Why didn't the Discovery show-runners believe in the Federation?
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 1w ago 100%

    This raises a more philosophical argument as to what signifies the fall of a body like the Federation.

    The Federation is a union of other bodies who through the spirit of cooperation decide to work together. If the majority of the bodies that make it up decide to pull out, does that constitute the fall of the Federation?

    If one body leaves, of course it has not fallen; and if they all leave, it no longer exists at all. How many planets still need to be in a union for the Federation to successfully exist?

    The fact that Vulcan/Ni'Var and Earth both pulled out and are two of the Charter members is certainly notable (though it doesn't prove the fall of the Federation).

    If it felt like the Federation had been weakened but was slowly rebuilding, I would agree with your idea that the blow to the Federation was meant to show its resilience; but the fact the Federation was not picking up steam at all (and felt much more in decline), to me indicates that the writers intended for us to interpret this as the Federation in its death throws until the Discovery showed up.

    Perhaps this speaks to my own mindset as opposed to how the writers intended it, but it's certainly how it came across to me.

    As an aside, it could be interesting to explore what a Federation not primarily influenced by human/Vulcan influence could look like, as well as explore the idea of what constitutes the Federation (for example, could you have a Federation with no planetary members made entirely of individuals who have left their planet in the name of galactic brotherhood?). I am not sure the Federation is still in a place where such concepts could be explored, but it could certainly be interesting...

  • I just finished watching Star Trek Discovery a day or two ago and it didn't really hit me until I was reading about Calypso, but it feels like the show-runners are very pessimistic about the concept of a Federation. I am not sure if this is considered old news, but I would be interested in examining the show-runners' outlooks more closely. While the collapse of the Federation is in a way no fault of its own (the Federation didn't cause the burn); the idea that all it would take would be a scarcity of gas to break up the interplanetary union feels counter to the original ideals of Star Trek's optimism. The idea that teamwork and ingenuity can overcome most adversity feels integral to Star Trek (at least to me), so the idea that running out of fossil fuels is all it would take to split up the Galaxy's largest symbol of unity feels out of place. This is an especially powerful slap in the face when in Season 5 they have developed the Pathway Drive after only a few years of working together again. It felt as though there was truly not a strong enough reason for the Federation to collapse and be on the brink of destruction than the fact the show-runners really like the Federation falling apart. You could make the case that it also has to do with the destruction of most of their fleet, but in Season 1 basically all of Starfleet is destroyed, and that's hardly even referenced again. As an aside, in the five seasons of Discovery, I think the Federation has fallen (to varying degrees) four times. 1. Reduced to a single star-base and a handful of ships by the Klingons 2. Completely overtaken by Control 3. The collapse after The Burn 4. Becoming the V'Draysh in Calypso In regards to the V'Draysh concept, I am willing to cut the writers a little slack, because from a meta perspective it feels like Calypso was originally intended to go between Season 2 and 3. This is fully a guess on my part, but I suspect at the time of writing/filming Calypso there might have been a more vague idea of what was wrong with the Federation in the future and the method of time travel to the future may not have been locked down yet. I would not be surprised if the V'Draysh was going to be the Federation in Season 3 and the crew would somehow find themselves on Discovery after it waited in place for 1000 years. Having said that, though, the writers decided to canonize Calypso as taking place after Discovery ends, so it could be considered a fourth collapse (though technically the V'Draysh are never canonically recognized as the Federation, so there is some wiggle room). While these are much more minor points by comparison, I would also like to address the phaser design in the future as well as the Progenitors philosophy differences between Season 5 of Discovery and TNG. While a minor gripe, I thought returning the phaser form factor to a more gun-shaped form was also indicative of the show-runners' head-space. Phasers went from looking like futuristic laser guns in TOS to looking something like an electric razor in TNG. While this made them less "cool," it signaled a priority on peace and diplomacy. While phasers were weapons, their presence was solely utilitarian and not for intimidation. Discovery's return to the gun-shaped phasers feels like an out of universe emphasis on "coolness" and action, and an in-universe departure from the emphasis on diplomacy. You could make the case that this now scrappier Federation no longer had the luxury of diplomacy to rely on, but it still feels pessimistic to think the Federation would abandon their ideals in times of hardship. As I said, I know it's a comparatively minor gripe to put so much weight into a relatively small prop, but I feel like there is a lot to be said about design language and what it implies about the world of the show. Finally, there is the issue of the Progenitors. I am positive I am not the first person to say this, but there is a definitive shift from the Progenitors wanting all their disparate species to come together in the unifying pursuit of knowledge to them saying "whoever gets here first is the best and can use this godly power however they want." This shift from the ideal being universal brotherhood to focusing on being the best species reflects the show-runners' own lack of priority on the concept, which is reflected in their repeated destruction of the Federation. I understand the idea of wanting your show/movie to be "gritty" and "realistic" (see every DC superhero movie after The Dark Knight), but it's out of place in a show as optimistic as Star Trek. I'm not sure such an open-ended question can be definitively answered, but why didn't the Discovery show-runners believe in the Federation?

    Lower Decks Season 5 Official Trailer!
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 1w ago 100%

    I'm definitely excited to see Lower Decks hopefully going out on a high note, but I'm definitely sad to see it ending.

