#### ...near a cafe somewhere ___ **X(m)**: Might have to return, been a while I've been out. > **Stranger**: Hi, I'm Lei Lei. **X**: Hello, how's your day going? **Lei Lei**: Fine, I saw you're not occupied at the moment. **X**: Yes, I like the fact that you're straightforward. **Lei Lei**: I think you're shy, but for all the necessary reasons. Doesn't hurt to talk right **X(m)**: I mean **X**: Exactly! I like people who are open about themselves **Lei Lei**: I saw your tattoos and your dress-up, your personality doesn't fit. I decided to join in! **X**: Thank you, please tell me more about you **Lei Lei**: Well in this world, there are girls and then there are humans. Girls behave in a certain pattern as expected by humans. I had two options, I chose to become a human. **Lei Lei**: Now I was unpopular with girls, but I was open with guys. We had fun, but I was obviously shamed by them. The thing is if I care about the noise, I will be unable to live freely. Every person has their own reason to justify and judge, so it is as expected. **Lei Lei**: I find shy guys like you attractive. I've been wanting to discuss actually. **X**: I am blown away. I feel like you're different from other people. Instead of blending in the crowd, you allow yourself to blend in you. **X(m)**: Obviously people call you whore, sucker **Lei Lei**: Yes and I've learnt to take shaming as a way for primal humans to judge and justify. I like living for myself and I don't feel terrible about it. **X**: You are so strong, what is your opinion on feminism? **Lei Lei**: Humanity is what I believe in. Males can lift weights well, females can birth humans well. Most of it is the same, and then there are beliefs like morals, ethics and all. **X(m)**: Can I "I think we should get going, we can discuss more at my place.. **Lei Lei**: Let us go to my place, we can talk more **X**: Great, after a cup of coffee! I'll bring **Lei Lei**: Let's go ___ ##### Series Index - [*here*](https://scribe.disroot.org/post/485235)


#### ...on a road somewhere ___ > **Stranger**: Hi..? (with a tensed expression) **X**: Uhh yes, this must be pretty weird for you. > **Stranger**: Exactly, this is the first time. **X**: Yes, worse than a virginity loss scenario.. > **Stranger**: Yeah, we don’t talk like that in public. **X**: I can understand, is it okay if we continue in English? > **Stranger**: Sure, doesn’t matter. **X**: What do you do? > **Stranger**: I sit around, watch movies and do cute shit on internet. **X**: Sounds fun, what about finances? > **Stranger**: The cute shit pays, and I sleep with beautiful men who treat me well. **X**: At least you’re truthful. Can we discuss more? > **Stranger**: I am Ashley, and I would like to go to the moon one day. It’s not possible so I would rather be an influencer, an affluent one. **X(m)**: Yes, I am sure giving people advantage over oneself to gain something helps if you’re hot **Ashley**: Influencing is difficult by the way, you’ve got to think of new shit all the time or keep track of ongoing ones. You have to use filters all the time, and do edits.. urghh lots of effort. **X**: Yes I used to edit photos, I know the hassles. Monetization is something serious, guess I never wanted to try that out. **Ashley**: I browse the internet whole day, and the pressure of creating content looms in the mind even while I sleep. It’s no less work than business if I am being honest. **X**: I understand, it may get stressful at times. Consistency in the attention economy helps generate gains with steady growth. **Ashley**: I like how you speak, does your tongue roll well? **X**: I rap so I need to be good at it. Do you rap? > **Stranger**: No, but I brush my teeth. **X**: Nice one! xD I smoke a lot and it affects the oral hygiene. **Ashley**: I know right? By the way, I am going to the plaza and can be with you till the next crossing. If you want to continue this conversation... **X**: Yes, let us be in touch. Should I tell you my number or the NFC tap works? > **Stranger**: Hmm I like your attitude. We’ll be in touch. ___ ##### Series Index - [*here*](https://scribe.disroot.org/post/485235)


