Antisemitism as Anti-Europeanism by Proxy
  • argumento argumento 8mo ago 0%

    @tness I think antisemitism is largely an European problem, and that Zionism and antisemitism go hand in hand. Get rid of European antisemitism, you get rid of the raison d'etre of Zionism.

  • Antisemitism as Anti-Europeanism by Proxy
  • argumento argumento 8mo ago 0%


    Where I'm at, when the Europeans came, they decimated our population, put those who survived either on chains or at their service, robed all the gold and silver, taught us for centuries to hate ourselves over being brown, and imposed their beauty and cultural standards as superior, and when we finally thought we kicked them out, they remained the owners of everything via capitalism and imperialism. So I really wouldn't know about this "multicultural Europe" of yours.

  • Antisemitism as Anti-Europeanism by Proxy
  • argumento argumento 8mo ago 0%

    @tness I'm sorry, but by "European Values", do you mean these?

  • The Hundred Years' War on Palestine
  • argumento argumento 8mo ago 100% Kirilov just blocked me, LMAO.

  • The Hundred Years' War on Palestine
  • argumento argumento 8mo ago 100%

    I don't want a link bro. Don't be a coward, defend your point with your own words. I dare you.

  • The Hundred Years' War on Palestine
  • argumento argumento 8mo ago 100%

    Why don't you illuminate us with an explanation of how a fallacy of authority fits the statement "I know Rashid Khalidi has good academic credentials as an historian, I expect his work to be rigorous". I'd be delighted to read your explanation.

  • The Hundred Years' War on Palestine
  • argumento argumento 8mo ago 100%

    I don't want to converse about logical fallacies. I'm more interested in debating the correctness of Khalidi's title, which was the topic a few posts back, when you jumped in.

  • The Hundred Years' War on Palestine
  • argumento argumento 8mo ago 100%

    1. Argumentum ad populum and fallacy of authority are not the same, you pompous prick.

    2. You are making general opinions on a book you haven't read, based only in your inability to grasp the title.

    3.You wouldn't call a book titled "History of World War 2" biased. Why do you call a book that tells the story of the 100 years resistance to colonialism in Palestine biased? It was a war, by any definition

  • The Hundred Years' War on Palestine
  • argumento argumento 8mo ago 100% When a description of reality sounds biased to you, the easiest explanation, and the most correct one, is that it's your own bias the one that keeps you from engaging with reality.

  • Hey, #gringos. The war in #Ukraine is a tragedy, and a crime, and thousands of civilians have been killed and war crimes committed, by both sides.
  • argumento argumento 10mo ago 0%

    @polezaivsani @palestine

    Nothing that happened on October 7 justifies the mass killing of 23 thousand people, more than 7 thousand children. The destruction of Mosques and Churches, of urban infrastructure both in Gaza and the West Bank. The mass detention w/om charges of Palestinians, that have reported torture and some of them dying under torture. "Execution style" killings by the IDF.

    1,200 killing do NOT justify 23,000 ones.

  • Hey, #gringos. The war in #Ukraine is a tragedy, and a crime, and thousands of civilians have been killed and war crimes committed, by both sides.
  • argumento argumento 10mo ago 0%

    @polezaivsani @palestine

    I'm not the only one accusing Israel of carrying out a genocide, Raz Segal, Francesca Albanese, Illan Pappé, Finkelstein, Craig Mokhiber, and the lawsuit the South African government submitted to the ICJ also claim Israel is carrying out a genocide.

    Why do you believe you know better than all of them?

  • Hey, #gringos. The war in #Ukraine is a tragedy, and a crime, and thousands of civilians have been killed and war crimes committed, by both sides.
  • argumento argumento 10mo ago 0%

    @polezaivsani @palestine

    So it's "repeat a lie a thousand times until it becomes the truth".

    I can quote sources for all my claims.

  • Hey, #gringos. The war in #Ukraine is a tragedy, and a crime, and thousands of civilians have been killed and war crimes committed, by both sides.
  • argumento argumento 10mo ago 0%

    @polezaivsani @palestine

    The history of the Ethnic cleansing of Palestine didn't start last year, but in 1948.

    Israel has murdered, raped, forcibly displaced and imprisoned with out charges (kidnapping) Palestinians for 7 decades.

    In 2018, Israel shot at peaceful demonstrators in Gaza, deliberately maiming them.

    Go educate yourself. Read up on what the Nakba was.

    Gaza is not a State, and the ones carrying out a genocide are not Hamas.

    Long live the Palestinian resistance.

  • Hey, #gringos. The war in #Ukraine is a tragedy, and a crime, and thousands of civilians have been killed and war crimes committed, by both sides.
  • argumento argumento 10mo ago 0%


    Now compare the attitude your government and your officials have. When Russia invaded, The West decided to massively arm Ukraine so it could defend itself, but when Israel started mass murdering civilians, YOUR GOVERNMENT KEPT ON ARMING THE AGGRESSOR, ISRAEL!!

    The F-16s Zelensky begged for? Israel has them, and is using them to destroy hospitals and bomb refugee camps.

    We, in the so called Global South, see this. And we will remember.


  • Hey, [#gringos]( The war in [#Ukraine]( is a tragedy, and a crime, and thousands of civilians have been killed and war crimes committed, by both sides. But in all its cruelty and destruction, it PALES when compared to 3 months of genocide in [#Gaza]( More than twice as many civilians have been killed, in way less time. There has been a SYSTEMATIC destruction of hospitals and vital infrastructure. There's clear intent to expel all Palestinians from [#Gaza]( 1/2 [@palestine]( [#Palestine](