    As someone who only recently got into Star Trek specifically because of Lower Decks, I am curious what show Paramount is hoping will act as a gateway show, so to speak, for new viewers.

  • Behold, a square
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 2w ago 100%

    That lines up pretty similarly with what I found also. The angle should be a constant since there is only one angle where the relationship would be true. I just left it in terms of π because I try to avoid rounding.

    Having said that, L would be a ratio of r; which I think lines up with what you found as well.

  • Behold, a square
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 2w ago 100%

    Someone may want to double-check my math on this one, but the length of the sides will be dependant on the radius of the smaller circle

    ϴ=π+1-√(π^2+1), l=(2π-ϴ)r_1, l is the length of the sides. r_1 is the radius of the smaller circle

  • I've noticed a rise in enamel pins over the past few years and enjoy them as a compact and durable piece of art. Unfortunately, I don't know how to use the pins I have amassed over the years; hence my question of what you do with your pins.

    [Discussion] What is your phone wallpaper?
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 3w ago 100%

    I don't know if people still use live wallpapers, but I like the way mine turned out.


  • My new phone theme I just finished
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 4w ago 100%

    Oh interesting. I haven't used Jerboa for some time, so I'm not really sure what is causing the issue...

  • My new phone theme I just finished
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 4w ago 100%

    Thanks! I think I probably spent 15 hours on it between the wallpaper and icons. I'm definitely proud of how it turned out.

  • My new phone theme I just finished
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 4w ago 100%

    Are you sure about the spoiler formatting? My app doesn't honor spoiler formatting, so I double-checked it in a web browser and it seemed functional.

    This isn't KLWP, it's a Samsung app called "Wonderland." All things considered, the interface for Wonderland isn't great, so if you have KLWP already installed, I might try messing around with it more before installing Wonderland...

  • https://i.imgur.com/yXmjLUc.gifv

    :::spoiler GIFV Transcription A "live" wallpaper featuring one nearby orange planet, one semi-destroyed green planet, and a large grey moon outside a window. They zoom way out then back in closer than they started. A plain white clock reads out "12:00 Tue, September 24" over the window. Below that centered above a row of grey app icons is a small sun icon and "33°". At the bottom of the screen there is a shiny dark computer console styled app dock. The apps in this dock are translucent blue with glowing edges. The screen is swiped to the side, hiding the clock and weather, and revealing new grey icons. Two icons are then activated to open a dark translucent background over them with additional blue translucent icons contained in the dark background. The screen is then swiped back to its original position. ::: I've been watching a lot of Star Trek lately and wanted to make a fun space themed wallpaper (and icon pack) for myself. For this project, I painted each of the planets and debris on separate layers in Procreate and designed the ship/window wallpaper in Illustrator. While lining up each layer was a pain, having them move independently was crucial to give the wallpaper a sense of depth. Surprisingly, getting the clock widget and weather widget to look right was much harder than anticipated. I couldn't find any open source customizable clock widgets; and Breezy Weather was not as customizable as I had hoped. In the end I think the results turned out great, though.

    Darren Aronofsky in Talks to Direct ‘Plastic Man’ for DCU
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 2mo ago 100%

    Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about this leak (assuming it's remotely accurate).

    I suppose you could make a horror/thriller-esque story about Plas if you leaned into the body horror aspect of it; but he seems like a much better fit for a comedy instead.

    The two most recent runs in 20 years (Gail Simone and Kyle Baker) definitely have Plas established as a pretty unserious guy. There's definitely a tinge of tragedy in his origin of being betrayed by his fellow goons, but he definitely bounces back.

    Even runs where he isn't the primary focus (the Injustice tie-ins or the Terrifics) have him as a pretty comedic character.

    Having said all that, I am not terribly familiar with Aronofsky's work; so I could definitely be missing something that makes him a good fit...

  • Disney wants a wrongful death lawsuit thrown out because the plaintiff had Disney+
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 2mo ago 100%

    That stuck out to me as well. Disney probably made 50k USD in the time it took me to write this comment. This feels more like sending a message than trying to avoid a costly payout.

    I'm sure they want to discourage lawsuits, but I'm worried they did this just to try to set a precedent on EULAs being the end-all-be-all.

    I just hope they get enough bad publicity from this move to cost them more than the payout would have.

  • Disney wants a wrongful death lawsuit thrown out because the plaintiff had Disney+
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 2mo ago 100%

    The fact that Disney is asserting that whether a EULA has been read is irrelevant and that a EULA signed five years prior for an unrelated use is still enforceable feels more than insidious.

    I hope Disney's claim gets thrown out because I worry about the precedent this could set for EULAs going forward.