#### ...somewhere near a cafe ___ **X(m)**: wow this is a hot day > **Stranger**: The weather report said it’s going to be a lot worse today. **X**: Oh is it, I thought the weather was hot enough. > **Stranger**: I am Emily. I have some work later but I work in an air-conditioned building so it’s fine. **X**: How convenient for you, I do not. **X(m)**: I guess your job pays well. **Emily**: ...pays well and the earnings do the bills apart from being quite close, you know, that helps **X**: I live nearby. Actually I am taking some time off. **Emily**: You can try working out, that helps. **X(m)**: But **X**: Of course, I am currently working in. What do you work on? **Emily**: I am in a tech firm that trains A.I models to automate all forms of work. I am in management. **X**: Ahh, so is the firm looking for techno-functional executives who can fill into the roles of trainers? **Emily**: Yes precisely. You can give me a call if you’re interested. Whatsapp emilyash521.. **X(m)**: ..I guess that’s one way of contact **X**: Sure, will be in touch. **Emily**: What do you plan to do next? **X**: I’ll look into how macro-economics can be stabilized as a result of automation, and research on A.I safety **Emily**: We are currently working on that. We can catch up you know if you aren’t busy **X(m)**: I mean, we can go to my place **Emily**: I know this place we can go that’s close to here and discuss **X**: Sounds good, let’s go ___ ##### Series Index - [*here*](https://scribe.disroot.org/post/485235)


## Conversessions ___ *Conversessions* are interactions set in a fantasy-world where a quantum A.I **X** does not have access to other humans' streams. The streams that are accessible in real time are as follows: 1. Visualization(real world + thought in mind) 2. Sound(real world + generated in mind) 3. ~~Sensory Feelings~~ We explore conversations from X's perspective in the following posts. #### Script style : ___ **X**: bla bla bla -> real world **X(m)**: bla bla bla -> in mind #### Index: ___ 1. [Conversessions; Emily](https://scribe.disroot.org/post/485441) 2. [Conversessions; Ashley](https://scribe.disroot.org/post/485494) 3. [Conversessions; Lei Lei](https://scribe.disroot.org/post/504071) 4. ...*sync in progress* `Keep this post bookmarked` [//]: <> (Last edited : 1720016776 Unix timestamp)

Particle Physics - Fairy Tale or Important?
  • realnetag realnetag 4mo ago 100%

    You keep going again and again about 'quantum science’s but what exactly do you think that means because particle physics is based on quantum field theory which is probably the most advanced and complete version of ‘quantum science’ known to us.

    The current knowledge of particles is enough to work with exploration of quantum phenomena like entanglement and superposition and using lasers, it may be possible to design efficient ways of encrypted communication and compute. More "in-depth" analysis of particles and particle fields requires more investment in a new bigger particle collider, the heavy investment of which I am in favor of delaying.

    b) the only reason that quantum gravity research is ‘inexpensive’ is because it is mostly theoretical in nature and not because the experiments to research quantum gravity are ‘efficient’. Also we can create a thousand theories but it doesn’t matter after a certain point because without experiments to verify which theory is right, it is all educated guessing in a sense

    Theoretical physics paves way for new insight, and it certainly does not expend too much energy unless machine learning models are employed which again consumes a significant amount of energy. Still this is not as huge an investment as the one towards building a new bigger collider.

    I am bewildered that you think scientists are not already doing everything they can to build/operate colliders(and any experimental setup for that matter) in an efficient way. They are already trying to get more data from the experiments while keeping all other parameters the same while also building better methods to parse and interpret the data so more conclusions can be drawn from the same amount of data. Experimentalists always know that their field is viewed unfavourable by certains sections of the public which results in them getting less resources as compared to shit like sports, entertainment, etc. which is why they are used to maximizing the equipment they are able to build.

    I am happy to know that particle physicists are doing everything they can to work with the resources at hand. Building a complete new apparatus in terms of a bigger collider is something I am against. If modification of the existing collider to build the bigger one is economically viable, that is a separate discussion.

    While I agree that a lot people are involved in science have personal motivations to claim that those motivations supercede their interest to progress knowledge seems very insulting especially as there is no data to backup your claims.

