“room” by Crisalys
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 100%

    I can't place all of them:

    Boss CS-1 --> ? --> ? --> MXR Micro Chorus --> TC Pipeline Tremolo --> EQD Rainbow Machine

  • Me at Akron Pride yesterday with a spicy flag
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 94%

    I'm a bit dense... What are those supposed to be? Rifles with bayonets?

    Is there a significance to the number? (I think I counted 15?)

  • “Apple Music launches a Discovery Station to help you find new songs”
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 100%

    I miss human DJ's.

    To be more specific, I miss the left-of-the-dial 11pm variety.

    And Shoutcast-style radio with live DJ's. I still spin up a stream every now and then, but it's not the same as it used to be.

  • Banner proposal (AI made, more in the comments)
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 92%

    For proposal #4 it decided that the trees needed tiddies.

  • No one will notice…
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 100%

    "Beautiful back yard, just make sure to wear your respirator so you don't inhale the demonic miasma that was ground zero for the zombie outbreak."

  • [RECIPE] Neiman Marcus Cookie Recipe Chain Letter
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 80%

    This came through the HP email ... It is being typed word for word

    Even in 1994 on Windows 3.11, this was ridiculous.

  • Paying YouTube for views on your channel
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 100%

    the content seemed to be less visible even to his subscribers

    Am I the only one who still uses the subscriptions page? I get a chronological list of all my subscribed channel's video releases. I have seen zero indication that I'm missing anything at all, and I fairly frequently go to channel's pages to check that my subscription list is complete.

    I've never clicked a single notification bell, and don't rely on the home page's recommendations/sorting, unless I'm actively seeking out new recommendations.

  • Does anyone here harvest rainwater?
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 100%

    Theoretically it's to help aquifer recharging, but it feels a bit misguided when directed to homeowner gardens, which are far more environmentally beneficial than the amount of roof runoff they would be temporarily diverting.

  • Anon hates Pepsi
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 96%

    When I was in high school in the 90's, we had a soda machine that was owned by the school, and had all the different brands - Coke, Pepsi, RC, etc.

    One year, they took out the old, independent machines and replaced them with Pepsi machines that were owned by either Pepsi Co or some nameless vendor. They only contained Pepsi brand products - Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc.

    At first we were annoyed, but eventually... I'm now a Pepsi guy for life. I drastically prefer it to Coke or anything else.

    At the time, their ad slogan was "The Choice of a New Generation" - And they ensured that by making contracts favorable to school district's bottom lines in a successful attempt to groom me into being a Pepsi guy.

    And it worked. I was groomed, and I still abide by my programming to this day, even while being fully aware of it.

    If you think you're immune to corporate programming because you're aware of it and are a skeptic at heart - you aren't.

  • True or False?
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 100%

    The mad lady is also pointing with her thumb, which is surprisingly off-putting. And I love how the sleeve melds into the arm, that's fashionable.

  • The Hyperloop was never meant to be built. Elon Musk admitted it was all about fueling opposition to California’s high-speed rail project so it would get canceled.
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 94%

    The quote from that biography is "It seemed that Musk...." - Using the phrase "Musk admitted" Is quite directly a lie.

    The admission was never part of the original biography, nor the source article this is linking to. It was specifically added by the tooter, and was completely unnecessary.

  • The Hyperloop was never meant to be built. Elon Musk admitted it was all about fueling opposition to California’s high-speed rail project so it would get canceled.
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 100%

    Elon Musk admitted

    I'm not saying it isn't true, but I'm not seeing any quote from him or link to an interview or anything. Just assertions from third parties of what his motives "seem" to be.

    When you lie about shit like this, it undermines valid criticisms and makes anyone actually reading the original article question the trustworthiness of the source.

    The Hyperloop was never meant to be built. It was all about fueling opposition to California's high-speed rail project so it would get canceled.

    That is a blurb that doesn't resort to lies, and gets the same exact point across, without YOU looking like a liar.

    You don't need to lie about monsters to make them look bad. Just show facts about their monstrous actions.

    If you're spreading lies, regardless of intent, you're part of the problem, not the solution.

  • YSK alternatives to imgur for uploading your images
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 100%

    IPFS (or similar tech) is the only sustainable solution for media hosting on federated platforms.

    Permanence is important - old posts with dead media links is bad for society IMO - but we can't expect volunteer instance admins to be held responsible for something as complex and expensive as permanent media hosting.

  • Thunderbird 115 "Supernova" launched
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 75%

    Can anyone confirm whether or not it's built on Electron?

    The closest I can find is from Feb 2023, saying that at that time it would not be Electron:

    Mozilla also still plans to use the Firefox web browser as the core platform for Thunderbird. That leaves Thunderbird as one of the few cross-platform mail applications that isn’t an Electron app or based on web technologies in some way

    So possibly Electron-like but based on Firefox rather than Chromium?

  • Kbin: What is your all time favourite video game?
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 100%

    Morrowind: Nix hounds, kwama, guar... Cities made from the husks of ancient crustaceans... Fast travel networks with time consequences based on the speed of the insect you're riding inside of. Insane lore that feels like a real religion... Are you the chosen one? Is there such a thing? Have you been "chosen" or are you choosing to make it happen? Ash ghouls.

    Everything else: Deer, wolf, bear... Renaissance-era European architecture... Instantaneous fast travel with no basis in lore. Dragons.

    I'll forgive the cliff racers.

  • After September 1, 2023, all Gfycat content and data will be deleted
  • FistfulOfStars FistfulOfStars 1y ago 100%

    Just wait until the "targeted ad" bubble pops because people realize it's all a fraudulently inflated market with little to no true value.

    There will be wailing, and gnashing of teeth.