  • https://www.npr.org/2024/08/14/nx-s1-5074830/disney-wrongful-death-lawsuit-disney

    While this isn't news about new technology, I thought it was an interesting look about how predatory EULAs can still hurt us even years later in seemingly unrelated ways [Archive.org link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240814172021/https://www.npr.org/2024/08/14/nx-s1-5074830/disney-wrongful-death-lawsuit-disney) Some key excerpts: >After a doctor suffered a fatal allergic reaction at a Disney World restaurant, Disney is trying to get her widower’s wrongful death lawsuit tossed by pointing to the fine print of a Disney+ trial he signed up for years earlier. >Tangsuan was “highly allergic” to dairy and nuts, and they chose that particular restaurant in part because of its promises about accommodating patrons with food allergies, according to the lawsuit filed in a Florida circuit court. >They allegedly raised the issue upfront, inquired about the safety of specific menu items, had the server confirm with the chef that they could be made allergen-free and asked for confirmation “several more times” after that. >After about 45 minutes, Tangsuan “began having severe difficulty breathing and collapsed to the floor.” >“The medical examiner's investigation determined that [Tangsuan’s] cause of death was as a result of anaphylaxis due to elevated levels of dairy and nut in her system,” according to the lawsuit. >He is seeking more than $50,000 in damages and trial by jury “on all issues so triable.” >In late May, Disney’s lawyers filed a motion asking the circuit court to order Piccolo to arbitrate the case — with them and a neutral third party in private, as opposed to publicly in court — and to pause the legal proceedings in the meantime. >The reason it says Piccolo must be compelled to arbitrate? A clause in the terms and conditions he signed off on when he created a Disney+ account for a month-long trial in 2019. >Disney says Piccolo agreed to similar language again when purchasing park tickets online in September 2023. Whether he actually read the fine print at any point, it adds, is “immaterial.” >“Piccolo ignores that he previously created a Disney account and agreed to arbitrate ‘all disputes’ against ‘The Walt Disney Company or its affiliates’ arising ‘in contract, tort, warranty, statute, regulation, or other legal or equitable basis,’” the motion reads, arguing the language is broad enough to cover Piccolo’s claims. >“There is simply no reading of the Disney+ Subscriber Agreement which would support the notion that Mr. Piccolo agreed to arbitrate claims arising from injuries sustained by his wife at a restaurant located on premises owned by a Disney theme park or resort which ultimately led to her death,” [Piccolo's legal team] wrote in the 123-page filing. >They confirmed he did create a Disney+ account on his PlayStation in 2019, but he believes he canceled the subscription during the trial because he hasn’t found any charges associated with it after that point. >“In effect, WDPR is explicitly seeking to bar its 150 million Disney+ subscribers from ever prosecuting a wrongful death case against it in front of a jury even if the case facts have nothing to with Disney+,” they wrote. >The court has scheduled a hearing on Disney’s motion for October 2.

    8 years of Pixel: How the Google phone changed the industry
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 2mo ago 100%

    I've been holding onto my phone well past its prime since I can't help but see every new phone on the market as a downgrade because of this.

    I know people say that you don't NEED an SD card if you buy the most expensive version and rely heavily on cloud services but it's definitely an intentionally worse customer experience.

    I'm actually really sad Sony pulled out of the US, since I was planning on getting an Xperia this year. Now it feels like I'm limited to Samsung or Google if I want a flagship SoC...

  • SAG-AFTRA Calls Strike Against Major Video Game Companies After Nearly 2 Years Of Contract Talks
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 2mo ago 100%

    I'm definitely a little late to the party to comment on this thread, but it blows my mind that any organization would pick a flight with SAG-AFTRA at this point (or the WGA, though that's not relevant to THIS issue).

    SAG has already proven they will hold out pretty much indefinitely and the effects of the joint SAG/WGA strike are still being felt in Hollywood now.

    Is the siren song of AI so alluring that companies are willing to die on this hill? At its peak hype, I could see executives salivating at the potential savings; but my understanding is there has been pretty substantial pushback to projects made with AI (or tech with AI in it). I can't imagine that these large studios think their potential savings would outweigh the potential losses in sales; but I guess that's why I'll never be a Fortune 500 CEO...

    I wish SAG-AFTRA nothing but the best in their endeavor for protections against AI.

  • I Changed My Race to White on Hinge and Got Better Matches. Is the algorithm the problem, or the men?
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 3mo ago 100%

    It's very hard to know that cause of this effect; but between the three women in the article, it seems demonstrably true that the apps treat you differently based off your input race.

    While it is not proven to be a result of the algorithm (how would you prove that?), so many tech companies have a bad track record of avoiding algorithmically enforcing white supremacy that I would not be surprised to find out it is at least partially because of the code.

    I hope some of these companies audit their own data-analysis methods for racial bias, but I wouldn't hold my breath for it...