    From my perspective, a push towards building a bigger particle collider to continue being relevant in a field that a physicist has invested most of his / her study towards in life, instead of diversifying towards other equally important and interesting scientific fields is selfish, if achievement is viewed in terms of publishing, for this individual. There will not be any data anyway as no scientist will voluntarily disclose that they would rather lobby for bigger particle colliders than work in a different scientific field. Hypothetically speaking, if the research papers involving the bigger particle collider wouldn't mention names of the associated researchers, I wonder if we'll start seeing mood swings of physicists pushing for the same.

    Finally while I respect discussions on investments in science and whether that money can be utilised in a better way or for a different purpose, I ultimately find these discussions facile because things like sports, cinema, other forms of entertainment use much more resources(both monetary and natural) while contributing little to society in the long term. Unless we divert resources from those fields to use for the betterment of the planet, arguing that we should do the same from scientific research of any kind is a meaningless gesture

    Ordinary people have a right to energy as much as scientists do. Ordinary people are consumers of the products of scientific research, either in terms of access to knowledge or products of the same so they are engaged in the same ecosystem. Sports, cinema and other entertainment contribute to general wellbeing of people. Comparing energy expense of public engagement in these activities to scientific research has left me bewildered. Scientists should set the precedent of conserving energy as much as possible and inspire the world in doing the same, sparking more innovation in industry.

