).
  • The_Filthy_Commie The_Filthy_Commie 3d ago 100%

    You made it further than me, I stopped right here.

  • This is the Funniest Shit I've ever seen
  • The_Filthy_Commie The_Filthy_Commie 6d ago 100%

    We used to have normal Russian and Chinese propaganda, but now they're af.

  • An r/neoliberal user goes through the most horrific experience imaginable
  • The_Filthy_Commie The_Filthy_Commie 1w ago 100%

    the Manga Carta

    New weeb theory just dropped.

  • Interesting findings from the Tsinghua university 2024 China public opinion polls
  • The_Filthy_Commie The_Filthy_Commie 2w ago 100%

    I chuckled at ''Neither'' being the higher percentage. The indifference towards Americans is a relieving sign.

  • Nazbollocks 🤢
  • The_Filthy_Commie The_Filthy_Commie 2w ago 100%

    A specter is haunting the rent-free vacuum of hog minds: its name? PPB.

  • "Socialist" thinks Russia is imperialist and Venezuela is a dictatorship
  • The_Filthy_Commie The_Filthy_Commie 3w ago 100%

    I'm not as surprised looking at their ''credentials'' on twitter, what they deemed important to ''show off''. That they graduated from Georgetown, an ivy league, that they enjoy raving (which likely entails psychedelics, leading to the ayahuasca bazinga brain, or new age hippie bullshit), and that they studied abroad in Japan (so they're likely into anime and videogames, and gobble up everything Japan, cosplay or are geeky), and most telling of all, they grew up in LA, and we all know you need brain de-wormer growing up in the goddamn US. I forgot to mention that like me, they're Millennial, and I've met a number of my generational kin that grew up with some privilege to study abroad, or mingle with people from other countries in ivy leagues and their bad takes. I think they studied with escuálidos in Georgetown and that misinforms their position. These are all assumptions, but tracking the brainrot is fun, just as it is for us tracking how we got here.

    As for the author this is one of those ''ninis'' that are neither Washington nor Moscow, but always end up in Washington.

  • Why do all right wingers look deranged?
  • The_Filthy_Commie The_Filthy_Commie 4w ago 100%

    This is why I have the adage that:''All comrades are beautiful''

  • ''Brave'' Balkan NPCs against 'woke'(all comments are translated)
  • The_Filthy_Commie The_Filthy_Commie 1mo ago 100%

    What American cultural hegemony does to a motherfucker. Right now, we have people in India, in South Africa, in Perú, in China talking about ''woke''. Where did that come from? The US. Why are people with cultures so different from the gringos all talking about the same shit? Because US cultural hegemony has spread through social media, or the internet to be more specific. It's their crap that gets viewed the most, that gets liked the most, that gets commented about if you wanna be ''hip'', it's what everybody else around the world copies, and that's how you end up with a bazillion channels all talking about goddamned ''woke''. The US has single-handedly dumbed down the entire world.