  • www.thecut.com

    [Archive.org link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240717145624/https://www.thecut.com/article/changed-race-white-hinge-dating-apps.html) Some key highlights (I would highly recommend reading the whole article, though): >Recently I saw a TikTok from a Black woman who said that when she changed her race to “White” on Hinge, she was presented with better men. I immediately gave it a try and was shocked to find that in addition to the guys I usually saw, there were men who were more handsome and better educated and who had better jobs than those who usually showed up in my search results. >Some of the men I was able to swipe through had previously only been available in the “Standouts” section, which Hinge describes as “outstanding content from people most your type.” >Now I’m left wondering if this new crop of men popped up because the app’s algorithm codes white women as more desirable, and thus presents them with the “best” options, or if these men are just searching for white women. Neither would surprise me. It’s well known that Black women have dismal experiences on dating apps: User data collected by OkCupid in 2009 and 2014 showed that men rated Black women less attractive than women of other races. Meanwhile, college-educated Black women are 53 percent less likely to marry a well-educated man than white women are. >In the past, Ashleigh has found that she doesn’t match with very many people on Hinge compared to Tinder, where she’s more successful. When she does match with cis men, she finds they frequently introduce themselves with sexually charged comments, often commenting on her body type. Since changing her race to white, she says that generally hasn’t been the case. “They’re actually asking questions; they’re trying to get conversations started and flirt with me,” she says. >Does she think she’s simply seeing men who are looking to match with white women, or is the algorithm positioning her as more desirable? She says the truth is probably somewhere in the middle — after all, these apps are designed to keep us on there, spending money. >After changing her race, Alanna also found that she was presented with different Black men than she’d seen before: “Way more employed, and guys who actually took the time to answer the prompts. More real photos of them versus the memes I usually see.” She also got more likes from men, going from an average of one to three per week to four to five each day. >I’d hate to think the algorithm favors white women, but I think I’d be more disappointed to find out that I just stumbled across a bunch of Black guys who are looking for white girls. No matter what the truth is here, it’s ugly and speaks to the challenges Black women have when trying to date online, which are admittedly easier to bear than the ones that come with trying to date offline, at least in my city.

    Captain America: Brave New World | Official Teaser
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 3mo ago 100%

    Ever since I watched RedLetterMedia's "F*ck You, It's January" (YouTube | Piped) I cannot stop noticing how studios will drop movies they don't have faith in at the very start of the year.

    To date, based off my very detailed research of quickly scrolling through Wikipedia, Marvel has only released two MCU movies in February: Black Panther, and Ant-Man & the Wasp: Quantumania.

    With the numerous data-set of two points, it seems like Marvel has two potential reasons for not having faith in a movie:

    1. It actually is bad (see Quantumania)
    2. It is a Black-led movie (see Black Panther)

    You could make the case that they dropped Black Panther in February because it is Black History Month, but Black Panther: Wakanda Forever was released in November...

    With all this said, now, I am curious in their lack of faith in the new Captain America movie. I've already mentioned the two reasons, I would expect them to not have faith in it, but there is a third reason as well:

    1. New MCU movies simply don't have the draw that the old ones did. Even a decent quality MCU movie would really need to stand out for audiences to notice, and this movie may just not stand out...

    Whatever their reason for releasing Captain America: New World Order in February is, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_A8HdCDaWM

    [Piped link](https://piped.video/watch?v=O_A8HdCDaWM) In Theaters February 14, 2025

    Skydance Targets $2 Billion-Plus in Cuts After Paramount Merger
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 3mo ago 100%

    It feels like a tale as old as time, that a company gets bought by another and immediately selling off assets; and I would very much like to stop hearing it.

    While sometimes spending does need to be cut, cutting assets immediately after an acquisition usually does not maintain the company's health in the long term.

    On another note, while I think Paramount/ Skydance is right that the current streaming environment is not amiable to the customer; I find it amusing this is just creating "Cable 2." I know each studio wants to keep all the money for themselves, but it feels ridiculous they are pretending "Cable 2" would be better for customers than a music streaming model, where any streamer can provide any content

  • variety.com

    [Archive link](https://archive.ph/bmy9a) Some key excerpts: >Skydance executives who are set to take over the owner of CBS, Nickelodeon and MTV have identified at least $2 billion in cost cuts that can be made at the company, much of it from its linear media operations, according to Jeff Shell, who is slated to be named president of the new entity. >David Ellison, the Skydance chief who will become the CEO of a “new” Paramount, put a spotlight on his plan to boost the media conglomerate with content from his entity, which controls certain rights to top Paramount franchises like “Top Gun” and “Mission: Impossible.” He envisioned a new company that combined Skydance’s animation business with that of Nickelodeon, and CBS Sports with Skydance’s sports documentary division. >Shell indicated a willingness to sell certain non-strategic assets — which he did not immediately identify — and suggested the company hoped to add to the CBS Sports portfolio, which boasts the Masters golf tournament, Big Ten football, part of the NCAA March Madness tournament and NFL rights. >In time, Shell suggested, many of the streaming services were likely to be bundled together. The current streaming experience “‘is not great,” he said, with consumers forced to pay high fees to continue to receive most services. The current consumer experience “is not sustainable,” he added. “I think you already see the bundling process starting to happen,” he said, because consumers may have favorite media brands, but still crave a unified experience. “If you’re in that bundle you’re going to win, and if you’re not, you’re going to be in trouble.”

    Microsoft is hiking the price of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate and launching a new “Standard” tier
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 3mo ago 100%

    I can't say I'm surprised to see Gamepass get a price hike; it always seemed like it was in the loss leader stage to try to grow market share.

    I wonder what the reasoning was to institute the hike now, though, since I'm not sure how strong their market share actually is on it.

    My theory is that either:

    • Microsoft is tired of footing the bill and expects results now
    • Microsoft/ Xbox think they have enough market share, so it is time to stop cultivating and time to start harvesting

    My understanding is they are still releasing new Series S models, which are basically just Gamepass machines; so I would expect they are not happy with their current market share (though corporations literally never are), which makes me think it's the former option, not the latter.