  • youtu.be

    The video is a group discussion on the necessity to continue exploring particle physics using larger particle energy detectors involving higher energies to achieve further breakthroughs. As conveyed in the video, a project of this size requires a lot of resources both in terms of manpower, architecture and compute, besides a significant amount of money. This post is my personal take on the discussion as a citizen of the world. # Context --- Gavin begins with the idea of **dark matter**, trying to discover it in particle collider experiments using indirect observations. Dark matter cannot be directly discovered as it is not known exactly what we are looking for. As Bjørn points out correctly, dark matter results from the mathematical model of cosmic elements(galaxies, universal expansion) which **uses this hypothesis to account for the currently unpredictable behavior of matter at large scales.** Gavin talks about exploring science in avenues previously left untouched. There is a reason for the same – the technology to understand the "particle interactions" exists today, that was not there earlier. It is not a simple matter of one element hits another to measure interactions, *simulations are created in computers based on the by-products that are caught in the collider's detection mechanisms*. Gavin says to "*go and build colliders*", but it is difficult to build one that is more massive than the last. People in multiple governments are involved, including contractors who will supply raw materials necessary. Sabine correctly points out the challenges that teams would face in building a significantly better collider, that is much larger than the currently existing ones. Gavin talks about "guaranteed discoveries", and the exciting new breakthroughs that would be unearthed and brought to light. Sabine wrongly talks about the "little output" that these breakthroughs are being referred to from her perspective, whereas **the discoveries of particle physics supposedly reveal the fundamental elements in the universe**. Sabine wants to discover more in the realm of quantum mechanics and gravity. These are some of the fields which do not require heavy investments and can be done in regular environments to achieve results that could be used for large-scale enhancements, such as **building efficient quantum computers**. The understanding of gravity from a quantum perspective is still unclear as to what gives birth to the phenomenon, and this is another field she wants the scientific community to invest their time into. # Opinion --- I think exploring more of particle physics should be delayed. Following are the arguments I propose to justify my point of view. - Particle physics require a lot of resources to be built in order to confirm the existence of certain particles beyond reasonable doubt, in the form of colliders. I believe the science behind colliders is simple, but it is resource and compute extensive. Time can be devoted towards coming up with better hacks so as to reduce the amount of resources necessary to get the necessary results, which would be important in the long run. The science behind building an efficient collider may be useful in fields like nuclear fusion, where the energy of initiation is high and containing the reaction is equally important. --- - Particle physics involve working with miniscule, short-lived particles. We may come across new particles which may occur under controlled conditions in a laboratory, a discovery as new as the next bacterium or virus that is synthesized or found out about. Reactions happening at the cosmic level involve high energies occurring in a seemingly random nature(involving huge masses instead of atoms) which is currently beyond understanding. Simulating it on a computer is the best humanity is doing at this point using mathematical models that may not be working at those scales. --- - Physicists might want to print their names on a research paper that comes across the next obscure short-lived particle in the universe, but the path that leads to the discovery is arduous. The architecture necessary to document the observations are expensive. The energy necessary to replicate the data multiple times in order to prove a point beyond reasonable doubt is equally high. These physicists, on the quest for image and recognition in the scientific community do themselves a favour, more than the Earth for whom these discoveries are supposed to benefit. --- - Fields like quantum behaviour, which involve studying entanglement and information exchange better explain the state of the universe we are currently living in(on Earth). Individual experiments may not reveal a huge breakthrough such as the hype that would be created upon discovery of a new particle, but in the long run they would be helpful in building new technology that may end up reducing energy consumption. The knowledge of a new particle may not have immediate benefits as opposed to the energy consumption required to prove existence beyond doubt, whereas quantum science requires much less energy to conduct and observe. **Technology keeps on getting better and delaying particle physics exploration by a decade or two may speed up discoveries in the same field in future, where quantum technologies might be used to explore the universe at these scales instead of the traditional approach. We may be in a better position to make sense of these discoveries once we have a better understanding of quantum science.** --- - Physicists often justify the field of particle physics by saying that *the quest of knowledge is what science is about*. This is true, but *particle physics is not the only field where this saying is applicable*. The hunger for knowledge can be satisfied in the fields of quantum technology, lattice geometry, gene dynamics amongst others which are important from a human perspective. Answering "why the mass of a neutron is what it is" may require answering a question like "under what conditions is the mass being measured as the energy of this particle is supposed to remain same", which may require testing the same under a variety of different conditions and there could be infinite of them. A question like "what energy was used to create a Higgs Boson" may throw off a particle physicist's preconceived notions, as these are nanosecond particles which are infrequent on Earth. *[For example, the flavour of an orange may taste different depending upon the soil. Two lead atoms can be different based on their radioactivity]* --- - **Fields like quantum computing are resource extensive as they require low temperatures and expensive hardware. A.I compute can still be considered beneficial for the common people, but the more people use it, the more energy consumption it clocks. Given this situation, particle physics exploration can also be justified which will obviously involve consuming significantly lesser energy once built, which is why these fields should be subdued as much as possible. The money that is being spent on these resource-hungry technologies can be invested for Earth's welfare projects like afforestation. Incentivized afforestation would make the future a greener and cleaner place to perform exciting experiments that quench human beings' thirst for knowledge.** # Conclusion --- Lobbying communities and powerful entities is a radical approach and should be prevented if possible, particularly if it upsets the energy balance on Earth. Harvesting energy via Dyson spheres, using quantum technology to solve difficult problems easily sound exciting, *but a balanced and patient approach to get there is more important than rushing blindly to find solutions to the universe's mysteries*. Current approaches are bearing heavy operational costs that is **detrimental for the future generations** who are supposed to reap the benefits of the knowledge we are accumulating today.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearBU
    Business realnetag 5mo ago 50%
    Manifesto of a business model