  • I want us to grasp what Venezuela means to the world, and for us as ML's specifically. This is gonna be a long post and there's a lot to be said, but it ain't an effortpost with data, numbers and all the bells and whistles. I hope it serves as a basis for our *understanding* of Venezuela. Maduro is not the candidate of the PSUV alone, the Gran Polo Patriótico exists, and is the greatest formation of leftist parties in Venezuela. That unified front is led by the PSUV as its vanguard. By assuming that role, the PSUV is creating the alternative model to the liberal framework that first elected Chávez back in 1998. That is what is being constructed in Venezuela, with much hardship and resistance from reaction. We mustn't forget that it's been 25yrs, a quarter of a century, and fascists have not rested a single day in attempting to revert Venezuela back to the 4th Republic, when oligarchs controlled everything and ''sold'' oil to the US for a pittance in order to live like aristocrats while the people rotted in despair. It was that despair they revolted against during the famous Caracazo in 1989, which is by many considered the beginning of this saga. I first began following Venezuela back in 2016 during the guarimbas. I was watching such a clear all out assault against my neighbor that I got angry, too. I'm from PR, so we are subsumed in western propaganda and ass-takes like everyone else. Since I speak Spanish, I can listen to what Chavistas are saying and then compare their narrative to the one on TV and social media. You guys ever been told by libs that you gotta ''listen to both sides''? Well, that's what I did, I put their bullshit to the test, something they *never* do. That's when my journey began, watching escuálidos like rats in a lab, learning how the right operates, following Chavista sources and adapting that to what I already knew as an ML, and which I have expressed in some comments when I talk about bothsiders and shit like that. My mind is as clear and serene as the Titicaca. When I say something it's because I've reflected on it for some time and introspected and reasoned it, and thought it out to its consequences. This is why I laugh at righties acting all ''rational'', because they haven't done a lick of introspection. If they did, some of them should have woken up by now to how the Venezuelan opposition has lied to them about everything for 25yrs. But that, my beautiful comrades, takes cojones, and that's something the right doesn't have. It doesn't take balls to repeat what you heard on TV or saw on social media, it takes balls to stand against it. As for our beautiful female comrades, I'm not leaving you out, you also have more cojones than any rightie ever will. That's one of the things I most love about Venezuela, that Chavismo has lifted women up immensely and placed them in pivotal positions. They lead most CLAPs, most UBCH's, Comunas, and I'm talking in the 60-80% range of their leadership, they're the most vocal, the most organized and the most politicized. This is why those shitty takes from ''leftists'' or so-called ''feminists'', that try to pin machismo crap on Chavistas doesn't fly. Anyway, you see what I meant when I said there is a lot to say about Venezuela? I want to address why I entitled this the way I did. We know that socialism will transition from capitalism and the material conditions, along with the superstructure of its respective society, will be adapted to its birth. Kamala's mom was right, we can't look at Venezuela as if it fell from a coconut tree. Far from it. Venezuela gave birth to Simón Bolívar, the Liberator, and his ideas were pretty proto-socialist. He spoke of the maximum of happiness possible as the goal, he was aware even back then, that the US was destined to plague the Americas with misery in the name of freedom and democracy. He was an anti-imperialist, one of the first in history. He led his armies, filled with freed slaves, indigenous people, women, mestizos, criollos, armed with weapons from Haiti, our eldest sister, and went off liberating most of South America. For him la Patria, wasn't just Venezuela, it was Latinamerica, including the Caribbean. That spirit is part of the Bolivarian Revolution. The desire to conform a new pole that can stand against the West. When we reflect back on the historical figures that have led revolutionary processes, we will find that all of them, contributed and developed our theory with the knowledge and tools they had, and within the context of their historical times. Lenin, Stalin, and Mao are the most renowned, but we in our region have Fidel and Chávez, not forgetting about José Martí nor Bolívar. Fun fact, Martí was a Bolivarian, meaning he believed in La Patria Grande, and was an anti-imperialist. These were the great synthesists. The people who adapted our theory to their own conditions and led successful revolutions. I wish more of you knew Spanish just so you could listen to Chávez. That's all you gotta do, sit down, and watch some vids from Chávez, or follow Con El Mazo Dando to watch some vids they use there from him. Whenever he spoke, you could tell you were listening to someone who read his theory, and who synthesized the experiences from other revolutions and his own. A little known fact about Chávez is that he was talking about what he called at first, the *pluripolar* world, back like a decade ago. Venezuela is the first revolution that didn't come in with a bang. But they're clear, the PSUV might not strut about with their ML cred, and in praxis they still allow the trappings of a liberal democracy, but they know what the socdems did back in WW2 and reject it. They speak ill of social democracy and reform, and seek to create what they call ''la democracia participativa y protagónica'', they want the people engaged at the roots, deciding what gets done, and they do so everyday. Venezuela isn't top down, the PSUV is there, in every street, barrio and Commune, working along with people. They have various Misiones that address the needs of the population, including Gran Misión Vivienda, which has built as of now, around 5.2m units of free housing. Despite the coercive unilateral measures (sanctions), their projects have continued and today Venezuela is the highest growing economy in our region, because they finally realized: you can't sanction what we produce for ourselves and the countries we still trade with, like China, Russia, Iran, Turkiye and many others. Venezuela is shifting to a productive economy, an economy that produces food, which used to be 80% imported, and is now almost 100% produced there, that isn't dependent on oil revenue, that produces replacements for their own industries and I think, because I've seen reunions between CPC officials and the PSUV, that they're learning from our big sis, China. Since Maduro was reelected I think soon Venezuela will officially join the BRICS+. I want you all to have a better understanding of the socialist process in Venezuela. It's different, it has faced challenges for 25yrs, not mentioning the problems already there from the 4th Republic. But it is an insult to dismiss Venezuela as some ''socdem'' process like what is attempted in Brasil. Venezuela has an army that reads theory. I'm not joking. The FANB reads theory and follows the doctrine of the Bolivarian Revolution, meaning it is profoundly socialist and anti-imperialist. There is a 5m worth militia throughout the country, too, that also reads theory. You can go to a plaza anywhere in Venezuela, say la Guaira, and talk to a doñita and she will school you on socialism. The people of Venezuela are some of the most conscious and based I have ever heard. That is of course, among Chavistas, if you listen to an escuálido, it's like listening to your average gusano. There are many ML's around the world that like me, support Venezuela because we've seen for ourselves that the ingredients are there, that there is a project being built which is unafraid to talk about a transition to socialism. If all this isn't AES, I dunno what the fuck we're talking about. I won't doubt their own words, their own actions, because I've seen what they've done and what they've gone through, and that's enough for me to pin my hopes on Venezuela's success as a vanguard for my region of Latinamerica, and this is why it's so important that we understand it better. *I am subscribed to Nicolás Maduro, La Hojilla TV Con Mario Silva, Transmisión En Vivo, Telesurtv, ALBA-TCP and Venezuela News. This is where I've gotten most of my knowledge from, so I invite Spanish speaking comrades to subscribe to those, and for our English speaking ones, Misión Verdad, Geopolitical Economy Report, Venezuelanalysis, International Manifesto Group, and Orinoco Tribune are good sources.


    The playlist starts on Class 10, so click Class 1 and go up from there.