    All that being said, I wonder how much the price can increase before the value proposition of Gamepass is moot. Right now 20 USD a month doesn't sound bad as long as you're playing at least one new game a month, but I wonder how much more room there is in the price before the number of games you would need to play becomes unreasonable.

    Personally, I've never been a fan of the Gamepass model since I like owning my games physically (it's the main reason I prefer console to PC), so I don't have much of a horse in this race; but I will be interested to see what becomes of Gamepass in the long term.

  • ‘Shrek 5’ Set for July 2026 With Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy and Cameron Diaz Returning
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 3mo ago 100%

    While I am tired of comedy sequels coming out decades too late, I am cautiously optimistic about Shrek.

    Given its animated nature and fantasy setting, there isn't a lot of pressure to explain why the characters are all decades older. You can just set it right after the last one, which I think avoids a pitfall a lot of late sequels fall into.

    Additionally, in my opinion, Shrek actually has a pretty strong track record. I mostly rewatch the first two, but the fourth and Puss in Boots 2 (if you count that as a Shrek movie) are both really good also. (I can't comment on the first Puss in Boots movie since I never saw it, and we don't need to discuss Shrek 3...)

    I think it COULD also be fun to see Shrek lampoon more of modern Disney, since a lot has changed for them since the early 2000s; but it feels like Shrek has moved further and further from that style of comedy and have moved more into irreverently twisting broader fairy tales instead, so that doesn't feel very likely to happen, unfortunately.

    Seeing as how the movie is years away, I think it is too soon to be making claims in either direction for the movie's quality; all I can decisively say is I really hope it doesn't disappoint.

  • variety.com

    [Archive link](https://archive.ph/er72f) Some key excerpts: >DreamWorks Animation has announced that “Shrek 5″ is officially in development, with a far, far away release date of July 1, 2026. Original “Shrek” stars Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy and Cameron Diaz are all confirmed to return. >Antonio Banderas’ return as the feisty feline Puss in Boots is not yet confirmed. “Shrek 5” will be directed by Walt Dohrn, who served as a writer and artist on “Shrek 2” and “Shrek the Third,” and as head of story on “Shrek Forever After,” in which he also voiced Rumpelstiltskin. “Shrek 5” will be produced by franchise returner Gina Shay and Illumination founder Chris Meledandri; Brad Ableson serves as co-director.

    Why Dave & Buster’s Is Transforming Its Arcades Into Casinos
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 5mo ago 100%

    That's a really good point about their business model potentially being unsustainable, but I still question if adding gambling is the answer.

    Things that get me to go out (and I know that is anecdotal at best) are things like trivia nights, theme nights, stand up comedy, etc. I don't think I would be very tempted to go out by the opportunity to be hustled in Angry Birds.

    I agree that Dave & Buster's needs to develop a more novel niche to not get erased by home entertainment, but I would be shocked if this was the best way to do it.

  • Why Dave & Buster’s Is Transforming Its Arcades Into Casinos
  • UrLogicFails UrLogicFails 5mo ago 100%

    I remember when this news first leaked, people online were joking about getting into fights over a 200 dollar bet on a kid's game if skeeball.

    While I'm not sure how common that type of phenomenon would be, I have to agree with the author of this article that I would certainly think twice before bringing a child to a location where gambling is encouraged (especially in conjunction with drinking).

  • https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-29/dave-buster-s-is-bringing-betting-to-its-arcades

    Archive link: http://archive.today/c0FEu Some key highlights: >Dave & Buster’s [...] recently announced plans to let patrons place real-money bets on the company’s main attraction: its arcade games. >The suburban gaming den’s new betting operation is part of a partnership with Lucra Sports, a technology company that describes its product as “gamification services.” In practical terms, Lucra licenses its software to other businesses, allowing them to integrate certain kinds of betting into their existing apps and websites. Lucra deals in the kinds of bookie-free “peer to peer” bets—say, on the results of a night of bowling or a game of pickup basketball—that might have previously been sealed with a handshake. >The chain is expected to roll out all of this in the coming months, and it will be available only to adults >Beyond that, neither Dave & Buster’s nor Lucra Sports—which both declined to comment—is saying what kinds of betting will be allowed and at what scale. >Gambling on games of skill has a much easier time cruising past legal roadblocks. >Because of these legal distinctions, Lucra Sports—which has financial backing from a host of sports executives and professional athletes, including former Milwaukee Bucks owner Marc Lasry and former NFL player Emmanuel Sanders—says its services are legal on some level in 45 US states. >Even in their relatively milquetoast skill-game form, these kinds of betting services normalize something that feels a lot like traditional gambling as most Americans now experience it >Kids too young to grasp how football works or what betting on it might mean will soon be able to encounter a version of it at the arcade, potentially priming them to open their own betting accounts once they hit legal age. >That Dave & Buster’s would decide to dive in right now is best read as an indicator of just how nervous traditional entertainment industries have become about gambling and its capacity to devour their customer base and its disposable income. In its 2022 annual report, Dave & Buster’s identified the spread of legalized gambling as an existential threat, even as the company was continuing to grow and its stock price was soaring. >this move feels motivated more by the fear of being left behind while others profit than by a genuine belief in the value of the product itself. >The vision that’s dancing in executives’ heads, I have no doubt, is something akin to the opportunity to be a little Las Vegas in every American suburb. They should probably be more wary of the likelier—and grimmer—alternative: becoming something closer to most of the other casinos in America, where no parent would ever dream of throwing their kid’s birthday party.