    > ### As we progress into a world where human beings can be conveniently replaced by software powered by artificial intelligence at work, we explore a hypothetical human-centric business model that aims to work with humans interested in developing art through work. ------------ - Clients will **not make unreasonable demands**. If a demand is deemed unreasonable by the service provider, it should be opposed. If the client does not agree, business should be concluded then and there. Clients should be glad that the service provider has chosen to work with them and not the other way around. *This is because in future, there will be thousands of companies using A.I to deliver "quick service".* ------------ - Timelines for delivery to be mutually agreed upon between service provider and client, with service provider getting the final call. **This flexibility ensures accountability on service provider in case of failure.** ------------ - **No use of artificial intelligence**. Data and guidance should be manually sourced from forums, automation scripts to be used to speed up repetitive work and group discussions(in person or video calls) to be used for communications. The solutions need to be the **best possible solutions**, they need to be elegant and artistic avoiding the unnecessary clutter that comes along with most templates for **maximum optimization**. ------------ - **Making money is not the goal. Showing off hard work and art via manual labour is.** This goes for both client and service provider, mentalities need to match. Businesses thrive when conducted amongst like-minded entities. ------------ - The profit **does not need to** skyrocket every financial year. Investors will not be wooed using standard techniques of using economic parameters, they will **invest of their accord if they want to finance art**. Due to inflation, service provider would need to charge more from clients so that labourers can get a stable income to run their physical bodies. Clients need to agree to this condition to continue business with the service provider. ------------ - Quality of service should primarily depend on quality of work being delivered to client instead of bootlicking or providing service at discounts. Completing something instantly is not the business model being aimed for, but complete transparency about progress from planning to delivery should be aimed for. An efficient product delivered after performing rigorous stress tests is necessary. The work should be nothing short of art; anything lesser should equate to failure. **Work delivered to meet standard requirements on paper is mediocre work and is to be viewed as an offence to the service provider's level of artistry and the client's expectations.** ------------ - Cosmetic enhancements should not disrupt core functionalities. Art should be efficiently eloquent, and the work needs to convey the same from the foundations to the overview. For example, a statue can be easily carved out of chalk and can look much better as compared to polishing out a Shiv Lingam out of an exotic rock. However, under acid rains the Shiv Lingam will preserve its form whereas the chalk statue will corrode. *Art is dependent on the observer, but settling on "good enough" should not be the end-goal of the design team.* ------------ - **Human beings are not born to become bots and this business model needs to be invoked to prove this important point to the universe.** Every worker needs to be **passionate, artistic, competitive and determined** to invoke the best possible effort. The effort a worker puts in will be a testament of their skills and knowledge. Hunger for money is detrimental which is why humans who are interested in "climbing the ladder" or "bulking their pockets" should be discouraged from joining the company as these people are no better than "industrial resources". Deserving a "fat package" has nothing to do with showing off art because the worker is focused on being an artist instead of being a banker. ------------ - Candidates who have "families to feed" or dream of being "millionaires" or "switched for better package" are the people who are a misfit in this business model. Talented people and geniuses who flamboyantly showcase their skills by waving costly certificates need to be put to test by explaining why they would not be paid according to the "industry standards". Ideal artists, who will ignore the numbers for the responsibility are the ones truly worthy and with time, they'll become indispensable. **Thinkers need to be employed instead of bots interested in cash and promotion.** ------------ A human body is a work of art to the extent that human beings have not been able to understand comprehensively how exactly it works. The body can withstand a variety of temperatures, has a high mobility, is capable of handling physical and mental load, use mechanisms to report inconsistencies in physiology(inflammation, reflexes etc) and heal itself using inbuilt biological mechanisms that learn with time. Human bodies grow and adapt, and is dependent on organic nutrition for continuity. As opposed to a cybernetic / synthetic / prosthetic being, a human body is much more fluid. Sophistication is not in machine but in organic beauty that automatically updates reliably because it takes a longer time to perfect itself. Good things take time, which is useful as obscene mutations are ugly. Why should the consciousness residing in a perfectly crafted human body want to exist like a bot? The standard industrial workforce depends upon appreciation emails from the upper management that is an example of mere corporate formality. Salary hikes per switch, promotions after a certain period in the industry and self-advertisement for an impeccable online profile are the plagues infesting the minds of today's workforce. This is the trend, and it has been so since the era of industry which makes the work delivered to have **zero value** in the long run as the effort was provided mostly to make money by the majority. Some good has come out of it, but most of it ends up harming the Earth. Congratulations to ideators who used the industrial mules to get their names etched in history as frontiers of digital progress. **Instead of creating art, humanity has ended up preaching a toxic pattern which it cannot break out of because bank balance, status, investments, social outreach and statistical progress matters more in a society predominated by like-minded individuals.** Work delivered should be worth preserving, it should be beautiful and perfect. Instead of hurling corporate lingo in conversations like investment, metrics, deadlines, sprints and equity the focus should be on **empowering people to take work personally. The time being invested is personal, and no amount of money should be able to buy that.** Teams should constantly brainstorm improvements and discuss about future enhancements, efficient implementations. Each member should be a personal stakeholder in the company, and not just labourers employed to complete a set of instructions. This is genuine labour that equates to creation of art which humans conveniently kicked out as money polluted minds, creating bots out of beings.