    [Archive.org link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240515203615/https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/happy-gilmore-2-adam-sandler-netflix-1235900308/) Some key highlights: >The streamer announced at its upfront presentation to advertisers on Wednesday that it was moving forward with *Happy Gilmore 2* with Adam Sandler on board to reprise his role as the titular rage golfer. >Netflix didn’t release any details about the film, such as its story line, writer or director. >Christopher McDonald who played the golfer Shooter McGavin the first film, has suggested his character might return in the sequel.


    [Archive.org link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240515111823/https://finance.yahoo.com/web/20240515111823/https://finance.yahoo.com/news/inside-story-elon-musk-mass-100216178.html) Some highlights I found interesting: >After Tinucci had cut between 15% and 20% of staffers two weeks earlier, part of much wider layoffs, they believed Musk would affirm plans for a massive charging-network expansion. >Musk, the employees said, was not pleased with Tinucci’s presentation and wanted more layoffs. When she balked, saying deeper cuts would undermine charging-business fundamentals, he responded by firing her and her entire 500-member team. >The departures have upended a network widely viewed as a signature Tesla achievement and a key driver of its EV sales. >Despite the mass firings, Musk has since posted on social media promising to continue expanding the network. But three former charging-team employees told Reuters they have been fielding calls from vendors, contractors and electric utilities, some of which had spent millions of dollars on equipment and infrastructure to help build out Tesla’s network. >Tesla's energy team, which sells solar and battery-storage products for homes and businesses, was tasked with taking over Superchargers and calling some partners to close out ongoing charger-construction projects, said three of the former Tesla employees. >Tinucci was one of few high-ranking female Tesla executives. She recently started reporting directly to Musk, following the departure of battery-and-energy chief Drew Baglino, according to four former Supercharger-team staffers. They said Baglino had historically overseen the charging department without much involvement from Musk. >Two former Supercharger staffers called the $500 million expansion budget a significant reduction from what the team had planned for 2024 - but nonetheless a challenge requiring hundreds of employees. >Three of the former employees called the firings a major setback to U.S. charging expansion because of the relationships Tesla employees had built with suppliers and electric utilities.


    [Archive.org link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240514125840/https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/nicolas-cage-spider-man-noir-live-action-series-amazon-1236001604/) Some key excerpts: >Cage is set to star in the live-action show “Noir,” which has been ordered to series at MGM+ and Amazon Prime Video. The series will debut domestically on MGM+’s linear channel followed by a global launch on Prime Video. >Per the official logline, “Noir” will tell the story “of an aging and down on his luck private investigator (Cage) in 1930s New York, who is forced to grapple with his past life as the city’s one and only superhero.” >The show hails from Oren Uziel and Steve Lightfoot, who will also serve as co-showrunners and executive producers. They developed the series with the “Into the Spider-Verse” team of Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, and Amy Pascal, all of whom will also executive produce. Harry Bradbeer will executive produce and direct the first two episodes. >The role will mark the first regular television role of Cage’s career.


    [Archive.org link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240326165720/https://gizmodo.com/project-ghostbusters-facebook-meta-wiretap-snapchat-1851366093) Some key excerpts: >Court filings unsealed last week allege Meta created an internal effort to spy on Snapchat in a secret initiative called “Project Ghostbusters.” Meta did so through Onavo, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service the company offered between 2016 and 2019 that, ultimately, wasn’t private at all. >It’s Meta’s in-house wiretapping tool to spy on data analytics from Snapchat starting in 2016, later used on YouTube and Amazon. This involved creating “kits” that can be installed on iOS and Android devices, to intercept traffic for certain apps, according to the filings. This was described as a “man-in-the-middle” approach to get data on Facebook’s rivals, but users of Onavo were the “men in the middle.” >Facebook ultimately shut down Onavo in 2019 after Apple booted the VPN from its app store. >Prosecutors also allege that Facebook violated the United States Wiretap Act, which prohibits the intentional procurement of another person’s electronic communications. Onavo could also be considered straight spyware, but also seems to fall under the definition of wiretapping, according to prosecutors. >The court filings show chats and emails that depict Zuckerberg as being directly involved in these communications. >Prosecutors allege Project Ghostbusters harmed competition in the ad industry, adding weight to their central argument that Meta is a monopoly in social media.


    [Archive link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240325163408/https://apnews.com/article/trump-hush-money-trial-new-york-b8fb980a6ec745e918a13e676b7f1460) Some key excerpts: >New York judge has scheduled an April 15 trial date in former President Donald Trump’s hush money case. >The judge earlier had scolded the former president’s lawyers as he weighed when to reschedule the trial after a last-minute document dump caused a postponement of the original date. >The hush money case, filed last year by prosecutors in Manhattan, has taken on added importance given that it’s the only one of the prosecutions against Trump that appears likely for trial in the coming months. >Trump has pleaded not guilty to charges that he falsified business records. Manhattan prosecutors say Trump did it as part of an effort to protect his 2016 campaign by burying what he says were false stories of extramarital sex. >Trump’s lawyers say the payments to Cohen were legitimate legal expenses, not cover-up checks. >Cohen pleaded guilty in 2018 to federal charges, including campaign finance violations related to the Daniels payoff.


    Archive link: https://archive.ph/sVDYB Some key excerpts: >Senator Bernie Sanders this week unveiled legislation to reduce the standard workweek in the United States from 40 hours to 32, without a reduction in pay >The law, if passed, would pare down the workweek over a four-year period, lowering the threshold at which workers would be eligible to receive overtime pay. >Senator Bill Cassidy, Republican of Louisiana, said at the hearing such a reduction would hurt employers, ship jobs overseas and cause dramatic spikes in consumer prices. >Mr. Sanders is far from the first to propose the idea, which has been floated by Richard Nixon, pitched by autoworkers and experimented with by companies ranging from Shake Shack to Kickstarter and Unilever’s New Zealand unit. >Representative Mark Takano, Democrat of California, introduced the 32-Hour Workweek Act in the House in 2021, and has reintroduced it as a companion bill to the one sponsored by Mr. Sanders in the Senate. > >In proposing the legislation, Mr. Sanders cited a trial conducted by 61 companies in Britain in 2022, in which most of the companies that went down to a four-day workweek saw that revenues and productivity remained steady, while attrition dropped significantly. The study was conducted by a nonprofit, 4 Day Week Global, with researchers at Cambridge University, Boston College and a think tank, Autonomy.


    Archive link: https://archive.ph/Tol6G Some key excerpts: >All of the sites in Aylo's network, including Pornhub, YouPorn, and Brazzers, are blocked in Texas, their homepages replaced with a message about the company's rejection of age verification laws. > >Pornhub has blocked access to its site in Texas during an ongoing legal battle with the state. >Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed HB 1181 into law in June, which would require not only verification of age through government ID, but for all adult sites to display in large font a message claiming to be from Texas Health and Human Services about pseudoscientific “dangers” of porn. >Today, Pornhub and all of the sites in Aylo’s network are inaccessible if you’re visiting them in Texas. >there’s a message about the company’s objection to age verification legislation: > >“Dear user, as you may know, your elected officials in Texas are requiring us to verify your age before allowing you access to our website,” the message says. “Not only does this impinge on the rights of adults to access protected speech, it fails strict scrutiny by employing the least effective and yet also most restrictive means of accomplishing Texas’s stated purpose of allegedly protecting minors. While safety and compliance are at the forefront of our mission, providing identification every time you want to visit an adult platform is not an effective solution for protecting users online, and in fact, will put minors and your privacy at risk.” > > ![Text from the Brazzers.com page that shows up if you try to access it in Texas. The text reads: Dear user, As you may know, your elected officials in Texas are requiring us to verify your age before allowing you access to our website. Not only does this impinge on the rights of adults to access protected speech, it fails strict scrutiny by employing the least effective and yet also most restrictive means of accomplishing Texas's stated purpose of allegedly protecting minors. While safety and compliance are at the forefront of our mission, providing identification every time you want to visit an adult platform is not an effective solution for protecting users online, and in fact, will put minors and your privacy at risk. Attempting to mandate age verification without any means to enforce at scale gives platforms the choice to comply or not, leaving thousands of platforms open and accessible. As we've seen in other states, such bills have failed to protect minors, by driving users from those few websites which comply, to the thousands of websites, with far fewer safety measures in place, which do not comply. Very few sites are able to compare to the robust Trust and Safety measures we currently have in place. To protect minors and user privacy, any legislation must be enforced against all platforms offering adult content. Unfortunately, the Texas law for age verification is ineffective, haphazard, and dangerous. Not only will it not actually protect children, but it will also inevitably reduce content creators' ability to post and distribute legal adult content and directly impact their ability to share the artistic messages they want to convey with it. The safety of our users is one of our biggest concerns. We believe that the only effective solution for protecting minors and adults alike is to verify users' age on their device and to either deny or allow access to age-restricted materials and websites based on that verification. We call on all adult sites to comply with the law. Until the real solution is offered, we have made the difficult decision to completely disable access to our website in Texas. In doing so, we are complying with the law, as we always do, but hope that governments around the world will implement laws that actually protect the safety and security of users. We encourage you to: A) Learn more about device-based age verification* solutions that make the internet safer while also respecting your privacy. B) Contact your representatives and demand device-based verification solutions that make the internet safer while also respecting your privacy. *Device-Based Age Verification refers to any approach to age verification where the personal information that is used to verify the user's age is either shared in-person at an authorized retailer, inputted locally into the user's device, or stored on a network controlled by the device manufacturer or the supplier of the device's operating system. Whether through pre-installed content blocking and filtering software, the disabling of web-browsing permissions, or other means, the user will then be prevented from accessing age-restricted content over the internet unless they are age-verified. To come to fruition, such an approach requires the cooperation of manufacturers and operating-system providers. ](https://www.404media.co/content/images/2024/03/image-9.png) >Texas residents join users in Montana, North Carolina, Virginia, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Utah, all states where age verification laws have passed and Pornhub has blocked access in response. Ohio faces the possibility of being next. >Critics of these laws have highlighted the privacy and security risks of handing over one’s ID to websites in order to view legal entertainment online. Adult industry advocates propose device-level controls, as the blocked sites’ messages mention. >In August, Pornhub and several other porn sites sued to block the Texas age verification law from going into effect, and a judge granted a stay. >But Paxton appealed to the court’s injunction with the Fifth Circuit, and the law went into effect.


    [Archive.org link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240313150023/https://apnews.com/article/tiktok-ban-house-vote-china-national-security-8fa7258fae1a4902d344c9d978d58a37) Some key excerpts: >The House on Wednesday passed a bill that would lead to a nationwide ban of the popular video app TikTok if its China-based owner doesn’t sell, as lawmakers acted on concerns that the company’s current ownership structure is a national security threat. > >The bill, passed by a vote of 352-65, now goes to the Senate, where its prospects are unclear. >The lawmakers contend that ByteDance is beholden to the Chinese government, which could demand access to the data of TikTok’s consumers in the U.S. any time it wants. The worry stems from a set of Chinese national security laws that compel organizations to assist with intelligence gathering. >House passage of the bill is only the first step. The Senate would also need to pass the measure for it to become law, and lawmakers in that chamber indicated it would undergo a thorough review. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said he’ll have to consult with relevant committee chairs to determine the bill’s path. >Opposition to the bill was also bipartisan. Some Republicans said the U.S. should warn consumers if there are data privacy and propaganda concerns, while some Democrats voiced concerns about the impact a ban would have on its millions of users in the U.S., many of which are entrepreneurs and business owners. >TikTok has long denied that it could be used as a tool of the Chinese government. The company has said it has never shared U.S. user data with Chinese authorities and won’t do so if it is asked. To date, the U.S. government also has not provided any evidence that shows TikTok shared such information with Chinese authorities. The platform has about 170 million users in the U.S. >Republican leaders have moved quickly to bring up the bill after its introduction last week. A House committee approved the legislation unanimously, on a 50-vote, even after their offices were inundated with calls from TikTok users demanding they drop the effort. Some offices even shut off their phones because of the onslaught. >As president, Trump attempted to ban TikTok through an executive order that called “the spread in the United States of mobile applications developed and owned by companies in the People’s Republic of China (China)” a threat to “the national security, foreign policy and economy of the United States.” The courts, however, blocked the action after TikTok sued, arguing such actions would violate free speech and due process rights.


    Archive link: https://archive.ph/168Vn There are now several games known to be getting delisted by WBD. I will link to the article with the list at the end Some key highlights: >Warner Bros. Discovery, as part of its ongoing effort to stretch the definition of "entertainment company," recently told a solo indie developer it would be "retiring" his 2016 dreamlike puzzle adventure game Small Radios Big Televisions from the Steam and PlayStation stores. The developer, in response, has made it free to download for PC >Deery clarified that the game will be pulled in the next 60 days. Deery noted that Adult Swim Games "hasn't really been a thing for many years now" and that most of the people he worked with had moved on. "When you're working with purely digital products nothing is going to stay around for very long," Deery told Game Developer. >The reason given by Warner Bros. Discovery, as seen in the notice that Game Developer also reviewed, was "internal business changes." "Thank you for your contribution to our game library and understanding during this transition," the notice concludes. "We are available should you have any questions." >Warner Bros. Discovery executives said late last month during a financial call that its gaming business was due for a "tough" year-over-year comparison. That is largely due to *Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League* >At a higher level, the merged Warner Bros. Discovery entity has shown no hesitation when it comes to folding known names and removing content. The firm killed the fully produced Batgirl and a Scooby-Doo film prior to release as a reported tax strategy. >It's hard to imagine how much it would cost to maintain storefront support for this sub-$20 game from 2016, but it was apparently too much for Warner Bros. Discovery. The list of Adult Swim games can be found here: https://delistedgames.com/as-more-developers-confirm-it-looks-likely-that-all-adult-swim-games-titles-will-be-removed-by-may/ (Archive link: https://archive.ph/fjt3Q)


    Archive link: https://archive.ph/WOlNl >The Swedish gaming company Embracer Group AB is canceling a video game in the beloved Deus Ex series after two years of development and will lay off a number of employees as part of an ongoing initiative to cut costs, according to people familiar with the moves. > >Eidos, the Montreal, Canada-based studio behind the game, will instead focus on an original franchise. The canceled Deus Ex project, which had not yet been announced, was slated to enter production later this year, said the people, speaking anonymously because they are not authorized to talk to the press. > >The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Following a period of massive expansion during the pandemic, Embracer Group has lately been making widespread layoffs, game cancellations and studio closures. > >The sci-fi Deus Ex series has been critically acclaimed and sold more than 14 million units worldwide. It was acquired by Embracer in 2022.


    [Archive link](https://web.archive.org/web/20240126040338/https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-01-26/switch-2-nintendo-s-next-gen-console-to-have-8-inch-lcd-screen-omdia-says) >Nintendo Co. will launch a new game console this year with an 8-inch LCD screen, according to Omdia analyst Hiroshi Hayase. > >The new device from the Kyoto-based games maker will be responsible for a doubling in shipments of so-called amusement displays in 2024, Hayase said in Tokyo on Friday. His research focuses on small and medium displays and he bases annual forecasts on checks with companies in the supply chain
